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There's this article that I read and I kept the figures handy:


US 12 years

canada 15 years

Russia 21 years

Saudi 66 years

Iran 93 years

Iraq 100 years ..makes you wonder why we're there.


Anyway the article said that these years are the numbers we have left if production is at 100% capacity..another article I read is that SUV days are numbered, similar to what happened in the 70s in the US when big American muscle cars made way for Japanese imports and VW. Oh yeh...oil supply is finate supply and right now the oil company and of course the middle east is lovin' it. We love our cars and it's evryone's fault, the US government for not being agressive enough, the car manufacturers who are looking at short term profit margins, vs the Japanese and so on and of course the publi who "must" have their brand new car every 2 years or so and that darn hummer. People would make excuses that they needed an SUV because it's safer..that's just honory..I mean what is the sole purpose of an SUV or how did they came about, hmmmm..let's look at mountain climbing and the Saharas...how many SUVs do you see on the road that's muddy and full of nicks and scratches, nope 99.00 % of them are neatly groomed and waxed.


Even if we find alternative fuel, it will not be enough..Are we forgetting emerging markets like China and India..wasn't it recently that China tried to acquire Mobile?, I could be wrong, but congress at the last minute stopped that because it is a security risk! Do you think?? Nope, Americans we been spoiled actually..in Europe it's anywhere from $8 - $11 a gallon depending on which part...


I say that it's a natural evolution..in Physics they call athropy..

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The earth receives about 10.54 zettajoules or (10.54 with 21 zeros behind it) of energy from the sun per day.


Due to absorption and reflection losses (etc.) the US receives 2-6 kw hrs/m2/day.


Solar cells work at about 15% efficiency.


Each square meter (on average) will produce from 300 to 900 watts/hrs of usable electrical power.


1 hp is 746 watts. So an L20B sized electric car would need 74,600 or 74.6 kw to power it. Another way to look at this is: you would need almost 82 to 250 square meters of solar cells (roughly a 30' X 30' up to a 50' X 50' panel) to make enough power to run it for one hour at full throttle.


Some areas would get more sunlight than others and more overall in the summer.


Less than 'full throttle' and a smaller motor could spread it's use over a longer time.


If a cheap, cheap mass produced solar cell panel could be made like a roll of plastic film, and even if it had only 10% efficiency, a one acre size lot could produce from 809 to 2,428 kilowatt hours of power per day!!!! At 0.08cents a Kw/Hr for electricity that's from $65 to $195 a day

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Yeh..I was watching tv today and there's this guy who converts gas powered engines unto diesel or left over cooking grease from restaurants and even did a conversion on a hummer, problem is it cost $35 thousand to do this. Another movie that folks should watch is Crude awakening or something like that. Watched it a few years back and man what an eye opener. For instance, the US makes up like 5 % of the worlds populationa and yet we used like 25% of the worlds resources like oil. Then they talked about emerging markets like China and India and once they start demanding oil like we do we are in big trouble. The movie was great in that it breaks down how much natural gas we use, coal and of course fossil fuel. And how we are in cahoots with countries like Saudi Arabia and companies like Exxon and so on to keep our "national interest". It everyone benefits except for the consumer like most of us and third world countries, in other words the poor and middle income folks. If you don't believe me check out Mobile and Exxons profit margins and of course govt since they tax the crap out of gas stations. Gas stations don't make that much and as a matter of fact they have supplement there measly profits by selling other consumer stuff like candies, sodas, hot dogs, donuts, etc... so the bottom line is we are all screwed right now and even so when the oil is gone. Even if we mass produce gas saving cars, energy efficient household goods, use nuclear plants more readily and go ethynol, it will not be enough since emerging countries like China and India will demand oil to feed it's economic growth and population.

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