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ok, im doing the t/bars now and it's going good......


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i am doing this as more of a how to for those like me that have no idea......

these are the instructions i got from a member on here:

Jack truck up so front suspension is hanging. Remove adjuster bolt(pictured). The adjuster bracket slides through the crossmember. T-bar slides inside of adjuster bracket. C-clip is on the front of the adjuster bracket and at the rear of the t-bar. C-clip keeps this adjuster bracket from sliding out of the crossmember. You need it to slide out of the crossmember to reindex. Little rubber boot that cover the C-clip will slide forward on the T-bar off the front part of the adjuster bracket.


Do not completely remove the second adjuster nut from the bolt unless the bolt is loose also. If the bolt is not loose, it WILL have spring pressure on it still. And that is guaranteed to SMASH your HAND. Fair warning.



pics will be added soon, and i will do a complete write-up....

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all your posts will be here 4 ever


In my opinion.... (which are like assholes) you should just make a "truck thread" for yourself and update it daily, instead of making a so many different ones...

this way you can keep track of your project. word?


saw that in the other thread.....

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Possible to make a project thread...????


not a bad idea, but i get a lot of separate questions and to keep myself from getting confused, i make different threads.....on other forums there are 1000's of people posting and the threads get lost fast so more are made...not so much on here.....

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I am the mod :D

The "ninja mod" :D BTW you can lower the truck by simply loosening the torsion bar bolts & get a good 4 inch drop. Most people [including myself] chose to "re-index" the torsions for an additional drop. Its a 10 minute job if you just loosen the bolts.

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dude you've gotten 170 posts in 2 days....thats a record.

I too think its a good idea to do a build thread for your truck since most of us dont want new ones every time you touch your truck....just a thought


thanks, been said....a few times....with that in mind, i have only been using 1 thread the last day, only everyone wants to make post like this one in every one of my threads so they stay alive. and i kinda want to get my truck back on the road, so sorry if i do all i can to get the answers i need.....

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