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Mother in law

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LOL, we must have the same mil, my mil too has had a lung transplant and she is a total bitch. The difference between you and I is I could give a shit if the bitch likes me. She keeps her distance cause I would literally pick her boney ass up and throw her ass to the curb. Sure my wife would be pissed, for about an hour and then be thanking me later. I tried to put on the nice guy show but she is a straight up bitch so that was thrown out the door. Put it this way, the first night I met BIL (bitch in law) she came into town when my wife and I lived in Mt. View CA. Around 1130pm she tells me, not asks me "Go get me some chocolate milk at the store" I started to laugh cause nobody talks like that to me or any other civilized person and she turns to me and said "seriously". I bit my tongue and got for the sake of my wife. This is how she treated me for the next couple of days so I finally blew and told her to go fuck herself. The caught wind with my wife side and everyone instantly liked me. Turns out nobody stands up to the old bitch.


On the bright side, lung transplants usually dont live that long, especially when you are smoking. unlucky for my BIL she is so fucking evil that she wont die, living well into 11 years past her lung transplant. Just like that Billy Joel song Only the good die young, no shit that is an understatement.

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Yeah, over 3k saved for my car spent on a vacation.


And no datwifey she doesn't threaten me, but she only works a few days a week and I normally work 5 days a week 10 hours a day 5-10 lol and I would be able to afford day are and courts would give her custody and give me weekends.


But like I said, when she spent all that money we had a huge fight, and we calmed down and worked out a lot of stuff. My issue isn't with my wife right now guys she has been doing really well sense we found a common solution.


It's mil. But I'll work it all out, right now I'm doing he silent treatment tell after the vaca



This man just needs a hug....

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Does she live near you? If so, I wouldn't let her stay "just because she wants to". I was taught that you are not welcome in someone's home unless invited, and when you are, you make yourself as little as a burden as possible. When I stay at peoples houses, I'm in bed at a reasonable time, I keep my shit clean, I take out the trash and do dishes and other things the woman should be doing just to make it easier on my hosts. My mother in law is cool, but she gets on my fucking nerves sometimes. She lives a few blocks away from us, so there's no way in hell I would let her stay over for no reason.


But I hear you about the dog. My mil has a beast of a Chihuahua, weighs about 30 pounds. She hand feeds it cheeseburgers from McDonald's and caters to its every need. She let's him stay in 24/7, she cooks him food, she even picks him up to put him on the couch because his fat ass is too big to jump up there. He snaps at everyone and has bit me once, I slapped the shit out of him and she got pissed saying I was in his space so it was my fault. I don't let her bring him to my house at all.

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Oregon info....... just saying


murder with out priors and other mitigating circumstance



Average sentence: 200 months (16.6 years, 13.3 after "good time")


Minimum sentence: 66 months (5.5 years, 4.4 after "good time")


Maximum sentence: 388 months (32.3 years, 25.8 after "good time")







note: I'm obviously joking, buuuut its has been said that it saves time and money just to fall in love and then kill them rather than marrying them, and I think in some states its only a ticket to kill your mother in law

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