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Most stressful day ever.. need to vent

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As always thanks for the support guys.


Jrock, that vid was more for lulz then anything. blink.gif Guess no one else found it lulzy.





Anyways, things have been okay. Not bad for our second Valentines day 9 hours apart. I'm trying to get a lot done so I can move down there in a few months. This girl never fails to impress me. She's working her ass off in school down there trying to get out. I know that if things keep up, one day I WILL marry this girl.



She sent me this today:









Made my day. Hell, made my YEAR. The last 10 seconds of the video were PURE GOLD.



Reminds me of the time I surprised her on new years day 2011 on her way back from Florida. She thought I was at work LOL





Awwww. Monkeygirl seems like a sweetheart.

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As always thanks for the support guys.



Anyways, things have been okay. Not bad for our second Valentines day 9 hours apart. I'm trying to get a lot done so I can move down there in a few months. This girl never fails to impress me. She's working her ass off in school down there trying to get out. I know that if things keep up, one day I WILL marry this girl.



She sent me this today:









Made my day. Hell, made my YEAR. The last 10 seconds of the video were PURE GOLD.




Looks like you've got a keeper man, me and my girlfriend looked at each other today and were both just like "Fuck valentines day, lets go get some pizza, watch movies, and do it"



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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Looks like you've got a keeper man, me and my girlfriend looked at each other today and were both just like "Fuck valentines day, lets go get some pizza, watch movies, and do it"







dude,mrs palmer dont count :lol:

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Does she count? Because to me she does, and that's all that matters.






Take care of your woman. looks like you two get along great!























Edited by metalmonkey47
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  • 2 months later...

Long time no bump.



I'm going down for her graduation in a few weeks and it will be the first time I've seen her in about 3 months. Her dad's gonna be there as well, so it will be VERY interesting to see what happens. Not quite sure how to react when he confronts me so I'm kind of nervous about that. I don't want to loose my cool because I don't want to start drama at her graduation. Step-bitch won't be there for sure, and if she is I'll DEFINITELY have something to say to her.


We're doing good I suppose. It's just about time I see her again. I'm taking a week off of work and I'll be down there for a week. Not sure what we're going to do long term but I know that all we're worrying about right now is the current.




I'm looking at a house with a friend down in Brasleton, GA about 5 minuets from Road Atlanta. Nice 12 acre property with a 4 car garage around the back. $1.2 million property, but luckily my friends dad is a rich millionaire that runs a disaster relief company that struck big at the BP oil spill. His dad offered to pay the mortgage as long as we can pay for the utilities and everything we need. It's a good size house, so we'll have a big group of close long time friends living with us. Needs a little love, but love is what we can do. No loud annoying neighbors, no one around to bother us. A few minuets from an active racetrack, so the sounds will be great. Pretty excited about that factor.







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Fresh new start for you guys good luck. As for the dad being at the graduation if he walks up to you look him straight in the eye let him speak first and see what comes out, the main thing is the eye contact show him you cant be fucked with :thumbup: but don't over do it like your being aggressive. no worries

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I haven't been on this website in so long, in fact I think this is the first time THIS year!



I wanted to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. You have no Idea how much it really means to me! It's been rough but I'm hanging in there. It was the worst day of my life it wasn't only that I had to leave behind MM but it was also the fact I was losing a great relationship with my daddy that I've been working on for years. He was someone who I looked up too, he was my hero, my everything. But in the end it felt like he was a complete stranger. It hurt to see how things happened but It's life and it's what I have to live with. I'm graduating in about 3 weeks, I've finished all my classes in LESS than three months. The counselors were very shocked with my improvement, They didn't think I was going to get every thing done on time because I was two classes behind that I had to catch up on. But I am proud of what I have accomplished and without MM I wouldn't even thought about finishing.



Many of you might say we are young. Yes we are I may not argue with that. But Matt has helped me through so much. He was the FIRST person to ever stick up for me and made me realize I was never alone. I'm soon going to be out of high school in 3 weeks, even though he is far away; it will never change the way I feel about him. We've been through so much and out relationship is way to precious to give up. Long distance is hard, FIRST time I was able to commit to it and we are doing perfect!



As of today, I am stronger than ever. You guys are good people and thank you so much with the support. Maybe one day we will move west. I think it's time that I do something for MM <3.



- Thank you once again! It's means A LOT! :D

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Fresh new start for you guys good luck. As for the dad being at the graduation if he walks up to you look him straight in the eye let him speak first and see what comes out, the main thing is the eye contact show him you cant be fucked with :thumbup: but don't over do it like your being aggressive. no worries


Thanks man! I'm hoping all is well, because theres no way in hell I'm gonna take any shit from him :poop:


Tighten your lugnuts




I know where I'm going when I go to the south...

And im bringing all of my guns!





I wish I had a rich friend


Come on down!!!


To be honest, I had no idea until we talked about it. He's not like your typical spoiled rich kid. He keeps his hands out of daddies pocket. Bough his own car and works a full time job to pay for rent with a friend. He's a good dude.


Maybe one day we will move west. I think it's time that I do something for MM <3.


Too late to take it back now! :poke: :ninja: :w00t:


I'm moving in with you, I call the last two bays!!! :D


:rofl: Sorry mate, someone's already called one for his Z car!!



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