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Just had to tell somebody!

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I have had my 620 running and running well for over a month now, but I am hiding this fact from my family. After letting the truck sit in various family member's garages over the last 5 years, they all said it would never run again and that I would give up on it. Well, I don't give up on things. Anyway, I had planned to drive it to Thanksgiving day dinner and show them all up, but chances of sleet and snow thwarted that attempt. I have been driving the truck around town and working out the bugs one by one. Tonight I gave the truck it's first REAL test...10 miles of interstate. I didn't go the full 65, but with my tiny tires, 4 speed transmission and very little left of the floor pan, it was a very nervous ride. However, Dotty McDotterson made it, and when I got off the interstate, honestly, she was running better than she ever has...heck...even the exhaust gasket leak was quieter! All the lights are working, alternator is charging, radio is playing and even though it was 16 degrees tonight, she fired right up and ran well once the auto choke was done doing its thing. I can't post all of this great news on facebook because my family is getting the Christmast gift of Datsun this year and I want it to be a surprise. I am just so proud of my little truck. With the exhaust leak sound going away though, I won't lie, I am a bit afraid that it is about to let me down. Everything I own seems to run at its best just seconds before it implodes! HAHAHAHA! Thanks for letting me vent!

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this truck spelled the demise of two relationships, so the comment about women is pretty funny. my current g/f doesn't mind it, but the truck hasn't taken an entire weekend of our time yet...so i'm just waiting on that to happen. so many of you guys have helped me out through this site, so i really have you guys to thank. In the future i do plan on it being a full on daily driven show truck, but in the mean time, I am just going to enjoy driving the hell out of something nobody else around here has. I would post pics, but I am never here at home during daylight hours right now, and I have a work truck that I'm in during the day. However, I have a feeling after I lower it, i just won't be able to hold back on the pics.

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GREIGGY! Damn it man, I have been trying to get ahold of you, I even got back on the NZ datto board and asked them if they had seen you. I didnt know if you still had the RHD stuff or not, but I do still have your window here! Let me know if you still need that. I was afraid you were out of the datto game!

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GREIGGY! Damn it man, I have been trying to get ahold of you, I even got back on the NZ datto board and asked them if they had seen you. I didnt know if you still had the RHD stuff or not, but I do still have your window here! Let me know if you still need that. I was afraid you were out of the datto game!


cant get rid of me that easily !!!


have sent you a pm!!

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