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PhotoBucket faq and fixes

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I don't want change, you don't want change, but it seems likely that it's coming. I'm hoping that we can keep this thread for problem solving and help with the 'new' Photobucket and not to piss a moan about how fucked up it is.... (even if it is)


So, having to learn something new can be easier if we all help each other. Could be something simple and right in front of our noses, but we don't see it and just need a nudge in the right direction.



I need immediate access to my albums and fast retrieval of my photos for posting here. So I started wandering around the new site trying things out. The best way to learn is by doing and getting used to it. I downloaded a picture into my Tranny picture album... actually the wrong album but easily moved it there....SO...


How do I move a picture within an album? I clicked on the Organizer button but don't seem to be able to move it.??? and keep the answer s i m p l e.

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Ahhh.....still no clue...lol

I tried to drag and drop a pic into another position....no workie


How many pics in Album????


Last resort if no options....

You could start another Album with pics placed in a more appropriate position...but.....much pain in ass.

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Just go somewhere else Datzenmike, and leave that acct. open, they pulled down all the ways of leaving public feedback at that site, and the FAQ thread also, they are only interested in facebook and the like with Ipods and such.

I found out how to post multiple photos, but you have to post everything between the two photos you pick, but i suppose that might be a way of getting ones photos out of there without having to do it one at a time though.


I am using picasa now, laecaon knows a way to be able to post multiple photos from that site, I just have not had him explain it to me yet, he will likely have to come to my house to fix it for me.

I am not sure if picasa is going to be better yet, but having pages endlessly loading like photolame does is not going to work.


What we at Ratsun need is our own way of hosting photos that doesn't get changed, that way a thread explaining how to post photos can be pinned again.


I am sorry, but there were hundreds of people asking all sorts of questions, and there were no answers coming from PB, I only figured out how to post multiple photos from one of the users that was complaining/leaving, and I was reading every one of the comments, there is a lot of unsatisfied people out there ATM.

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Let me guess, you clicked a photo and then held Shift and clicked another?


Try Ctrl. It selects photos individually. So just hold Ctrl and click the photos your want.


As far as reorganizing inside the album, I couldnt find it, dont think its possible.

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I just tried what the guy on the FAQ thread said to do, you cannot get IMG codes that way, so it doesn't work, I also tried sending several photos to my self to see if I could save them to my computer, that doesn't work either, one at a time, but I was able to send all of them between the two highlighted boxes, but to save them, it would have to be done one at a time.

I am able to get a IMG code now without it taking 4 to 5 steps for one photo.

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Uploaded some pics to Fhotofucket last nite and couldn't find them, usually they're at the top of the 'list'.....where the fuck did they go?

Yup...at the bottom of the 800 pic 'list'..... :wacko:

So...it was time to make some (more) albums, which sucked big time.


With the old format we had pages which made it somewhat easy to locate pics, being that they were in sequence relative to being 'uploaded'

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Well...after moving all my pictures to albums for easier access, they are now MIA

Every pic I ever posted is gone, except a few pics after I made the albums

Have to go back in FhotoFUCK and grab the 'new' image code and repost



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Well...after moving all my pictures to albums for easier access, they are now MIA

Every pic I ever posted is gone, except a few pics after I made the albums

Have to go back in FhotoFUCK and grab the 'new' image code and repost




You broke the links when you moved them, never move a photo, just copy it and put the copy where you want it, then you will have one you can find, and the other will still work with the old posts.

BTW, do not cancel your acct. with photolame, you will lose all your photos/links that way also.

I would suggest starting another photo hosting acct. somewhere else, I just leave that photolame acct. alone, and am trying not to do something that will piss them off and give them cause to close my acct.

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Ya.....well.....I realize that now....lol

It's not like I moved them to Joe Blows Web Store, just to an album within their site.

Which was somewhat a must working with their 'new and improved' format

I was more wary/concerned of deleting pics which created some MIA pics with the old format.


Was cruising the new site and I guess you can now delete pics without any breaks in the links????

Who knows.....


Now....I'll be able to grab those links/pics lickety split...being that they are in handy individual/categorized albums.

Instead of weeks....maybe just days reposting all those pics....woot




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I know this is a Photobucket thread, but just a knowledge point for the day. When using Flicker, the albums are "soft albums" if you will. They are used to organize aesthetically for you, but are not used to generate a link. What that means is that you can move images around in all sorts of albums (and even put pictures in more than one album) and you wont break the links youve put out. 

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I just went to the new bullshit photobucket site.  You can still upload multiple files at once with the control key pressed.  Super easy.  Browsing through one album sucks.  Not having the HTML or Vbulletin code available when mousing over pictures sucks, but yes, click the stupid gear next to the stupid facebook and twitter bullshit and click links or whatever, and it will display a code to copy and paste into the forum.  It's not that bad, just the old version was better.  It probably took a lot more architecture for the old site and wasn't as friendly for stupid social media, excluding actual helpful social media, like kick-ass Datsun sites. ;)

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I have Flik....for some reason I had issues on copying the image code by itself,...?...... been a while.

Most likely a noob issue....which also recently reared its head at a FhotoFuck.


Apparently I missed a few 'company memos'............. :lol:

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I have Flik....for some reason I had issues on copying the image code by itself,...?...... been a while.

Most likely a noob issue....which also recently reared its head at a FhotoFuck.


Apparently I missed a few 'company memos'............. :lol:


There were not any memos, they just said we had 28 days(what a joke, maybe they meant 28 hours), and then forced everyone into the lame format without warning, but it's their site to change how they want I guess, but I am sure that they are going to end up in court, as people paid for the old format just recently, and now have this lame format, and they want their money back, and no one is listening, or they are just ignoring them.

They pulled down that thread also when someone mentioned "class action suit", so I guess someone is listening, they are just ignoring everyone.

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