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Hey guys, the Datsun were looking good in the photo...some of the cars look familar (Skips, Steve, Qtip, and the red 510 with the black top...I seen him in the Olympia car show) B)


Hey whats up buddy! Long time no see... glad to see you still kicking around. Hope all is well in the Great White North. 

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Guest LoneWolf

Hi Tristin, how goes it? How's your 510 doing? looks like you guys had a pretty good turn out for your meet up...smart to meet in underground covered area because its winter time...my 510 has been in winter storage... I've been kinda busy, I just seen a posting that Dave is going to do the Datsun Matsuri Event in Kelowna again this year...so I'm just starting to plan for than today...Kelowna has alot of other events/venues going on that long weekend aswell and ALL the Hotels book up 100% completely...not sure when the next time I'll be going to USA, but If Russell puts on another show at Bruce Titus Nissan Dealerrship in Olympia I will be there for sure. :thumbup:  Cheers

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Guest LoneWolf

Hi Tristan, I went to Canby Oregon last year...it was pretty cool...you don't ever seen that many Datsun all together like that on a field of grass like at the Canby Show...It's a little too early to say if I'm going to be there in Oregon...I'll keep you posted if I go to the Canby Event in the summertime... but it kinda looks like Kelowna may be my next Datsun road trip...I've been to the Canby before and I recommend it for any Datsun Owner who has never gone there....its worth checking out....Dave Bothell puts on a good event in Canby Oregon....  Kelowna Event is happening in May/2013 and its also worth going too. 

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Guest LoneWolf

Hi Jrock, well I'm not sure about the meeting on Feb23rd...These days when I go to America (USA) I'm EXTREMLY picky as to what show's and meet ups I go to...I went to a meet up before in Washington and 85% of the guys there were a really great bunch of guys :thumbup: ...but there was 3 losers from Ratsun who I don't like and those guys also post their Meet Ups in USA aswell....now I don't know one person in the whole world that would accept driving their vehicle to USA Datsun Meet Up to have the vehicle damaged by a couple Ratsun members...I know who they are, those three guys are just a bunch of douchbags!  But the Canby Show is great! I encourage other Datsun owners to attend the Canby in the summertime...I had fun at Canby 2012...also Russell Moore and Bruce Titus Dealership also put on a GREAT Car Show.Meet up in Olympia Washington(Great Guys)...but thanks for the envite Jrock....I'm not sure but I think I met you once(not sure)....But Dillon, Qtip, Tristan, Skip, Steve are all cool(and there friend with the black roof on his red 4 door 510 is anice guy) :thumbup: ,  and I'm sure there is  a few more Datsun guys that are cool to hang out with too. Unfortunately some senior members on here actually help one of those douchbags damage my car! To be honest to everyone, I kinda think that crap only happens in USA because...I drive my Datsun to alot, ALOT of shows and I have never had people damage my car like those Yanks at Carl's Junior...regaurdless, I hope you guys have another awesome turn out in Olympia B)

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So now you hate all but a couple of us "yank ratsun guys" ?? Yes all those guys you mentioned are good people,,, but i can also guarantee you if any you snowbats bring your car to Jrocks and it gets messed with i will personally hold them down while you run over their head with Jrocks 5 ton delivery truck.... not sure if Kelowna is in the cards this year as it is 4 1/2 hours north of the border, which ends up almost 9 hours for us,,, but hope to see you around sometime..

BTW,,,,,, me and my son ( FAT510 )were switching a member Cdub`s 240z from auto to 5speed on the Olympia show day..

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Guest LoneWolf

Hi Bananahamuck, yeah I met a bunch of cool Ratsun guys at a few meet ups in USA B) .... only 3 guys were losers...majority were cool and thanks buddy(bananahamuck) for NOT supporting anyone to damage ANYONE vehicles regaurless of where they are from...its just wrong!!!  I got over $25,000 put into my 510...she's a true beauty...Everyone in USA always likes seeing my 510, and I just got another first place trophy in September 2012. I'll see all you RATSUN guys again...not sure when I'll be in USA again...Kelowna will mostly likely be my next Datsun Event to go to and it's a great Car Show, yeah your right it is a long drive for some of you in USA residents, but its a 4 hour drive from Vancouver B.C to Kelowna for me too...its always fun to go away for a weekend getaway...just drive slowly and don't drive your vehicles hard...take it nice and easy and enjoy the ride :thumbup:  oh yeah Canby Oregon was awesome last year 2012 , I saw Dillon there at the Canby :-) and that Olympia show was awesome too, it was a super hot sunny day at Russell Moore, Bruce Titus dealership Show and cool bunch of Datsun guys to hang out with :-)

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Wait wut ...... Three ratsun members damaged your 510 .... How and what happened and secondly who.... Ratsun never appreciate anonimity....put them on blast..... That's not right and I'm sure we can make a special roped off spot for u..... I could let u be a featured car and park in the shop for viewing if u feel better about that

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Guest LoneWolf

LOL, JRock, thanks so much for having my "back".....its very much appreciated :-)   I most likely will not be at your guys next meet up....Because I planning on going to Knox Mountain Datsun Matsuri Car Show in Kelowna B.C... Its crazy, its 3 months away for the Datsun Matsuri and most of the cheaper Hotels are already booked up... But thank you very much for the envitation to come to your DatsunMeet Up.... My 510 is in Winter Storage right now, the roads have been kinda salty from the early morning black ice...when the weather improves in a couple months I'll be driving my Datsun again.

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For those that don't know,or probably give a damn, Pumpkin Dave took our best of show award, not only was it because his car was the only one with a miniature record player on board, an eagle of freedom hood ornament a set of skeleton keys hanging in style on the rear tow hook and some styled out pinstriped taillights.But also because of his great attitude  and demeanor that earned him the award. Don't tell him or it will go to his head. He thinks it was all his car.




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Our "Longest Haul" award was given to a Canadian (Did not get your name) who crossed the boarder for our groovy little meet. His BRE inspired car made the long trip with no problems. Hope he made it home just as safe. Thanks for making the haul and looking forward to seeing your progress on the car.




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