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Free monies!

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Theres a new site supposedly launching that's supposed to be paying you small amounts for your watching adds by their sponsors. I'm kinda intrigued. It's a free site so how can it make any money from this?

I joined because I figured, what harm can it do? Maybe I'll actually get something out of it :P I'm poor. Any other poor people that like free monies watch the video, learn and maybe you'll get paid. I'll post up proof if I actually get anything from it for you skeptics as soon as it officially launches.

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Don't mean to rain on the parade, but this sounds a lot like the website Lockerz.com, of which I was a member. Lockers awarded you "Points" for watching lots of adds, and then had a shop where you could redeem your "Points" for stuff like Ipods, laptops, etc etc. However, they were really sketchy about redemption every time I tried. I was repeatedly told that the item I chose was not available, or I was too late to redeem my points for that month etc.


Moral of my story: Be Warry. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Keep us updated however. :D

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Don't mean to rain on the parade, but this sounds a lot like the website Lockerz.com, of which I was a member. Lockers awarded you "Points" for watching lots of adds, and then had a shop where you could redeem your "Points" for stuff like Ipods, laptops, etc etc. However, they were really sketchy about redemption every time I tried. I was repeatedly told that the item I chose was not available, or I was too late to redeem my points for that month etc.


Moral of my story: Be Warry. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Keep us updated however. :D


Yeah, you got a good point :P Thats why I'm being cautious. I like the sound of free money, and the video is deffinitly a little convincing, so I figure, why not give it a shot? Worst that could happen is I won't get anything on it and they spam my email.


I'm waiting for them to officially open it up and if they ever cut me a check, you guys will be the first to know cool.gif

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So if VW was spending say 2.3 million to advertise they have no idea how many people it gets to . So this company gets them and 500 other sellers and convince them to spend say 1 million and pay you to watch the ads. VW gets a deal, the company makes money and you presumably get some. You have just been tricked into watching what everyone else has avoided. No sane person could want to watch commercials. Doing it for money is sane though. If I want something I go looking for it. TV commercials are no different than tele marketing.... they invade your home selling stuff you don't want or need. I stopped going to movies because the other day I had to sit through a fucking commercial first!!!!

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This whole idea doesn't pass the sniff test! All you will get out of this is permanent "membership" in every scammer's hit list. Junk mail anyone?


I signed up using an old junk email address and haven't gotten any junk mail or spam yet. But that doesn't mean I won't. I spoke to a few of my friends about it and they haven't either. Kinda interested on how this might turn out. lol

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I used one of those types of services. Fill out surveys, get points, spend points. Well I learned early on that it was alot of work. But I did get my points. And then I was actually able to spend them. I bought a 1 month subscription to xbox live, and it was an instant code. The code did work. But A little later I got a virus on my computer, and I never went back to the site.


Basically nothing is free. It will take lots and lots of your time. That is if it works.

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