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people are talking crap about datsuns...

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This thread is funny to me in that it made me remember my first Datto.. back in '94 I bought a '90 5.0 'Stang, and it was a pretty friggin' cool car, as I was still into the V8 thing, and it was set up pretty sweet by the PO, and I pretty much drove the shit outta that thing. Then I saw a '77 280 for sale on the side of the road one day, pretty rough but just nice enough to drive by it a bunch more times and then get suckered in. Bought it, drove it home, put the same for sale sign in the Mustang and never looked back. :)


6 Datsuns later...

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Definately some reverbing thoughts here... I too had a 91 LX 5.0 (bought in 93), held onto it till 2005 when I moved out here to Cali. Started looking around for another toy and a 72 240Z grabbed my attention even though it was rough around the edges. Second 240Z and a 73 620 later, here I am! I don't even get a slight chub anymore about Mustangs.

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Nah, its not childish or crazy.....i just kind of call it the Tao..........I have only had that feeling with datsuns in general and my old dodge neon...........yea they have their haters (many) and yea there may only be a few of them that people deem "worthy" or that one is "ok for a datsun" etc..........

But the feeling you get, the energy you feel from working on it, driving it, caring for it as well as it cares for you, the feeling that you get when you think of other vehicles from our vintage that just AREN'T around anymore, but not a day goes by I don't see a datsun that doesen't make me smile.........and i have never come out to my datsun in a parking lot and have someone stop me and give me hate.......everyone praises what an amazing vehicle they were, and still are and how they regretted ever getting rid of theirs......I have helped a dozen people find a datsun like they used to have over the years and they all still have them and drive them.........that's something you just don't see everyday.


I live a datsun life.......I grew up in the extended cab of a 79 620 that my dad bought brand new. I have seen the northwest out of those little windows with me and my younger brother playing, sleeping and fighting, with no seatbelts on during a time that was more real to me than life seems now sometimes, and I own that truck now!


Amen to the Datsun way.




this is what im talking about i thought i was crazy but i guess as crazy as i thought i was. haha. but i have this feeling like its not just a car, its a hobby, a culture, just a way of life. like you said how people always say they were and are the best car they had its stuff like that makes it even more fun as hell to be a datsun owner. like driving down the street and people break there necks to look at your car. or the older cats will throw you a thumbs up at a stop light cause they know whats up.

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Well, let him know that he can suck your ass and drive his girlfriends car while you drive your own car. He's clearly jealous. Just make sure he's aware that a 240 with an LS1 would annihilate his shitstang and leave it at that. Some datsuns are crap, same with Mustangs. let him be him, and you be you. Be the bigger man and let it go.


So it takes a Chevy motor to make a 240 fast? That's not a very good argument, the rest of your post is great though.


Oh, and the new 5.0 is amazing. If I had a GF (I have a wife, and there is no way I'm going to put up with 2 women's shit) and she had one and let me drive it, that really wouldn't be a bad thing.

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Okay, I just went there and the Admin has a video of drifting 240s as the avatar. And the handle is purpletop240. Uber gay, I can't even spare the effort to go start shit, although I did look for a Datsun-related bashing and couldn't find any.


To compare that would be like Skib driving a BMW with a handle of "weinerschlidein" :D


haha, thats awsome cause thats my brother:rofl:

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I pulled a stang outta a ditch with my brown 720, too each thier own but I cant put much value in anything someone says when they dont drive thier own. Had a kid get all bent outta shape when he read a decal on the back of my turbo gt. It said "If speed kills, honda drivers will live forever!" He was telling me I needed to take it off and his honda would smash it. Funny thing was he shut up quick when I pulled out cash and asked him if his mom would mine if he could prove it with "her" car. ;) Dont worry about what "others" think, that is 99% of the issues in this world!

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That link doesn't work, asks you to sign in and such. Or maybe we just can't view that thread? Anyway, ask your brother if he wants an autographed copy of Fast and the Furious for Christmas. I'm pretty sure Paul Walker would sign an autograph for $10 since his career's in the toilet! :D

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and no forum raids plz.



cuz if we get raided back Im gonna be super pissed :angry: cuz I have to clean it up.



and its just some douche that drives his girlfriends shitty car. fuck him, his opinion obviously carries no merit.


:rofl: don't worry, I won't raid their forum as a Ratsun member. Or at all for that matter

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haha yea. i forgot you have be a member to view most of the forum. maybe you guys should all make acounts and blow the forum up with datsun threads:ph34r:


No troll wars. It bounces off. We're the ones driving a Datsun




I might just be crazy but.

I feel like datsuns are much different from other cars, When I get behind the wheel of a datsun my soul is soothed. Problems in life vanish.

I feel like I can conquer the world. I have no worries. Working on the datsuns does it too but not to the effect of hearing that L series sing at my

command. When I think of datsuns now they are at a level in which no car can compare. I have so much respect for my datsun and other datsuns that I cant put

them down. Someone can tell me they want to race me with there corvette or what have you, and I still tell them I will win. I KNOW I wont cross that finish

line first, but maybe I will win on a much higher level. Its an underdog mentality. Maybe im childish and have more imagination than I should but Passion Is

all you have in this life.... Love your Datsun it will make you a better person.


Datsun is better than chocolate.

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