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1958 Datsun

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How can you compare a 1958 Chevy to a 1958 Datsun? The Datsun was under powered (less than 50HP from a 1000 cc motor ) small and had NO power accessories , The 58 Chevy had V8 power A/C Power steering and brakes available and room for a family of 6 to ride in comfort . Gas was cheap and plentiful so mileage was not a concern .You can find every part to restore the Chevy from several catalog and internet stores or any swap meet. The Chevy Today is worth roughly 3 times what the Datsun is worth in any comparable condition . This being said Today i would choose the Little Datsun over the Chevy !!

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In 1958 no one cared about gas mileage. As long as the car could make it from one town with a pump to another that was good mileage. In 1958 a "safe" car was a big car. People already had a fascination with fast cars (fast meaning then having a speedometer that went past 100, whether the car was safe to drive that fast was another matter) and yes, having all the power toys was starting to catch on. Cars were a status symbol. A little Datsun that couldn't outrun a VW Beetle was not going to cut it, but Nissan (mostly Mr K) learned fast. I think I saw somewhere when Mr K was able to pass a VW on the Grapevine he knew Datsun was ready for the American market.

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