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Black Friday fun!


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So I spent Black Friday with my uncle Jeff while the rest of the family did stuff in Coeur d' Alene. We ended up heading back to Spokane, and then stopped by Spalding to get the factory Nissan stylebar out of a 720 pickup at Spaldings. It was headed to Pull and Save, but was over in the 45 day cars. Was looking for foglights and saw that, even has the sidestraps with "Nissan" on them. (It'll say Datsun after I repaint it.) So that was pretty cool, drug that home.


Then we went up to Deer Park to Double Eagle pawn and I traded in my weenie Bersa .380 for a very nice new Taurus 1911. Still had a bit due, but got a pretty good deal and they gave me $190 in trade for the Bersa, which was surprising. Going to go shoot today after we install my buddy's intake kit on his WRX. Wheee! Now I need to start doing more Christmas shopping for others, lest I be a greedy pig! ;)


Anybody else make out like a bandit?





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So I spent Black Friday with my uncle Jeff while the rest of the family did stuff in Coeur d' Alene. We ended up heading back to Spokane, and then stopped by Spalding to get the factory Nissan stylebar out of a 720 pickup at Spaldings. It was headed to Pull and Save, but was over in the 45 day cars. Was looking for foglights and saw that, even has the sidestraps with "Nissan" on them. (It'll say Datsun after I repaint it.) So that was pretty cool, drug that home.


Then we went up to Deer Park to Double Eagle pawn and I traded in my weenie Bersa .380 for a very nice new Taurus 1911. Still had a bit due, but got a pretty good deal and they gave me $190 in trade for the Bersa, which was surprising. Going to go shoot today after we install my buddy's intake kit on his WRX. Wheee! Now I need to start doing more Christmas shopping for others, lest I be a greedy pig! ;)


Anybody else make out like a bandit?


Those Bersa's are nice for concealed carry. I prefer my XD subcompact in a 40 though. That 1911 looks really good.

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Yeah, the Bersa was nice and small, and it wasn't a bad gun, just rather cheap and there were a lot of things I didn't like about it. The 1911 is much safer to carry loaded with the grip lock and it's just plain ten times nicer a gun. Should be one hell of a lot more accurate too. I had the Bersa jam on me a few times. Not super bad, but made me wonder. Plus I really don't like the non-ability to shoot without the magazine in. There's a little detente on the magazine that pokes a lever that operates the trigger. Not my favorite mechanism. I've already had the 1911 apart for initial cleaning of all the factory anti-rust lube and it's super easy to take apart and put back together.

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nice :cool:



heres my Taurus. Iv been very happy with it so far.





Iv purposely tried to get it to jam, its never have anything but the barrel brushed

and its never jammed after about 800-1000 rounds so far.


lol Iv been trying to get it to jam since I got it just to test it under the worst conditions and it just dosent want to do it :blink:


can punch holes in quarters with it at about 15 yards

keeps a tight group at 25 yards too

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Went to the range late today, put 100 rounds through her. Jammed once, figure it was probably the ammunition. Had some Mag-Tech, which I liked, and some American Eagle which worked great for the .22 but was the jam in this set. Haven't disassembled it yet to re-clean, but I'll check. The cartridge had a decent mark on the one that jammed, not sure if it was there before or what. Not really too big of an issue. Jam happened around bullet 50, didn't jam any more after that.


So far it's pretty damn accurate, but combined with fading light and my shitty long range vision, I didn't do very close groups at 25 yards. Signed up for vision this year on the benefits package, I'll get glasses after the first of the year. Was also pulling slightly right, not from jerking, but realized I didn't have a good hold with my left hand. Tightened that up and went straight, so probably just need to shoot some more with it. Definitely different than the .380. Not bad for kick though. I had some shaky hands towards the end, but all in all, very comfortable feel and nice balance.


That's a nice looking Ruger Jayden!

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