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Alienware assembly time lapse

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After about 2 years after my good Alienware got stolen, I decided to rebuild the broken Alienware I had left over. I also wanted to attempt to make a time lapse video of it. This is my first attempt.


The Alienware Aurora M7700 D900K was a $4995 laptop in late 2007. It had the AMD FX60 desktop processor, 2gb DDR400 Ram, a pair of 100gb 7200rpm Hard drives, 17" LCD, and 7800GTX 256MB Video card. It was state of the art performance in laptops. I used it until I killed it, fixed it probably 3 different time, each time costing a ton of money. When it broke down the last time, I swapped all the somewhat working parts into the other Alienware I had and thats the one that got stolen. I still had the casing of the one I bought new. I just bought a motherboard for $180 and it only has a 7 day warranty. So this time lapse video is just the swapping of the motherboard and to see if it was good and to check my old 7800GTX video card. I have a 7950 GTX 512mb video card on the way if it ever gets here and money is holding me back from buying a new screen, hard drives, hard drive connector, power supply, and some other stuff. Owning and repairing these laptops are costly and most people won't waste the money anymore. You can buy a cheap gamer laptop for under $1000 new with warranty. The downfall to any of the new cheap laptops is that the cooling systems suck, they over heat easily. Even though this Alienware laptop is pushing over 5 years old, it still outperforms my friends new gaming laptop and this thing is a rocket doing normal things. You just can't beat an old Alienware without buying a new Alienware.



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Yea I was kinda sad to hear about Dell buying them out. I always hated Dell from bad experiences fixing old customers deadbead Dells. This particular Alienware is made by Clevo.


I cheated on buying this new. I bought a bare bones system new with 7800gtx Video card for $1100. Then I bought a dead used one for $850 that had the high resolution screen, FX60 processor, 2gb ram, and pair of 100gb hard drives. So just after it came out I had a $5000 laptop for $1950.

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Dell laptops are just flimsy. I have 3 here now, all broken... 2 busted case and lcd screen, other dead motherboard. The one dell is a customers it just needed a reload of windows, the screen is now broke and I don't know how it got broke.

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Odd. Dells have always treated me well.


But I agree, getting bought out is never good for the consumer as the quality never is maintained.


u only ever get bought out by your competition when your building to good of a product for a fair price....sucks when a good company gets bought by there competion...cause u know it will never be the same and its usually quality that u lose....dell just slaps a alienware sticker on a turd they already produce poorly...and got rid of the rest .....Its a form of monopoly thats not recognized......and utlitimately its the consumer that gets screwed ....cause we get left holding a turd with a sticker on it...I get the company that got bought is happy... cause they got overpaid most likely... and we get nothing to show for our loyalty...but a dell with a (i promise not a piece of shit) sticker on the outside...

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Cool vid man!



u only ever get bought out by your competition when your building to good of a product for a fair price....sucks when a good company gets bought by there competion...cause u know it will never be the same and its usually quality that u lose....dell just slaps a alienware sticker on a turd they already produce poorly...and got rid of the rest .....Its a form of monopoly thats not recognized......and utlitimately its the consumer that gets screwed ....cause we get left holding a turd with a sticker on it...I get the company that got bought is happy... cause they got overpaid most likely... and we get nothing to show for our loyalty...but a dell with a (i promise not a piece of shit) sticker on the outside...



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Cool, I have messed with quite a few laptops over the past few years... I always love working with the hardware.


I had a M5500 that I tried to mod to get working well, but ended up paying more money in parts than just buying a newer laptop. Also it ended up killing 3 video cards...


The downfall to any of the new cheap laptops is that the cooling systems suck, they over heat easily.


I have not heard of any newer laptop overheating, it seems most manufacturers have fixed the cooling solutions in their laptops. The worst cooling system I've ran into is in my Dell XPS 15z, which reaches nearly 90c gaming but has never hit the thermal limit.


Also "outperforms my friends new gaming laptop", it must not be a new laptop. Even low end laptops with integrated intel HD4000 can keep up and outperform a 7800GT now.

I'd love to see those benchmarks. And sure, CS1.6 isnt going to run much better on a new machine.


Maybe I'm just use to working on the latest tech hardware ..



Currently at my company we are using Lenovo laptops, they have wonderful cooling solutions and they all seem to be really solid machines, even the lower end thinkpad edge.


If you are looking for a new computer, check out originPC. They seem to have a really nice lineup of gaming machines, especially with intel's new Ivy bridge chips.

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I ran an Inspiron 9300, Pin-modded to 2.1Ghz, 2GB, 6800GO, tricked out for it's day. The LCD screen is the weakest link, neither of mine were ever recalled. I bought a parts laptop to replace the screen (went to the 1440 from the 1920) and to have some spare parts. The motherboard was the second to go, the charg port busts off the motherboard quite frequently on that chassis of laptop. Never understood why Dell went with an on-mobo charge port, much better to have that part replaceable. Unfortuante end for a laptop. It definitely wasn't a gamer, but it handled everything else I ever threw at it.


