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New Belgium Brewing, WTF!

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My roommate just walked in with New Belgium's winter seasonal, "Snow Day", which apparently is the replacement for the winter seasonal that they've had in the past, "2-Below". It sucks. WTF. I look forward to that stuff every year. Decided to write them a letter,


"Every year, I look forward to stocking up on your amazing 2-Below winter seasonal. Much to my disappointment, and the now disappointment of the entire Christmas party that I have just walked away to write this criticism, you have replaced it with Snow Day, your "winter ale". I think everyone took a sip and agrees, that this IPA is no winter ale, and certainly no worthy replacement for the Legendary 2-Below. I do understand if you have currently run low on your supply of dragon's blood, elf tears, or unicorn sweat, as it has been that kind of a year. Please, for my sake, and for the New Belgium connoisseurs at large, continue the production of this Snow Day winter seasonal IPA, but do not consider it a replacement for 2-Below. I have been a long time(14+ years), die hard New Belgium fan, whether with the masses, or backed into a corner, outnumbered, alone with my 6 pack of Fat Tire.

You guys rock. Bring back 2-Below. Thank you in advance for doing so.


End rant."





Any other disappointing winter seasonals out there that I should steer clear of? I'm gonna have to find a replacement.

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I remember getting a case of the Ebenezer a few years ago.. I think that one was alright.


Jubelale, I'm not sure how it got so popular, but I'm not into it.


Brrrr was at the pizza shop I worked at last year. Had one every night after work for my shift beer.

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I tried Snow Day and was sadly disappointed also cuz I thought it would be similar to 2 below. One of theirs that I really miss was called "Loft", was a late summer early fall seasonal. It was one of the best ales I ever put my lips to.

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Here in Texas, we get shiner cheer. Not sure if they ship it nationally yet. I've started seeing shiner beers more places so its possible.


Anyway, don't bother with the cheer. It's terrible. I love all of their other beers, but the cheer tastes like old fruitcake.

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