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who here has body dropped ANYTHING and do you have pics?

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You could take out the rubber spacers where it joins the frame mounts, maybe drop an inch, that's it. It will be sitting on the frame and will rattle and ride like shit without the rubber isolation. Only other thing is 'channeling' which involves cutting large grooves in the cab floor to allow the frame to sit up inside the cab as it is lowered down. Same idea as the transmission hump in the floor but with the frame rails inside. Forget it!!! Right now! The valve cover will hit the underside of the hood. This is for Lead Sled '49 Fords.


Lower it with a suspension drop.

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The rear leaf springs not only support the vehicle weight vertically but equally important, in a lateral way. Without enough springs the body will shift sideways on top of the rear axle. possibly shoving the expensive tires into the frame on one side or chewing them up or the wheel well, on the other.


Also with lowering, there is risk of bottoming out (duh) and with a reduced number of springs the suspension is softer and will travel further down on a dip. 720 4X4 springs are the same length, half the arch and with an extra leaf are stiffer. Also after 20 years have sagged a bit too.

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so what if i bought a new monoleaf and replaced the one on the truck, would that be better? i just want to sit low, i will never haul anything but ass, lol. why can other trucks do it and not me? are our trucks different or is it just bad practice all together?

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Why are you even thinking about this option? There are allot of 620's that are slammed to the ground with the stock leafs. Otherwise why don't you just get over it, bag the damn thing and quit with the Thousand F-ing threads about lowering your 620.:fu:


I also second the search thing, and go look for the thread "how to bag your 620"

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i dont want to bag yet.....just drop as low as possible. i am pretty well aware of the bag option, and i know where search is, but there isn't much on the whole BD on this site, and nissancustoms.com is all hard bodies.....also, how do i slam to the ground with stock leafs!?!

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No offense dude, but a body drop is a pretty invovled thing to try to tackle. I've seen your other treads (I mean this in the nicest way possible, for real.) I dont think you ready to do this. Think about it, you could render your truck useless in a matter of hours if you dont know what your doing.


I do have some pics of my truck (521), which is body dropped. But i wasnt the one who body dropped, although i wish i would have been. I'm ashamed to even put the pics up of that though. I guess it would be a good "what not to do" haha!


Good luck man.


BTW, i mono-leafed my nissan hardbody a few years ago. If you deside to go that route, i recommend the old school air shock method. You shouldnt really use them to support the full weight of you truck but if you just use them to give you a little lift out of driveways, speed bumps, etc. It should be ok. And they are pretty cheap. like $80 if i remember right. But remember you are going to bottom out on EVERYTHING and it will ride like crap.

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to be honest if you have not even seen one being done, or know anyone who has accomplished it to help you along the way. You might want to pay to have it done properly. It is very involved and one wrong cut and the truck is toast.

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okay, so yo wanna body drop the truck on a static suspension drop? i dont get your logic, guy.


youd be an idiot to bodydrop a truck without having it bagged, or at least the frame layin flat on the ground.


if you want it low, bag it. period. dont be an idiot.

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You can drop the ass end by flipping your rear leaves upside down.... it rides like shite though. If you do this take your rear leaf pack apart and stack the leaves opposite of stock, so that the smallest leaf is still on the bottom and curving in the same way as the main leaf. Use a new spring pin bolt thingy (cant remember what its called... center pin???) Ive seen people reuse them on other rigs, and Ive also seen people with their rear axle sitting at a 45 degree angle bitching about defective crap when in reality it was just a 35+ year old bolt that was bound to break.


safety wise... this is REALLY IMPORTANT!!!!... use two c-clamps to hold the springs together when you take them apart, one on each side of the pin. You might get away without them but seriously, is it worth it? Think catapault with your face in the way or a baseball bat to a watermelon, it only takes 2 extra minutes to play it safe.

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been lurking for a while and figured I'd chime in on this one.


I body dropped a Mazda a few years back. Well, I re-body dropped it. The kid I bought it from messed it up pretty good so I ended up redoing most all of what he did.


And I took a lot of pictures.




It's really not that hard. With some basic skills, tools and knowledge you can get it done.


First off plan, plan, plan, plan. Think over those cuts. You're basically cutting out the floor and moving it up so think about what's going to match up the best and require minimal patching when you're done.


Don't cut straight across the back wall. It leaves a nasty scar and the ribs don't always line up. Scribe a line up the back wall that matches the contour of the floor and cut out the bottom of the back wall. That way you're welding the back wall down to the floor. Your welds are hidden under seam sealer.


Dropping the front frame horns is probably the hardest part. Depends on how the truck is configured. Sometimes you can cut the frame mounts off of the rails and lower them, other times you have to Z the frame. Frame Z's might get funky with the strut rods. I don't remember.


Bed might be hard if it's a single wall bed. Not sure how people usually do those. Maybe drill out all the spot welds and move the floor up.


It's not rocket science. Just study up and take your time.


There was also a great thread somewhere on http://www.nissancustoms.com/forum.php detailing a body drop on a Hardbody with great pics.


Have at it man. It's a lot of fun!

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