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Lumbar Back Surgery


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Happy Holidays Ratsun!


As many of you know, I was medically retired from Active Duty in the U.S. Army because of my back injury that I sustained in Iraq during the intial push of April 2003. As a result, I have been living in constant pain ever since. There are days that I feel great, aside from the painful sting in my lower back. And then there are days that I simply cannot move, and the back pain still lingers.


I was doing pretty well controlling the pain until March of this year when I was playing the Wii with my 7 year old and the next day I could barely walk or do much of anything for that matter. The VA system does take a while and in their defense, I have been the one reluctant to have anything done about it unless it becomes medically necessary...


Apparently, it has become medically necessary. My latest MRI scan shows that the disc (L4-L5) is no longer herniated, it has prolapsed. I will be requiring surgery to correct the problem before it becomes more severe. The doctor has mentioned fusing the two vertabrae together for a permanent part of this solution. I am not some old cranky war vet with nothing better to do than scare small children and harass young nurses at the nursing home. I am 33 years old, and I have done my best to be an active, young, productive adult.


In case of something going wrong, I have been creating my "paralysis bucket list" of things I plan to do in case things "don't go quite as planned..." I plan to finish my Winter and Spring Semester at the college, Canby in June, and then go for the surgery. As long as things go my way, I will get to shake hands and walk on my own two feet at Canby this coming year.


My questions are numerous, but I will limit myself to the basics:


1) Anyone here have spinal fusion surgery with disc removal? What happened?

2) How long was the recovery? (I know everyone is different)

3) What could you do after the surgery that you couldn't before?

4) What shouldn't I be doing after a surgery like this? (remember who has a lowered car here...)


That's probably a good way to start this topic for now. Help a ratsuner out! I am tired of losing sleep and having this pit-in-my-stomach feeling about the whole thing...

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My ex co-worker, and good friend chris donier has a total of 4 fused vertabre now, after the first 1 he said the pain was still there, but he could function verry well. after a car wrech he was left in even more pain wich led to more surgery. Wich took some fire out of him.

He helped me to choose to live with my back pain.

I was seeing a doctor and when the option came up I searched the net about ither peoples experiances, I recomend you do that search.

Im luckily able to deal with the pain, but after snowboarding for 8 hours im in enuff pain they could convence me to do surgery.

If your at the point where your stuck on the coach in pain, i guess id have to take the chance.

I was hit by an excavator and flung a couple dozen feet, that was 7 years ago and I feal it every day,i hope your surgery goes well, and if you havnt ben snow boarding, paintballing, or jumped the shit out if an old beater car.... Id do it now.... Good luck man keep us posted.

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Best of luck man. I just had eye surgery and there was a chance for me to go blind. But I had no choice... My eyes were so fucked, I should not even had been at Moreno valley that last time. It's done... It is a little bit better. But it sure did suck bad...


Think about it like this. Your are almost paralyzed... The operation might make it better or worse. I took the risk man... Best of luck man!

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Happy Holidays Ratsun!



Apparently, it has become medically necessary. My latest MRI scan shows that the disc (L4-L5) is no longer herniated, it has prolapsed. I will be requiring surgery to correct the problem before it becomes more severe. The doctor has mentioned fusing the two vertabrae together for a permanent part of this solution. I am not some old cranky war vet with nothing better to do than scare small children and harass young nurses at the nursing home. I am 33 years old, and I have done my best to be an active, young, productive adult.


1) Anyone here have spinal fusion surgery with disc removal? What happened?

2) How long was the recovery? (I know everyone is different)

3) What could you do after the surgery that you couldn't before?

4) What shouldn't I be doing after a surgery like this? (remember who has a lowered car here...)



Sarge, No worries bro. Just do it....

I had back surgery 4 years ago best thing I ever did. I couldn't walk the pain was so bad. I had a prolapsed disc L-4. I had what they call a microscopic (discectomy) I'm not a doctor so I don't know how to spell it. They just went in and cut out the part that was prolapst.

I don't know if I would want the fused part. :( I've heard good and bad on that one. My brother in law had it done at the VA and never had any problems. That was quite a few years back. Things have changed for the better since then. Had a neighbor that had it done and had nothing but problems. But she was way over weight and I think she was milking the system for a settlement.


Your a young man so I don't see it being an issue for you. Your in good shape just do what they tell you and don't push yourself. When I had my surgery they said 8 weeks of no work. Yeah right. Had it done on a Friday and I went to work on Monday. Not for long though. Anyway I was back to work in a week or so. But it's different for me. I'm self employed, so no work no money.


I would think that if you have it fused 8-10 weeks recovery.

You'll need more friends to help you work on your car.

Don't pick up anything bigger than a gallon of milk for at least 10-12 weeks.


Like I said just do what your doctor tells you to. Don't try to be a hero and pick up an L motor by yourself. :lol:

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My mom had 3-4 vertebra fused in the early 60s. Don't forget this was almost 50 years ago so don't read too much into it....


The bones were fused using bone and cartilage from elsewhere (ribs/hips?) (I forget I was only 14 or so) When done she had to be immobilized on a striker bed for weeks. No movement allowed until the bones knit together. I can only imagine the physio therapy was minimal and rudimentary back then.


When done she was much improved and don't remember any complaints after that. There was reduced flexibility for sure but a good trade to be free of pain.


Today it's been found that the longer you remain immobile the longer the recovery. Physio therapy is vastly improved and developed. Overall quality of life is better if the patient gets out and continues with his or her life as best they can. In other words get out of the wheelchair as soon as possible. Strength exercises for abdominal and back muscles will support your weight off the spine much better. Think of your core muscles as a cast protecting you from further pain and injury.


