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Sort of Rat related...

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In the vein of strangest stuff found in a car, I present to you this tale of woe and misery...



A buddy(DaveV55) and I went to move one of his cars, an MX72, from a friend's place, where Dave was storing it, back out to his(dave's) house. We show up, figure we have to jump start it. While Dave is getting the jumper cables ready, I decide to pop the hood and put in the battery. Reach inside the car, pull the hood latch, walk around front and release the second catch. Then I lift the hood, placing one hand by the driver's side headlamp and the other in the middle. I swear I flew back 10 feet straight, yelling obsencities at the top of my lungs. Dave's head snaps up... "wasps?'

"nope, better..."


Me snickering "nope, better..."

"well, what is it?"

"you have to come see this..."


I present to you the occupant of Dave's MX72, a squatter if you will...





















She DOES NOT like to be poked with a stick...



We eventually got her out and got the car started and moved, but that is another story for another day. The black 85 will have to wait as well. It just did not want to start at all.




To keep this Ratsun related, the Cressida now lives besides its two older, cooler brothers, the 76 710 wagon and the 80 510 wagon, but I didn't take any oics

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Someone near me has an opossum as a pet.. Saw them walking it with a leash and everything. :lol:


(And for some useless information, possum is what the Australian's call them, whereas in the Americas it's opossum. Even though they aren't related they look similar, thus the similar name.)

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Unfortunately, no rent from the possum. My buddy just started cracking up. Possum thought it was being all bad ass and what not. It took us about 10 mins to stop laughin. I think the possum left more out of embaressment then us poking it...

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Someone near me has an opossum as a pet.. Saw them walking it with a leash and everything. :lol:


(And for some useless information, possum is what the Australian's call them, whereas in the Americas it's opossum. Even though they aren't related they look similar, thus the similar name.)


lol did you google that shit?

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Someone near me has an opossum as a pet.. Saw them walking it with a leash and everything. :lol:


(And for some useless information, possum is what the Australian's call them, whereas in the Americas it's opossum. Even though they aren't related they look similar, thus the similar name.)


My mom used to have some pet opossums. They were found abandoned because the mother was killed. When we got them they were about the size of small rats. Super tame and super nice. Even used kitty litter. But they weren't to swift and they were lazy as hell. They would sleep on the couch all day and get fat. Scavenger's dream.


BTW: Saying possum just sounds more natural when you give it an outbacker, hillbilly accent. :D

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If it looks like a rat, it's a RAT, a very big rat, but it's still a RAT.

And a ferret is a long RAT. :lol: :lol: :lol:


I never really thought of wild animals as pets, they cause to much mischief around my place, especially possums and racoons, they fight with the cats, and wake me up at night with their grunting and such outside my bedroom window, and if they smell food, they will come in the house and tear up the cat for the food, so I really have a bad attitude about them.

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Lol, yes I googled that shit. :ninja:


My girlfriend's aunt caught a couple opossums (she's a taxidermist) and the gf wanted to keep one as a pet. But they were stuffed instead.

Instead she just kept a raccoon they caught. :lol:


soooooo im guessing they were alive since your gf wanted to keep one as a pet, but her aunt decided whack 'em so she can stuff em?

nice! how much to whack and stuff my gf's aunt? give ya 5 bucks! fuck that sounded filthy...

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With all the wasted effort you could of put a quarter sized hole in it with a .45...





I can't hurt any animals than a Deer



except maybe if the opossum jumped at me then I wouldn't hesitate to turn it into Swiss cheese

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With all the wasted effort you could of put a quarter sized hole in it with a .45...





I can't hurt any animals than a Deer



except maybe if the opossum jumped at me then I wouldn't hesitate to turn it into Swiss cheese


I'm sure they didnt want to add speed holes to the yota.

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