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Introduction- 76 280z

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Hi everyone,

I've been hanging around Ratsun for a couple months now, and it seems that this is the most helpful online Datsun community. I haven't properly introduced myself yet, so here goes.

I have loved s30's ever since the first time I noticed a gold 240z sitting in someone's yard. Even though it was covered in webs and dust and had flat tires all around, I would have to stop and admire it every time I walked past. So in September, I bought a yellow 76 280z. It had a 5spd swap from a later model, an msd ignition coil, full Magnaflow exhaust, only 50k miles, for 1900! I thought "total steal" and I jumped on it without thinking it over enough, or even looking over the car and records. That first week was the happiest week of my life.



The second week, I noticed that the clutch would slip every once in a while. Then the fuel pump died. I thought that the pump was in the fuel tank, so I didn't even consider doing it myself. So I got it towed to the nearest shop. Then I found out that the mileage couldve been rolled back, and I would have no way of knowing because the plates weren't original. Bought new wheels and tires b.c the stock ones had cracked tires. And I got the 92s at a good price.



A couple months later I tried to smog it, and surprise surprise, it was a gross polluter, and it ran super rich. PO told me it should pass with the cat back on, as he had it taken off. Lies.




So, I've been doing some circuit testing, cleaning connectors, more random testing, ignition timing, pumping high octane gas for it, everything I could for the time being.

I brought it to a CA certified Gold Shield station to get it to pass last week, but they told me they couldn't help me b.c their parts supplier didn't have any parts for it. Did some afm testing, can't decide whether I should get another or not. (http://community.rat...esting-other-s/ if you want to help me!)

But at this point, all I want is the car on the road, and I want it so bad. I don't have any real experience with cars, and everything I know is from manuals and the internet. Smog stuff is just so complicated. It's been almost half a year, and this is what I get to see every day.






I'm thinking about just throwing in the towel and just taking it to a shop my friend works at, even though their prices are pretty hefty. I just want to drive my car.

This things such a burden, I'm thinking I would've been better off sticking to Hondas. But I just love that old-timey feel, and I love my car so much.



Oh well, I guess this way I get to live out my romantic fantasy of "kid with sh**ty car." So I guess it's cool.



So that's the story of my car for you guys. Didn't mean to come here and cry about my car or anything, just thought it'd be nice to tell.

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What a sad story man. I can fix your problem though move to New Mexico, the only place the pollution nazi's are is in one big city the rest of the state they will register anything sight unseen. Good luck with it though really

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What a sad story man. I can fix your problem though move to New Mexico, the only place the pollution nazi's are is in one big city the rest of the state they will register anything sight unseen. Good luck with it though really


Thank you everyone for the warm welcome. Yeah smogging is quite the bitch. Thanks for the well wishes Rob, I am confident that one day I'll have my payoff.

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Nice intro. Nice color (says the guy with 3 yellow vehicles....4 when the 411 eventually gets painted :cool: ).


Don't throw in the towel. If you can't figure it out, and I'm impressed you're trying, hook up with some other Datsun/Z folks that maybe can help you sort it out. Worst case, bite the bullet and take it to your friend's shop -IF- they really can fix it.


Welcome to the Wide Whacky Datsun World.



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I don't want to give up, one of the main reasons why I bought a car was because I wanted to learn about them and work on one. But its already been soo long, and I really want to start driving it



stick with it.



there not some generic shitbox every idiot has because it takes elbow grease and real love to DD one and keep them in tip top.


but when you do, its your car. you know it inside and out, and its more than a car after that.

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stick with it.



there not some generic shitbox every idiot has because it takes elbow grease and real love to DD one and keep them in tip top.


but when you do, its your car. you know it inside and out, and its more than a car after that.




^^ what he said. My first Car was a 77z same color. keep that thing and never let it go, unless it's about to run off a cliff, then let that bitch take the fall.



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What manuals are you studying? Have you tried learning more about cars in general? How they run, how to diagnose, what symptoms mean what problems... cars generally all operate on the same principals; after that, you're just dealing with fuel delivery and ignition systems(as far as driveability is concerned).


There's a learning curve to it, but once you learn what all the bits and pieces are, and how they relate to one another, you truly see it as one great machine, operating in harmony. If one piece is suffering, it affects the entire car. It just learning how to read the signs that point you to the problem.


If you're into cars, and I mean REALLY into cars, you're in it for good. Keep learning, and don't stop educating yourself. It's a door with a very large universe behind it, and if you don't want to settle for driving a boring appliance and going only as far as changing your own oil, by all means enter in. Don't give up. It's a journey, each and every car. You're on the right track. There are lots of people around here more than happy to give you a hand, kick you in the butt, or both. It's a good community, and we're all fortunate to have it available.


Oh yes, nice S30 by the way. Welcome to Ratsun :)

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Man, that sounds like some real shit. Thats awesome, thanks for the encouragement, I need you guys around here to egg me on! Yeah Datsuns are pretty rare around here, it always makes my day when I see one other than mine.

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Yeah Datsuns are pretty rare around here, it always makes my day when I see one other than mine.



theres more than you think around there ;)



hell even Iv been known to be mobing around Alameda from time to time :lol:

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I heard using higher octane will help on emissions tests, but no I didn't use it on the first one. I used it on the second test, and all results improved, except for CO at 25 mph, which got worse:blink: cat was used, but i've heard that the cat only helps w/ HC emissions, and i have plenty of slack there. Only CO, which is about 3 times as high as the limit!

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I am working off a fsm for my year, the efi manual, and a chilton's manual. Yes, I have 2 textbooks that teach basic automotive service, and I am taking a basic autotech class at school. I've been hitting books nonstop, but sometimes, i just need someone w/ experience to explain it to me, even draw pictures for me and show me how things work exactly. Diagnosis seems realllyy hard. Yes I am really into cars, I'm on car stuff all day, in class, at home. Always thinking about my car at work, it's my only motivation for money. So yeah I'd say I'm pretty into cars.Thank you everyone for your support!

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also a great resource is HybridZ.org



its alot stricter over there but its one big tech manual for anything you could ever imagine Z.



just spend some time searching the forums and reading all the L6 stickies.



iv spent countless hours reading there for years

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Higher octane MIGHT help with NOx but since it burns slower it might raise HC ,, but it didn`t sound like it did that, but im not sure how CO is made . I thought a converter lowered NOx and HC,, when we had shop trucks not pass we advanced timing <till it almost pinged and sometimes that worked.. sometimes.


Could you take a better picture of results,, actual numbers ..of both tests

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oh and new ngk plugs, wires are new (done by PO), dizzy cap and rotor look pretty good, no carbon trails. old plugs were terribly carbon fouled, and new ones are getting there. Haven't done the fuel filter or oil filter, air filter looks clean, motor oil is still clean, PO had gas tank boiled, coolant level is a little low, ignition timing at 10 BTDC, but last time it passed smog in '03, timing was at 7BTDC. I never fully understood the significance of advancing vs retarding, turning the distributor which way is which, and which one would help me. but stock specs are 10 BTDC, so I left it at that.Valve adjustment not done yet, I don't hear any clinking, and I dont feel comfortable taking the valve cover off yet, but probably soon. I know I should.:lol:

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