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Any info from somebody who has tried to ship one it?


When I Went To Japan I Asked An Independent Car Exporting Company How Much It Would Cost To Ship My El Camino From San Francisco To Osaka (One Way) And They Told Me It Would Be About 1500 Bucks Plus A Bunch Of Other Stupid Fees Totaling To About 2k Maybe?dry.gif

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I've heard by importers over here, its hard to find SSS Coupes in Japan, and some Japanese wont sell for export. They are rare, any given Datsun show you might see 1 out of 50-200 cars. I don't think a Coupe with a L16 /4 speed is worth 20K or more. It's all about what some one is willing to pay. Took me awhile to sell my last Coupe, but I got close to what I had into it. After driving it for 5 years. Coupes are the best return over other Datsun, except maybe a Skyline. As long as you don't dump $60K into it.

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