Worry retards the healing process, so don't. Worry comes from fear and you always fear what you don't know. Learn all you can about this operation and therapy. Prepare and be ready for it with a positive attitude. Good luck and see you at Canby.

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from my last scan I had 6 vertibra that are fused with new bone due to Ankylosing Spondylitis. My hips are almost totally fused together as well. It can be very painful at times as long as I dont walk around a lot. I am already 100% disabled with the VA and didnt even bother to do a claim for the AS I have since it wont make a difference. My back is almost always in pain and I am prone to spinal fractures. I find it amazing that I can even work on my 510 at times.

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Thanks for the replies!


redbanner - My VA uses the Loma Linda University doctors for their surgical procedures. They are the same ones that have been on the cutting edge of innovative medical procedures. I have been researching the doctor and his record to be sure there are no issues or previous "problems".


Z-train - I would love to try something state of the art, but the VA is all about the "tried and true". If I go against the grain and do have a procedure done, it's a slap in the face to VA, and then I lose any future care needs.


datrod - I didn't know you had surgery as well. Sounds like I am having almost the same thing done that you did. If you can drive the wagon, I can drive the 610.


datzenmike - I just don't want to become a stump. And, agreed, a reduction of pain with decreased range of motion is better than being in pain with nearly the same amount of motion.


dennis - I cannot even say that I "feel your pain". You say you were already 100% before the surgery? was it from the back pain? I just went and had my re-evalation based on my current pain and mobility levels. The pain sucks.

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dennis - I cannot even say that I "feel your pain". You say you were already 100% before the surgery? was it from the back pain? I just went and had my re-evalation based on my current pain and mobility levels. The pain sucks.


I was a CSAR (combat search and rescue or a fancy name for a door gunner) in the Navy. I was exposed to some pretty nasty chemicals while I was in from 1990 - 2000. From the chemicals my sinuses became a little deformed causing me to have obstructive sleep apnea, asthma, and chronic sinusitis. The asthma and sinusitis (I have sinus surgeries all the time) I was rated at 50% I was rated another 50% for my back, hips, and feet. This gave me I think 80%, the VA has some weird math on this shit. Then for sleep apnea I am rated at 50% so I am theoretically 150% but on VA math I am at 100%. I was suffering from my AS as far back as 1995 and have tons of documentation to prove it but it is a hopeless cause since I am already 100%. I did have a re-evaluation for my asthma and was granted 40% over the 20% I had previously and they gave me 20% back pay for 9 years. That was a very nice chunk of change.


I am one of the few people who have very little problems with the VA, every time before I was 100% I asked for an increase I get it. I am so well documented with my medical records that it is pretty much fool proof. So if you need any help with the VA just ask, I know a lot since I have been partial or fully disabled since 2000. I was actually getting booted out of the Navy on a med board but the corpsman screwed it all up so I got out at my EAOS (end of service).


I am currently working on my SSDI for the past 3 years and they are just a huge pain in the ass. I go in front of a judge in the next few weeks but I had to obtain a lawyer since social security has their head up their ass. so they currently owe me around 49 months of back pay take away 5 months so 44 months. I am not sure how they do their decisions but if one government entity says you are disabled the other should be a no brainer.

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dennis - Wow. I just want what should come to me for this kind of disability. I am tired of hearing some guys (who walk an move better than me) who say they have a higher percentage and wonder why I don't. Why? I don't rock the boat. But, I did wait for the doc to say that "I am not getting enough" before I went to have the re-eval done. I am not trying to milk the system, but I cannot work some job that keeps me standing all day or doing warehouse work. I need something that would just "make up the difference" between the jobs I cannot do and ones that I can.

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dennis - Wow. I just want what should come to me for this kind of disability. I am tired of hearing some guys (who walk an move better than me) who say they have a higher percentage and wonder why I don't. Why? I don't rock the boat. But, I did wait for the doc to say that "I am not getting enough" before I went to have the re-eval done. I am not trying to milk the system, but I cannot work some job that keeps me standing all day or doing warehouse work. I need something that would just "make up the difference" between the jobs I cannot do and ones that I can.


I know what you mean. I have seen what it is like when people rock the boat. I have never bitched about a higher rating, they actually gave me a higher rating on my asthma when I went in for a claim on my sleep apnea. You have to look at the max percentage they can give you for one specific problem. Do you have any secondary issues related to you back issues? If you have tingling in your thighs or pain in your feet, you can still put in a claim for them since they might be related to your back issues. Like I said before. I dont know why people have had any issues with the VA because mine was never an issue. If I asked for a claim on my back I got it, every time I have asked for something they gave it to me. I know a lot of things people try to claim that are just plain bullshit. Hell, I have been through a plenty of psych evals after a debrief of a operational recording (we were in a specwar unit) where many lives were lost. I dont have any PTSD but I know of a lot of Vets who try to milk the system claiming that they do. War can get ugly but to join the military thinking you wont have to take lives is crazy. They should join the Coast Guard. Anyways, the VA as a book of almost any medical problem and they give percentages based on your medical issues. The best thing you can do is have documentation or if the VA has in their system that you do in fact have the issues you are complaining about then it is a no brainer. You have to look at it from the VA's perspective as well. They get a lot of scammers, if everything is black and white in your military and VA records you wont have any issues. You shouldnt since you probably have MRI or CT scans of your spine that can clearly show your issues.

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