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Dis-functional family? ON VIDEO!

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Wait, your brother is almost 22 and having hissy fits like that? If this is the norm he should be used to having his face broken! Whata tool. I like that he mentioned you recording it and you say something about entertaining the people online. Maybe the guys in his forum would like to see what a punk he is.

Yup, he's childish. He's outside right now blasting his music all pissed off because he found out I posted the video online. He apparently claims he's going to be contacting a lawyer. I told him I'll be awaiting a court date, since I have him assaulting me on video and have multiple witness's laugh.gif




dude what the hell is wrong with you guys? you both need to go apologize to your mom!!! your bother needs the shit beat out of him, who talks to their mom like that? you both need your asses kicked out on the street. there is a special place in hell for people who treat their mom that way.

lol Braden, you must not have read all the last posts on page 1 where I mentioned my apologizing to my mom. Read the thread, THEN talk shit huh.gif


haha yeah if one of us happen to bump into him and kick the shit out of him at canby I bet he would think twice


lol you're not referring to me are you?










BTW fixer, go ahead and give him hell. I'm at the end of the rope with his bullshit dry.gif

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you need to apologize again then you assclown, who the fuck treats their mom like that? my mom would have beat the fuck out of me gave me a bible and kicked my ass out the door, trust me I saw it happen to MY BROTHER.

You need to grow some nuts and stop starting arguments over irrelevant bullshit. I wasn't the one that treated my mom like shit you ignorant fuck, watch the video, read the post, and learn some respect. I was the one DEFENDING my mom.



You sound just like my brother laugh.gif


Braden right? The one that got banned and returned under another name? laugh.gif


what his forum name? I'll tease him a little....


Its up above. lol




He did the S/C install for the one dude on there.

Edited by metalmonkey47
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chill man, I think you and your brother both have anger problems lol, getting all worked up on the internet is useless lol, I would be embarassed to post up a video like that :hyper:


lol don't play martyr, you're the one starting shit, and when someone jumps down your throat, you go and run to the corner like a scared dog :rofl:

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I think some one is bi polar ollz.


Didn't Braden get an IP ban? The first post I ever read on Ratsun was by Braden and I remember not thinking I should join if everyone was like him.


As for your mom kicking your brothers ass then handing him a bible, is that what Jesus would do?

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you both need your asses kicked out on the street.



you need to apologize again then you assclown, who the fuck treats their mom like that?



telling you to apologize to your mom is starting shit? :lol: sorry man, i didn't fell like losing a few I Q points by reading your useless slum. I watched the video and that was all. :cool:


Read shit and you won't seem so ignorant cool.gif Theres more then a video for a reason mate.

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Didn't Braden get an IP ban? The first post I ever read on Ratsun was by Braden and I remember not thinking I should join if everyone was like him.


I thought he did. Maybe it's coincidence that some guy named braden with the EXACT same car and identical thread posted on here that lives in Kentucky is here? Nah laugh.gif It's Braden.





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Ok I read it, he seems like a dick, next time move his car for him but move it about 1/4 mile down the street then let his ass be late and he wont even have a chance to cuss at your mom because he will be too busy walking to his car. :lol: :lol:


That's assuming he will actually go out looking for it. He may want it returned to the exact spot it was parked. But no, he won't go looking.

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I thought he did. Maybe it's coincidence that some guy named braden with the EXACT same car and identical thread posted on here that lives in Kentucky is here? Nah laugh.gif It's Braden.







Hahahaha way to be slick about it....


I hope whoever banned him (skib I think) notices this and does what he thinks right. Making multiple accounts after being banned earns a perma band if I'm correct, then using one of those new accounts to troll more? I can't wait...

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telling you to apologize to your mom is starting shit? :lol: sorry man, i didn't fell like losing a few I Q points by reading your useless slum. I watched the video and that was all. :cool:


If your who I think you are you need to keep a low profile or I will ban your ass back to wherever it is will take you

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no not you! That wasn't really to be taken seriously, I guess I should have put a laughing icon


OH! Okay, I wasn't sure. I didn't wanna get pissed off until I knew laugh.gif Guess I don't have a reason


It's hard to tell who's serious and not on Ratsun these days blink.gif

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