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Happy Turkey Day

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Thanks Mike


Happy Gobble gobblecday to you Mike and Mrs Datzen,,




Just got back from family Dinner in Chermainus :D



Happy Gobble Gobble Day to all Canuckers :lol:

And to the peeps down south that need real beer :P :lol:

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Well happy T-day to you all you guys up north :cool: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ours is next month :D ( so you'll here from me again :lol: )



Hey Naow ---> our beer is 50% real ... :o ohhhhhhhhhhh wait ! ,,,,,,, :lol:



What time should we all be there for dinner(al the canuckers :P :lol: )


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I don't drink, anymore. Used to be 5-6%




Government regulations require that all beer sold in Canada show the alcohol by volume on the label. A standard bottle of beer (12 Imperial fl. oz./341 mL and five percent alcohol by volume) which makes 21.6 mL of alcohol (17.05 g). The percentage of alcohol is expressed in weight per volume (g/100ml) so it means grams of alcohol per 100 ml of solution (fluid in the bottle). It means that a 126.74% alcohol liquid would be pure meaning only pure ethanol. In most nations, the labeled alcohol percentage is either the average or maximum percentage allowed. However, as of 1927, most Canadian provinces require the minimum alcohol percentage to be labeled rather than the average. This move was meant to eliminate inaccurate nonalcoholic labelling as well as fraudulent advertisement.

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Happy belated Thanksgiving guys! Turkey was OK, the Rib Roast was wayyyy better! No beer for me, the new .05 blood level means I can't even have a beer and drive now, my 130lbs absorbs the stuff way too quick :( !

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Mrs d invited all the kids home for Tthanksgiving. Youngest boy is newly married and living in London Ont., daughter and husband are near Calgary and both unable to come home. It's ok they are making their way in life and we are proud of them even if they can't make it. Our oldest boy and fiancee who live nearby came and one of the youngest boys old g/fs and her new husband. So 6 of us did pretty good remembering the old days when 10-12 family and friends filled the house with noise, and feasting, and laughter. It was a good time.

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Happy belated Thanksgiving guys! Turkey was OK, the Rib Roast was wayyyy better! No beer for me, the new .05 blood level means I can't even have a beer and drive now, my 130lbs absorbs the stuff way too quick :( !




Roast mmm good..


Ahh heck had Turkey on Monday at familys, Then I made Mama a roast for her B-day yesterday ;)


Best of both worlds :cool: :lol:


The new " drink " law, In a way bites ( one beer with dinner :blink: ) But its also a good thing, Too many that risk others lives all the time it seems :unsure:


Wonder if ole Gordo is a non drinker with dinner now? :blink:

Most certianly isnt while in Hawaii :blink: :lol:

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Dinner was at my bro in laws this year. Turkey, roast, all the goodies. Kids by the barrowful, 7 of 'em, piles of people, good times! All of the kids are still young in our family group, 18 - 4 ...


Yah, the new drinking law is good, it'll punish those most likely to hurt someone else, I hope ....

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Guest 510kamikazifreak

Dinner was at my bro in laws this year. Turkey, roast, all the goodies. Kids by the barrowful, 7 of 'em, piles of people, good times! All of the kids are still young in our family group, 18 - 4 ...


Yah, the new drinking law is good, it'll punish those most likely to hurt someone else, I hope ....



Can I come next year :lol:


I also hope people will figure it out.. :blink:

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