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Considering engine swap


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Uh... B310 (210) is also hydraulic clutch....I believe only some non-US 1200's had the cable clutch for the A series stuff.


Yeah, no idea where he got that info. All US cars had hydraulic clutches. Only Japanese/Aussie cars had cable clutches.


Now there is one problem in that vein. The B210 4spd (and 1200 4spd) have the clutch slave on the "wrong" side. You'll need to replace the hard line from the clutch master to the clutch slave to move it to the other side of the trans tunnel.

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Whats the deal with the 510 x member? Not that I cant get one, I know where a 510 fourdoor is getting parted out, but why change?


The motor mounts on the B210 crossmember are offset, and are different heights. There are no OEM options for easily bolting the motor in. If you keep the B210 crossmember you'll be fabricating your own engine brackets to bolt it in.


If you use the 510 crossmember (which bolts right into the car) it has the correct motor mounts that are equal height and spacing. With this, the engine brackets from the donor truck (hopefully they are still on the engine?) and the 510 rubber isolators, it will bolt right in (once you've modified the pan).


In short = 510 crossmember makes it all easy, B210 crossmember makes it more work but doable. If you are indeed "a little lazy" as you said, spend the money for the easier option. B)

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New to 210/B210 stuff.


Most of the cars I've been looking at was Japanese stuff

Don't know where all the good American 210 stuff is.

While searching for info I found LOTS of cable/hydro conversion stuff.

My assumption; my bad.


As far as support for the A series, its out there.

It just all happens to be in Japan.



Good luck whichever way you go.

I think your potential for fun is stronger with an L than a Z24.


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The reason I am interested in a swap is because of power and parts availability. Power goes without saying why, Im sure idiots in Hondas sporting fart can mufflers annoy everyone else as much as they annoy me. Parts availability I have noticed on the A14 is nonexistant used and very slim from parts stores, at least here anyway. But everywere seems to have alternators, belts, clutches, and such for 720 pickups...partially why I am running a 720 alternator on my B210.


what are you having trouble finding for an A series? ive never had an issue. i mean, you may have to special order them but they are still out there. plus there is always rock auto.

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Ok so i popped the hood, grabbed a frashright, rolled in the dirt some and got a good look at the car. I see what is being said about the steering linkage. Got a good look at the x member motor mount pads too. I see the slave cylinder is on the drivers side and somebody maybe the factory, was kind enough to have a hose on it at the end, so a union, a piece of line, no prob.


This car looks alot like a MoPar underneath...its funny.


Anyway, I go to the parts store and tell them what kind of car i have, and they look at me like I have three heads. So I explain it is under Nissan, and they only get more confused. Except for one fat kid that immediately yells, "You have a 510?!!!??" and I have to reiterate B210. ANyway, the only response I get is, not in the warehouse, cant get it, dont have a listing, might be here in two days, might take a month, they dont know, and the Weber carb only confuses them more. Alternator? not happening.... Voltage regulator? Cant get that eitehr. Brake master? Might be a week, might be a month, might be next year. Kit for the stock Hitachi carb? I could get one shipped via pack mule from some dung hut in Botswana, no idea how long it will take.


Other than the one B210 I had marked at my buddy's junkyard to keep it from getting crushed, well his dad went and crushed it without noticing the GIANT yellow X on every side of it, the only B210 specific parts I have gotten is wheel cylinder kits.


Anyway, I will probably stick with the existing x member, because the 510 getting parted out is four hours away, so a little welding only makes sense there.


So motor and trans, modify oil pan, modify motor mount pads, a couple little things here and there, and it should be in there...

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ive got an oreillys alternator, they even had it in-stock at the store i bought it from. you can get hitachi reman carbs from nationalcarburetors. there is a NOS a12 hatachi on ebay right now for 150$.


im all for a swap, i wish i had the know-how and money to put in a ka24. ill im saying is the parts are there, you just have to look for them.

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Ok I just wikipedia=d my brain out to familiarize with all these engine callouts and differences. KA24 is pretty cool except for having to retrofit that pesky fuel infection. It seems I needto look hard at that engine I have and see what I can find out aboiut it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is what we were saying! ^_^


Its still a bit on the "lethargic" side though, and it still blows a cloud of smoke when I fire it up. I can go 40 in second and 60 in third before I shift, not sure of rpms without a tach, but I know by ear when i rev something too hard.


Im fixin to do a carb swap thats gonna piss everybody off

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well i was going for a 350 cfm holley 2 barrel but I lost the guys number that was selling it. Im gonna dick around with a yota 32/36 because one of my throttle shafts is super sloppy. the damn throttle linkage is different on the yoat sourced carb. Mines permanently attached to the carb on my car, the yota carb has a nut on the throttle lever...effin figures :mad:

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theyre both 32/36, the linkage is different. I was gonna say, if you wanted to make the trip I would buy that trans too. Two webers and some cash for your trans. Think on it. Id throw the stock Hitachi carb in too, condition unknown. Id am a little afraid of letting go of my stock wheels yet. I got four 280zx center caps for six spokes too. Those stock wheels are like four 13in turd pizzas but I might need em one day

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