I loaded Windows 7 and it outperformed my brother's 13" inspiron. Having a dedicated graphics card makes a world of difference, even to any of the newer integrated chips. Won't have the gaming power, something 7 years old.. but, things were really smoothe. I had to retire it recently and I've had a hard time deciding on my next laptop. Either I can just buy another used one and be happy, or I can buy a new one and spend out the wazoo.


I have my eyes on a Clevo or Sager, though. I don't really game on my laptops. I have the desktop for that.

But I require that I can run photoshop without it being laggy as a 400K mile L13.

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this is my friends laptop




When he bought it new, we benchmarked them together. His scored better the first time around, then we did a repeat of 4 or 5 more. Mine benched the close to the same every time, his got worse each time. By the 2nd benchmark we evened up on score, and the 3rd his fell below mine. In exact games, mine with graphic settings set to the maximum and his set the same, his would start getting real laggy after about 30 minutes of game play. He would have to lower the settings considerably lower to keep it performing the same on average.

In desktop applications mine was very much faster in everything, mostly because the advantages of a Desktop FX60 processor in mine.


Ok I looked in my computer for an old benchmark screenshot of my Alienware



Alienware * AMD FX 60 2.6ghz Dual Core - 2gb DDR 400 - 7200RPM Sata 100gb hard drive - Nvidia 7800GTX 256MB




Abit Fatality A8nSli custom build PC - AMD FX 60 2.6ghz Dual core (the exact one from the Alienware) - 2gb DDR 400 - 74 GB 10,000 Raptor sata - Nvidia Zotac 8800GT Amp edition 512mb in SLI (2 video cards)


Alienware Laptop - firstrunonnewinstallofxpalienware.jpg

Abit PC - slicomputer.jpg


Both computers have benchmarked better I've seen the Alienware hit 86,000+ and the Abit PC hit over 100,000. According to this benchmark, the laptop is 10 frames per second slower then the desktop with 1/4 of video card ram, only 1 gpu and its a 7 series mobile nvidia.

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If I ever get the Alienware finished, I'll run more up to date benchmarks on it. I do know both these systems are not the fastest on the market, there are better laptops / desktops. I've just been impressed with this Alienware since the day I got it, no standard laptop has a chance against it and you'd have to spend some real money on a gaming laptop to top it. Also remember this is a 5 year old laptop.

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Cool, I have messed with quite a few laptops over the past few years... I always love working with the hardware.


I had a M5500 that I tried to mod to get working well, but ended up paying more money in parts than just buying a newer laptop. Also it ended up killing 3 video cards...




I have not heard of any newer laptop overheating, it seems most manufacturers have fixed the cooling solutions in their laptops. The worst cooling system I've ran into is in my Dell XPS 15z, which reaches nearly 90c gaming but has never hit the thermal limit.


Also "outperforms my friends new gaming laptop", it must not be a new laptop. Even low end laptops with integrated intel HD4000 can keep up and outperform a 7800GT now.

I'd love to see those benchmarks. And sure, CS1.6 isnt going to run much better on a new machine.


Maybe I'm just use to working on the latest tech hardware ..



Currently at my company we are using Lenovo laptops, they have wonderful cooling solutions and they all seem to be really solid machines, even the lower end thinkpad edge.


If you are looking for a new computer, check out originPC. They seem to have a really nice lineup of gaming machines, especially with intel's new Ivy bridge chips.

Its been almost two years ago since my working Alienware got stolen. I guess I should have mentioned I was referring to about 2 years ago when my friend bought his laptop new.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I've been looking at the M11x, my friend won one some how and will sell it to me. I've always liked mini laptops. I had a new one back in 2002 when people didn't know they existed. I had a Toshiba Libretto L5. People were amazed at the size, funny how things change. They rename them to netbooks and now every company sells them and reasonably cheap.


If I was serious about repainting a laptop, I'd make sure you have spare parts. I've painted laptops and regretted it or the paint didn't come out how I felt it should. Its always nice to go back to original if need to be.

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plus plastic is one of the toughest things to get paint to stick to ...especially a plastic that was never engineered nor design in formulation to take solvent based paints...




side note u know how many datsuns i could build if i could work at time lapse speed now theres something i wish i could figure out

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I've been looking at the M11x, my friend won one some how and will sell it to me. I've always liked mini laptops. I had a new one back in 2002 when people didn't know they existed. I had a Toshiba Libretto L5. People were amazed at the size, funny how things change. They rename them to netbooks and now every company sells them and reasonably cheap.


If I was serious about repainting a laptop, I'd make sure you have spare parts. I've painted laptops and regretted it or the paint didn't come out how I felt it should. Its always nice to go back to original if need to be.


I'd say the m11x is good for moderate gaming, if you expect full settings on the newest games you'll be let down. Since I travel alot I like it because its compact and gives me least some gaming on the go. I was upset they discontinued it as I was hoping for a little more powerful graphics card in the next model.

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