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Hitachi Carb Rebuild Questions


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Ive gotten the carb apart. Im fairly certain its been done before as i found(or didnt find)missing parts.




Should every piece in and out go in????


This is my first time doing a carb. I put everything in labeled zippy bags..LOL...i look like a bad dope dealer.


Any thoughts or suggestions will be awesome to the max...





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USE THE CARB DIP!!!!!! LET THE JET BLOCK SOAK !!!!!!! LET ALL 3 PIECES OF CARB SOAK!!!!!!! i can stress this enough, the carb dip is designed to chemically dissolve varnish left by gasoline, spray carb cleaner alone is not enough!!! the carb spray will work great to loosen the dirt and grime but to actually clean the varnishes from the passages you need to use the dip, let it soak and take your time, i actually soaked mine then scrubbed it with soapy water then pressure washed it to rinse it, you could also try the soda blasting method after the dip to ensure cleanliness!!!

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i hope you didnt throw all of the jets into one bag, they are different size orfices even though they may look the same, the secondary and primary jets are different, i have found it easier to draw the jet block on a piece of white paper then lay the jets out exactly where they go so when it comes time to reassamble you just put them back in the same hole that you drew it coming out of

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Got the thing put back together....got everything back on the truck.....wont run...finally got it to run w/ lots of pedal....sounds like its running on 2 cylinders.....


rained all gd day...had to quit when the sun went down....


gonna run four new plugs tommarow after work



gd...thing was clean, dry and ready to be put back together....let it dry over a day...blew it out....all jets are in the correct places....oh well


go from suppa high idle to no idle..go figure






ps ANYONE should try to rebuild these things....it was not that tough(granted mine might be messes up), wish i would have done this months ago...

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good job on rebuilding, im glad you werent scared of it, mayeb we can help you get it going, i know when i rebuilt mine it was a headache tuning it afterwards (i ahdnt ever tuned a carb before) the mix screw on mine is so sensitive if i turn it out a half of a turn it will backfire and when i got to take off it wont have any power, plugs wires and cap and rotor and maybe points is a good thing to do when you rebuilda carb, try the plugs first, it sounds to me like you just need to adjust all of your idle circuit

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If it was previously rebuilt and assembled wrong you may not have changed anything but clean it. The rebuild kit had settings for the float drop level and choke unloader correct??


it is a simple carb i dont understand why people mess up the rebuild.


make sure you didnt miss any vacum lines or simple stuff like that.

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it is a simple carb i dont understand why people mess up the rebuild
Yes i wonder sometimes too. But then last year I couldn't get my lawnmower runnning correctly. Some crud got in the tank, so I clean it and the carb. Like i done many time. It was running, I even mowed the lawn a few times but it just barely ran. So simple... There are about 5 parts to a B&S lawnmower carb. But I couldn't get it running right. On the fifth take apart and try again I finally noticed of those few parts I had put one in upside down. Was running perfect in a few minutes. So mistakes happen. Could have avoided it if I'd bought the carburetor manual, maybe.
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Yes i wonder sometimes too. But then last year I couldn't get my lawnmower runnning correctly. Some crud got in the tank, so I clean it and the carb. Like i done many time. It was running, I even mowed the lawn a few times but it just barely ran. So simple... There are about 5 parts to a B&S lawnmower carb. But I couldn't get it running right. On the fifth take apart and try again I finally noticed of those few parts I had put one in upside down. Was running perfect in a few minutes. So mistakes happen. Could have avoided it if I'd bought the carburetor manual, maybe.


which parts were upside down if i may ask ?

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Datzenmike....This is a manuel choke carb. Im assuming a choke unloader is for a electric choke carb. I did the float ajustment. It looks good in there.


I just got home. Im going to put the four new plugs in and see what happens.


The parts that were missing were the parts in the anti-dieseling solenoid and both check balls.


Be back later with updates





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