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howo to fix a radiator leak temporarily if you're stranded with some ground pepper


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yes NJ its the lasw that they have to pump the gas. Some other states too, it always throws me off when I am traveling in one of those states.



One of my friends from PA came to visit and she was amazed out liquor stores were open on Sundays, and you could buy beer, wine and some other booze at the grocery stores and other places.

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lol yeah We have liquer stores open 7 days here, in PA you cant buy liqure on sunday.... so you have to plan ahead ;)



I often wonder who was the first person to decide "Im gonna put this egg in the radiator and hope it plugs the leak" Like that coffee that is made from the beans that are crapped out of the cat, or rat, or whatever it is... who in the hell decided "This just came out of that mammel's ass, now I am going to grind it up and make coffee out of it and charge a butt load (pun intended) of money for it" It seems like a practical joke that went wrong and ended up making someone money!


I think the first time I heard about the egg thing was Tom Jode from The Grapes of Wrath back when I was in middle school (yeah I was a geek and read it in 6th grade)

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grapes of wrath, i feel like i'm an okie every time i cruise through the streets in my broke ass 620 dumped without bumps. i look like a fucking beverly hillbilly lol. yeah, i always wonder what the fuck people were thinking when they first ate an animal, or when they decided to try to open a coconut, i mean it takes forever to open one with primitive tools and yet someone decided to waste a bunch of time in hope to find what? they didn't know until they opened it.

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Oregon, and New Jersey are the two states you cannot pump your own gas. Gas yesterday was 3.599 Regular, and 3.699 for mid grade, at Arco.


The price of gas is more influenced by taxes, from local to federal, than it is by having to pay an attendant to pump it for you.

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absolutely, gotta love curiosity and inginuity!



hey Zfighter you own a 67 bug? I just unloaded a bumch of 67 1 year only bug parts lol I think i have a few still kicking around somewhere.


i wish but sadly i sold my baby this april :((( i shouldnt have let her go i loved that thing. try posting it up on the samba though im sure youll get some bites

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Oregon, and New Jersey are the two states you cannot pump your own gas. Gas yesterday was 3.599 Regular, and 3.699 for mid grade, at Arco.


The price of gas is more influenced by taxes, from local to federal, than it is by having to pay an attendant to pump it for you.


very true

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i wish but sadly i sold my baby this april :((( i shouldnt have let her go i loved that thing. try posting it up on the samba though im sure youll get some bites


i would never buy anything off the samba. i would sell there though. there never seems to be any good deals on the east coast but it seems like ppl will pay a ton for parts on there.

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i bought my bug there and i probably payed a bit too much but that being said, alot of others will also probably pay too much. my friend sold his entire single port 1300 internals (pistons, cam, cylinders, heads, carbs, and manifold) for 300$ used and all to some guy who was willing to pay shipping for all of that from Los Angeles to north carolina... poke.gif wtf was he thinking, are bugs like uber rare on the east coast? i mean i see a pre '67 bug like every five minutes here

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like datsuns they arent nearly as common over here as they are there. i almost cant see myself in a place with bugs and datsuns all over the place. sounds pretty sweet to me. i'm sure its vice versa for you. both of them are frowned upon by good ol' boys. its my right and duty to prove to them that my datsun is faster than their heavy chevy and can handle better and still get 20-30mpg.

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like datsuns they arent nearly as common over here as they are there. i almost cant see myself in a place with bugs and datsuns all over the place. sounds pretty sweet to me. i'm sure its vice versa for you. both of them are frowned upon by good ol' boys. its my right and duty to prove to them that my datsun is faster than their heavy chevy and can handle better and still get 20-30mpg.

i forgot y'all gots confederates over there laugh.gif. yeah here its all about status and being a tool who owns a prius or a smart car. imo anything that moves down the road silently or without polluting should be crushed haha. maybe not the polluting thing but the pollution it takes to make one prius battery is probably more than my truck puts out in a month.





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the only real reason regular lead acid batteries go bad is from shorted cells, lack of acid, and sulfated plates. the last two are repairable but the first one isnt. my battery is from 06 and sat from seomwhere between 07-08 to november '10 and i nursed it back to working perfectly. it is an el cheapo economy advance auto battery.

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the battery that i ran in my 280z and i am currently running in my 620 is an economy cheap battery and it was sitting in the 280z not being used at all since 1999. i put it on a slow charge overnight and its back to working and hasnt gone dead once since. im extremely surprised i didnt need to get a new one, and i didnt even have to refill it or anything. sticker reads "econosmart by autozone"

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well as long as the acid/water ratio is about 40/60 or 60/40 i cant remember and its clear electrolyte with clean plates then its all good. thats all that matters with those batteries. mine rarely goes dead and if it does its cuz i left something on overnight.

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yeah well we are all yankees up here (not the baseball team, those would be fighting words to most New Englenders lol) but with the salt and snow (we just had a storm here :( no fun )


Any-who we dont have many older cars out here. When I went to San jose for work i found my Datsun on line first and arranged to meet the guy, and was amazed to see 3 other 620's that day on my way to see this one! I probably over payed (especially seeing what others got theirs for) but I am not too upset considering I am happy with it and its like the only one in NH.

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yankees are cool to me. half the time i like them better than southern people. southerners run around talking behind your back. all the yankees i know will say it to your face if they have something to say. and a lot of my family lives in vermont. i think in burlington. its been a while since i have been up there

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