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Hello I've been on this forum since last year but realized I've never introduced myself. So I guess I'll start with my name's Justin and I own a 78 510. And I live in Arizona. But yes I know this is like the red headed step child or black sheep of the 510 family. You know the one most people don't like or want. But hey its a Datsun none the less. So hey if you got any tips, advice, or recommendations about anything, feel free to say so. Also if anybody wants to see pics of the car, let me know. I'll post some.

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So just let me introduce myself, my name is humpty, pronounced with an umpty, yo ladies oh how I'd like to hump thee, and the rappers in the top ten, please allow me to bump thee!


Sorry, I just think of that whenever I see a thread with that title. Welcome to Ratsun. Oics! A10s are still cool, just hard to find a clean example anywhere.

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Alright well you asked for pics, so here you go. The car is my daily driver and is in pretty good shape for its age. But needs a paint job. And has very very minor rust. And only 91,xxx miles actual miles. Let me know what you think. I'll take any feed back.














IMG_20120331_122731.jpg(There is a back seat. It's currently getting reupholstered to match the front seats)





Came with original owners manual book


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Fuck yeah! I'd almost trade you my PL510 for that! Really hard to find a good clean A10, and that's definitely one! Get some euro bumpers if you can, would definitely help the looks.

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Fuck yeah! I'd almost trade you my PL510 for that! Really hard to find a good clean A10, and that's definitely one! Get some euro bumpers if you can, would definitely help the looks.


Haha thanks. But yes agreed, those euro bumpers on these cars are look amazing. I've been searching for months on end for a set of those. But I've had zero luck finding any. I'm about at the point to take these bumpers to a custom fabrication shop and have them try and convert these ones. (Not sure if that's even possible) Do you have any clues how I can get a set? I've even been looking to see if any old datsun or toyota pickup truck bumpers would fit lol. But not sure.

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yahoo auctions japan is a possibility for those 'euro' bumpers, not an inexpensive possibility but still a possibility. wow you even have the dealer envelope


Thanks but I've tried them and ebay. Nothing unfortunately. Also not only do I have the original envelope but if you flip it over, I have the original business card of the sales man that sold the car from the dealer and that funky little millage calculator thing.



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be interesting to see where that salesman is now, maybe he is with West Valley Nissan still, which according to google is now Coulter Nissan


Alitte while back I got bored and tried to find the guy. But unfortuntly no luck. I searched him through google, the obituaries, and even called Coulter Nissan. So since its been 34 years, I think it's safe to say he's dead.


Hey I got a question, not sure if anyone can answer this, but how much power are these cars suppose to have? What I mean is my car has the factory l20b with the 3 speed automatic, and it struggles to 65mph. Cause when it starts to get around 65mph and higher the car really starts to vibrate and you can hear the engine sounding like it's maxing out. Is something busted? Or is this just normal for these old cars?



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Alitte while back I got bored and tried to find the guy. But unfortuntly no luck. I searched him through google, the obituaries, and even called Coulter Nissan. So since its been 34 years, I think it's safe to say he's dead.


Hey I got a question, not sure if anyone can answer this, but how much power are these cars suppose to have? What I mean is my car has the factory l20b with the 3 speed automatic, and it struggles to 65mph. Cause when it starts to get around 65mph and higher the car really starts to vibrate and you can hear the engine sounding like it's maxing out. Is something busted? Or is this just normal for these old cars?



I had one exactly like that and it was slow with the auto tragic 3 speed. Had same engine with the dogleg 5 in a 510 hatch and it tore it up and would hit 100mph. The auto b210 I had hit 90 but my latest 79 210 auto maxes out around 65 too but I thought my car was just shitty

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I have an L16 and the 3spd auto... I have some noticeable vibration at about 65mph and then goes away at about 70mph. After that Im bacl to normal and can reach 100mph if I so choose. I will admit that it takes me awhile to get up there, but it has no issues getting up there at its medium pace. I would assume that the larger 2-liter version should get up and go compared to mine. I would recommend getting it checked out.

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Even with the auto tragic you should have no problem getting up to and beyond highway speeds. Something is not right. Have you tuned it up? Checked timing? Trans isn't slipping is it? Nice lookin car by the way, very clean.


Well I took this car on the highway once and held the throttle till I hit 75-80mph, and well that was scary as shit. Floor felt like a massage vibrator and the engine was just screaming. Sounded like it going to over rev and explode. And no I haven't checked the timing or did any tune ups. Cause unfortunately im not to experienced with automotive stuff. Just a beginner (First car and learning as I go along) But I do know more than the average. Also the tranny could possibly be getting weak. At times the car won't shift right. Would love to take it and get it fully looked over by someone with a lot more experience. But not sure who I can trust. I love my car and don't want some shady motherfucker touching it lol.


I have an L16 and the 3spd auto... I have some noticeable vibration at about 65mph and then goes away at about 70mph. After that Im bacl to normal and can reach 100mph if I so choose. I will admit that it takes me awhile to get up there, but it has no issues getting up there at its medium pace. I would assume that the larger 2-liter version should get up and go compared to mine. I would recommend getting it checked out.


After 60mph ish the vibration and engine revving up noise just gets worse till it feels like something is going to explode. But yes this the 2.0L l20b motor. (Technically its a 1.9L, Factory just rounds it up)


Southern az? I'm from Yuma. Looks pretty rust free!!!


Nope central az. Glendale to be exact. Its and original az car so rust is at a minimum. Just one really nasty spot on the bottom of the driver door. Rust ate all the way through the door. So will either need to be cut out and have a patch welded in or just a get a new door.




Hey if you guys want I could try and take a video of the car on the highway to try and show you what I mean about the noise and vibration.

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