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does anyone know what im talkin about?


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A few years back after i got my first Datsun, I was lookin around online and found an ad for a "body kit" from the 70s or 80s, and now Im lookin for it again and cant find anything about it! Im sure I wont be able to find one for sale anywhere but Id like to try and find one for a future project. From what i remember, it looked like it had wide bed sides that sorta reminded me of the truxarosa kits that used to around but at the same time the kit Im thinkin of wasnt as gawdy. If anybody has any info, Id greatly appreciate it!

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do you know what I am saying?


:D hahaha ! My Favorite is the episode where they are all "ninja's" and Kenny throws the chinese star into butter's eye , they take them to the veternarian hospital dressed like a dog to get him fixed up ! Another good one is "SuperFunLand" :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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A few years back after i got my first Datsun, I was lookin around online and found an ad for a "body kit" from the 70s or 80s, and now Im lookin for it again and cant find anything about it! Im sure I wont be able to find one for sale anywhere but Id like to try and find one for a future project. From what i remember, it looked like it had wide bed sides that sorta reminded me of the truxarosa kits that used to around but at the same time the kit Im thinkin of wasnt as gawdy. If anybody has any info, Id greatly appreciate it!

Do you mean to IMSA body kit? Good luck finding one of those.

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ok.... so dont all start hating on me, but since this was brought up, i figured id throw this up, its not really all specific luv's or anything, but mainly just old mini trucks, if anyones going for the old school theme! i met this guy over on luvtruck.cow, back before mine got fucked up! jus take a look around... they show old pics of a 620ck in one...


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thats the exact kit i was talkin about, just not the convertible! like i said it will probably be impossible to find, and if i do find it, it will be WAYYYY outta my price range! if anyone knows where to find one, your help would be greatly appreciated!

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