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Datsun B310 turbo coupe, A15 project


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Alright guys, picture time :)



It was finally time for installing these piston rings!


After some heavy lubricating and a helpful use of piston ring compressor, i managed to survive of this hazardous operation, cheers!


Btw, i'm sorry for using too much flash.. But here you go, just look at that, ah, so clean, washed and ARP bolts there tightened and keeping this together!


Just look at this, yum! So sweet, all 4 in and ready to roll! Yea and they all have that power coating on them, so that's why there is that white colour.


And it was totally worth it, now all bearings are perfectly pushed to their desired places in a perfect lane!. Btw, don't seriously do it on your own, going to be horrible...


And here is just a quick look up what's it going to be like (like you haven't seen a motor before). And i might add a picture what was the motor before this20130630_212020_by_atomicsickness-d6bdqt

Looks like a motor, ye? Oh and the power washer was so devastating so it rip off all of my bad painting spots so i need to re-paint them... But nothing big :)


Damn that Nissan logo just looks awesome, don't u agree? no? well hmph..



Here's a photo just to convince you guys that i have made some progress, haha.



So... I might get engine assembled by next weekend and i need order some new parts again! (megasquirt etc...). And we'll see how it turns out with that intake mess we need to figure out!

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Sup, this thread is me talking to myself, but it's okay, haha..


More pics, if someone is interested~



Some glass ball blasting again, half way done.


Polished up...


And the finished product, tadaa!... I'm considering that i should not build distributor as it was, because with megasquirt i can have full electronic BOSCH distributor. And this old part is just going to stand there and look nice, haha. I might think something other use for this, we'll see.



And sorry folks, one shipment from Australia wasn't complete, without this part i can't go forward with engine build. I'm missing one brass cap for my engine block. It's straight behind the camshaft. If someone could measure it properly, i would appreciate it! .

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Got my build up and running again!





It's time to do something! Finally! So i inserted the camshaft to its desired place


Then i found the missing core plug!! Its diameter is 45mm from outher edges. The bigger one below is 50mm.


Here i just inserted the chain and it's important that you align those 2 dots together so the engine is synchronized.


Sorry.. My hand are little bit shaky, dunno why :S but i inserted my new bolts there and timing plate + new water pump


And i got an idea for my old intake. So i removed the carb. And made that little square there so i would make a bigger hole for air intake. What i'm planning to do here, is that i'm going to insert pressure chamber above this instead of carburetor. BECAUSE, this intake is water cooled!!! So after the intercooler, i would still be able to cool some of the heated  air before it goes to the engine, clever, eh? And no extra holes needs to be drilled, because this is original :) All i need to do is get new hoses for  this because the old ones were so crappy...


Here is the intake, and below the intake holes, you can see a small watercooling port (I assume) :D


Blaa blaa~


So here is the bigger intake hole for the air, fuel will be added later than this hole. I'm going to use one guide that i have in my bookmarks, i may share it with u...

http://forum.diyefi.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=421 <--- there u go :)


And here is the intake after some glass ball blowing


Looks nice, eh? And for those little screw holes, i'm planning to do rail mounts for the fuel rail, we'll see how it ends.




Alrighty, more pictures next week. I think it is soon time for buying megasquirt and some pipes for custom exhaust system. But before i start doing anything, i need to do some calculations and reading maximum boost ^^ Cheers!

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Sup guys, made some research on intake manifolds for turbo applications. So i used this site to calculate my engine airflow for intake http://www.widman.biz/English/Calculators/CFM.html

And the difference is of course HUGE. without turbo it's going to take 168CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute). And with turbo 368 CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute). And this is approx. Engine size 1488cc And max RPM is set to 7000.


With this value i can calculate right throttle throat for my build. So the maximum air velocity of approximately 300 ft/sec will keep flow losses acceptable. And i got best results with 50mm carb (281 ft/sec) Any bigger and any smaller would cause less airflow into the chamber. And I can have that from from Saab 9000(it is using same throttle for turbo and non-turbo, at least i found it on ebay)


As for the plenum volume, it should be a function of engine displacement -- in general, 50-70%.

So in my case 1.488 x 1.5 = 2.232 liters


So i took 2 liter soda bottle and made this little body for my intake manifold


Made it like this, because now all the air is going to sucked through to end of the plenum as u can see here. And i made sure that my intake hole in the middle, which i made last time is bigger than the throttle body is going to be. So no back pressure there.


Yea it doesn't seem straight because tape wont hold it all, haha. I need to make mount for this too...



In the next episode... We'll see if i can make this plenum ready and then i need to wait for the throttle body. After that i need to hunt some fuel injectors! 

Edited by Atomic
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Found nice injectors http://www.ebay.com/itm/4-NEW-Bosch-EV14-310cc-Fuel-Injectors-/370458260686?pt=Race_Car_Parts&hash=item56410874ce&vxp=mtr

They got bosch connectors, and that is very important! Because my megasquirt kit is going to include bosch connectors. So they're just snap in. And these injectors are suitable for most fuel types ''Alcohol, gasoline, E10 (Ore.) or E85.''


When i get those, i can finally start to modify my intake manifold. we'll see how it turns out! I think i'll be going out for now, gotta make that plenum :)

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Adding photos, i guess it's just that i can remember what i'm doing,lol. This thread is pretty dead...



Drew some pictures based on the original manifold...


Gonna scan them on my computer on scale 1:1 and add them here, if someone wants to use it or something... Going to send these then to the factory and they're going to cut me some nice flanges.


Plenum is looking like this, it's getting late 12 AM, tired... I might continue tomorrow


More plenum parts



I might continue working with brake and suspension system tomorrow, i need to add some finishing touches.

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oikia meininki B)  aika harvinainen malli suomessa. itellä on b310 2d sedan -79 L18 koneella.

Juu, alkaa loppumaan muutenkin maailmalta kyseiset mallit :D Ja mukavaa nähdä suomalaisiakin täällä

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  • 3 months later...



So this topic has been dead for months and that's because of my studies. I don't have much time for this build anymore as school takes more time. And i ordered some parts from ebay but they didn't even arrived, so motor is just standing in the garage. I still need to weld my plenum and order some parts but i don't currently have any left over money to spend (megasquirt is around 800 euros). So yeah...


I got a question for those who are still following this topic: where do i found shock-absorbs by size?  (height and thickness)


Till next holiday then --->

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This is a nice project.


Have some friends in Sweden building a Datsun Cherry.


An alternative to studying and working on the car is to join the auto body class or a mechanics class. Then you will be able to work on your car at school.

Thank you :)


I'm currently at High School and I'm going to University of Applied Sciences or what is called :D Anyway, i'm planning to graduate as mechanic(I hope). But yeah, i have considered that option :)

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Thank you :)


I'm currently at High School and I'm going to University of Applied Sciences or what is called :D Anyway, i'm planning to graduate as mechanic(I hope). But yeah, i have considered that option :)

Missäspähän päin Suomea tämä yksilö on? :D

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I can't believe it... I thought I payed my ARP bolt kit on ebay, but for some reason it didn't sent them the money. And that's why my motor project has been standing alone in the garage..(I waited for 2 months them to arrive) Geez, I will order them again and make sure that i have them! 



Shit happens, hahhah :D

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Sup everybody. I will order some double valve springs and valve seats for them + arp head stud kit. Should arrive in 2 weeks :) I will continue the making of the plenum next weekend, or maybe tomorrow ;) We'll see. 

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