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Collection Agencies

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So I got 2 letters in the mail for Debt Collections. One was for a magazine I subscribed to about 3 years ago, and one for some magazine I never heard of. The letter for the magazine I did subscribe to said I owed $11.97 or something around there. In the letter, it said what to do if you wanted to dispute it, and gave a web address and a phone number. Went online, sent an email, done deal. Now for the "other" collection letter. In that letter, it gave 2 options, pay $29.95 to clear the debt and be done, or pay $29.95 to renew the subscription, with a web address and a phone number. Nothing said about disputing it. So, I go to the website (which gave a warning that said it wasn't secure) and filled out the information that was on the letter, and waited for it to load. and waited...and waited. So, I called the number and the automated voice said to give the account number "...enter number". "OK, now say which method you wish to pay with" "...dispute" "I'm sorry, could you repeat that" I actually replied with "this shit is clownshoes" and hung up. (Thank you Skib, you're my hero) :P Basically I figure that one had to be fake, but it was still funny to see some random letter saying "either pay us .....or pay us". But yeah, just wanted to say that little (more like essay) tidbit of info. Any other fun/rant/weird/whatever stories?

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If serious it would have been registered mail. Don't even reply by e mail.... could be just phisshing, or looking for ID info. Mags will do anything to trick you into renewing. Just wright return on any other mail of this kind and throw back into the mailbox.

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In California, a 4 year old debt is uncollectable. "Statute of limitations". What you are getting is Vampire collectors who buy uncollectable debt for pennies and dun you in the hope that you are stupid enough to pay them. They cannot redate the debt by buying and selling among themselves no matter what lies they will tell you if you are stupid enough to call them! You are in for a never ending series of different collection agencies buying and selling this crap among themselves and trying to get you to "settle" their so called debt. You are not obliged to pay anything. Check your credit report [annualcredit report.com] and see what the origination of this so called debt is and notify the credit bureaus of the illegitemacy of this so-called debt. Do not respond to the vampire, this establishes a business relationship and new date for the so-called debt!

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lol I made a good poster but you gotta thank pumpkin for "clown shoes" :lol:



Im a Muse! :D



>cough< right, sorry. All I saw WAS that poster. IM SORRRRIEEE MEESTERR PUMPKIN! (I'll take my lashings, but, please be gentle :blush:) But yea, I didn't know about the whole "not doing anything", since I don't really have "established" credit or anything like that. So since I got 2 I just went straight to wtf.

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unless the debtor had your SS# at some point, ignore.


FCS is good though! :thumbup:


In California, a 4 year old debt is uncollectable.


You are in for a never ending series of different collection agencies buying and selling this crap among themselves and trying to get you to "settle" their so called debt.


Check your credit report [annualcredit report.com] and see what the origination of this so called debt is and notify the credit bureaus of the illegitemacy of this so-called debt.


i have 12yo debt(from 98) that was been paid in 2002 to the original creditor when i bought my house.


2009 - the collectors, three of them :fu: :fu: :fu:

all claim i owe on my CR and its a royal PITA.


every collection attept shows as another charge off.


they :fu: have ZERO intrest in removing, even though they have been shown the payoff.


:angry: :angry: :angry:

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I filed bankruptcy back in 03' and had it fully discharged. My credit an all is super back on track. My lawyer warned me back then that some dirtbag companies may search public record and try to collect some debt and if any of them try just call them and give them his name and number and he would take care of it. LOL last month I got 2 letters from some collection agency........trying to collect 300$ worth of debt on one and 400 on the other. SO I get to reading about all of their payment options etc and they would give you free gifts if you paid off a certain amount at a time etc, and was just about ready to turn them over to my attorney, and I see in fine print, right on the fold of the letters "If these debts have been discharged in a bankruptcy, then we are not trying to collect a debt, but offering you a deal on discounted products" LOFL



What a bunch of idiots.......magazine subscriptions cant affect your CR because they don't have your ssn.



a holes


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unless the debtor had your SS# at some point, ignore.


FCS is good though! :thumbup:




i have 12yo debt(from 98) that was been paid in 2002 to the original creditor when i bought my house.


2009 - the collectors, three of them :fu: :fu: :fu:

all claim i owe on my CR and its a royal PITA.


every collection attept shows as another charge off.


they :fu: have ZERO intrest in removing, even though they have been shown the payoff.


:angry: :angry: :angry:

The vampire collectors try this all the time. Screw them! Go to annualcreditreport.com, protest the attempted relistings and when the credit report firm, not the vampire, asks for a copy of the original payoff send it to them. Meanwhile, since you protested the vampire attempts, the credit bureaus are obliged to remove the notifications until the issue is resolved.


My son had a similar issue with a vampire collector who had bought and sold a fraudulent debt several times. In addition to the credit bureau action we had our family lawyer send the firm a "gentle reminder" that the original debt was fraudulent as acknowledged by the originator and that he [the vampire] had been notified of this and provided documentation proving the fraud. The lawyer pointed out that all subsequent buy/ sell actions and collections were therefor in themselves fraudlent, and mail fraud to boot, and that if we received any other communications from them we would turn our package over to the District Attorney and the Postal Inspector. Never heard from them again.

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