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oregon sherrif says mo way to vp biden

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Shit isnt going to actually pass because there is no support but if it does it will be enforced. If not by these sheriffs then by who ever replaces them. Federal>State>County, its in the same constitution as the 2nd amendment. 


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Lane county sheriff came out and release basically the same letter.. but said he would not send it to the white house.. he was going to send it to lane county residents.



January 17, 2013

To Lane County Residents:

The Sandy Hook shooting has prompted many recent discussions regarding gun control in the United States.  Our own state of Oregon suffered a shooting at Clackamas Town Center in the Portland area last December and many of us remember with great clarity the murder of Officer Chris Kilcullen in April of 2011, and the Thurston High School shooting that occurred over a decade ago, killing four and injuring more than 20.

In response to Lane County residents’ many inquiries, I wanted to provide you with my stance on the issue. 

As the Sheriff of Lane County, I have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the laws of the State of Oregon.  I have upheld that oath for 31 years as a law enforcement officer in our community.  While I understand the sense of urgency on behalf of citizens, I believe that any reaction, decision or response to issues that impact the rights of all people should be done so without haste and after careful consideration.  Ultimately it is the Supreme Court, not any individual, that determines the constitutionality of any law. 

As a member of the law enforcement community, I am supportive of our lawmakers evaluating the recent tragedies and engaging in discussions on how we can avoid the loss of more lives in the future.  It would be irresponsible if we didn’t consider ways in which to make our Country safer.  As law enforcement providers, we are tasked with conserving the peace and ensuring preservation of life.

As the details of the President's proposal emerge over the coming days, there will be many discussions on whether improvements can be made to increase public safety while upholding the Constitution and following the laws of our Country. 

I remain committed to the preservation of the law, to the protection of life, and to you as residents of Lane County.  We will continue to work together as a country, and as a county, to make our home a safer place to live.

Our primary focus here in Lane County needs to be on strengthening our failing public safety system.  We must continue to work together to make Lane County a safer place to live.  As your Sheriff, I ask for your support.  


Thomas M. Turner

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Shit isnt going to actually pass because there is no support but if it does it will be enforced. If not by these sheriffs then by who ever replaces them. Federal>State>County, its in the same constitution as the 2nd amendment. 



very very true. but I do hope it doesnt pass

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Kinda sounds to me like he doesnt really want to say his position one way or another. To all you who live here in lane co or surrounding area this saturday at the hilyard center ghere will be a open conference with the community and the sherriffs dept where you will be able to ask anything you may want to know about the position of the sherrifs office just show up. Not completly sure about time but a quick google search will tell ya

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Ya I dont want it to pass either, the whole thing is bullshit. Did you guys watch that nbc video where they confirm he didnt even bring the rifle into the school? They found FOUR fucking hand guns however. i mean we all know what should be done then..... assault weapon ban. 

Political scum bags using a school shooting to pass their own agendas. 


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Ya I dont want it to pass either, the whole thing is bullshit. Did you guys watch that nbc video where they confirm he didnt even bring the rifle into the school? They found FOUR fucking hand guns however. i mean we all know what should be done then..... assault weapon ban. 


Political scum bags using a school shooting to pass their own agendas. 





yeah I saw that..

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ibtl.....guns kill people


Cars kill people

Doctors kill people

Alcohol kills people

Electricity kills people

Paint kills people

Electric tools kill people

Sledgehammers kill people..

oh wait.. none of these things can reason and actually kill people. People kill people.

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You guys know that assault weapons are a luxury item and in these hard times sales are probably down so what better way to boost sales than release as much " us " against "them" propaganda as possible to up sales...  BTW there was already an assault rifle ban in the past and if you guys knew anything about goverment you would know even if they pass a law it will expire ..





If guns kill people you might as well blame your pen for your shitty handwriteing


Or your spell check



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i think if you wanna stop gun violence you have to step up the punishment.........taking away guns is like taking away the ability to get screens for pipes for pot smokers....im all for a eye for a eye we waste so much money dealing with and convicting these people....just take themn out on a tv channel and shoot them .... the people they killed didn't get a choice or a fair trael they just got shot ....call it barbarick if you want but the initial act is the barbaric part....once people see they get to die instantly once there caught they will stop killing people....school shooting and other public shootings are just a cry for attention....the only reason those things happen is cause some neglected kid or what not feels they need to do the next thing to make sure there noticed... now we have resulted in a elementary school shooting......sad really ..whats next preschools or maternity wards....people are just fucked up .......its sad that we glamorize the likes of this crap the more we move farther from a solution......its not video games or shit they see ontv ....that's a cop out and a attempt to deflect you away from the real reasons...its just sad ....


u know what pisses me off more than the seahawks not kicking a fucking field goal in the first half at any point...... the glamorization of ray lewis .... that fucker shouldnt even be in pro sports .... i am of the opinion that if your a pro athlete and u get in trouble of the law boom your immediately suspended indefinitely...u shouldn't get your cushy million dollar job if you cant keep your name and involvement out of a murder case...to me it doesn't matter you are obstructing or the one who did it,   there's no way your name being involved in a case like that should u ever retain your job ... no of us would....its just blasphemous and send the complete wrong image....

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You guys know that assault weapons are a luxury item and in these hard times sales are probably down so what better way to boost sales than release as much " us " against "them" propaganda as possible to up sales...  BTW there was already an assault rifle ban in the past and if you guys knew anything about goverment you would know even if they pass a law it will expire ..






Or your spell check



thank you naner for bringing the first real info to this thread..













side note holy shit right click on underlined words  brings up a bevy of correctly spelled words to choose from ...nioce

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The 1st "real" info? lol maybe read the rest of the thread. 
I and others also know about previous ban and how it was skirted. Idk why there is a need to condescend like your the only one who knows about laws in this country. It's a moot point, if it expires in a year or a decade it will still have immediate ramifications which is really the whole topic. What just passed in NY is a fine example. 

It is a valid point about sales, background checks broke records in like 10 states since the shooting. Though I'm sure its not intentional but a by product of the situation, just like a "bevy" lol of other things that are also a result of the shooting(s) and proposed legislation. Another is the NRA's donations have gone through the roof. 

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