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haha skinch wtf, did we fuse like goten an trunks?


DTP is almost asleep , sorry please leave a message , hahaha ! no no no sorry lynch I enjoy stupid shit and weird comments :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


DTP = Disturbing The Peace :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ( one comment at a time :w00t: ) lol !

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Gotcha ! Yup , Sounds like work to me ! Maybe this will make you feel better SKIB/LYNCH = SKINCH ??? hahaha ! IDK ??? ( SKINCH THAT ! ) hahaha sleep medicine do your thing damn it !!! Check out the video ! True story :lol: :lol: :lol:




..... Ill have what ever hes smoking :huh:

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Lithium ion batteries will heat up and can explode if suddenly discharged. Posibly from a 'short' or more likely from damage. Check out the massive Sony recall back a few years ago. Now the batteries have a safeguard installed in order to get licensing ... if they overheat there is a 'fuse' that 'blows' and the battery becomes inert. Of course the battery is totally useless after and has to be replaced. There is no acid as in a car battery but I still would not want anything exploding in my eyes anyway.

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Lithium ion batteries will heat up and can explode if suddenly discharged. Posibly from a 'short' or more likely from damage. Check out the massive Sony recall back a few years ago. Now the batteries have a safeguard installed in order to get licensing ... if they overheat there is a 'fuse' that 'blows' and the battery becomes inert. Of course the battery is totally useless after and has to be replaced. There is no acid as in a car battery but I still would not want anything exploding in my eyes anyway.



ya any shorted Li-ion is not a fun time lol Iv seen them get literally red hot too.

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Mini Update:


I've had to put Engine Ripout on Hold, my Sewer has been giving me troubles all week! eek! Its unusually warm here so with spring like weather, its havoc! Anywho, No excuses heres whats new:


Check out this new thread:




And here is some pics of new goodies I Setup from my trip, Clock was a present from my wife, that and she got me a Ratsun Bumper Sticker!

Plus I got back to working on my box liner last night, while Harley is Hemi-ing his BBQ, Also replaced the Windshield washer system, new pump and lines.

Old one was cracked, and pump was fucked. Pics to Follow:











Met a couple Celebs in Hollywood, heres one:


heres Last Nights Box progress: Once its done They trucks going Dark Gray.






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Congratulations on all acquiring all that primo swag. I know you ain't tripping because you can finally set your funky schedule to Datsun time. If blue is now in vogue at the wax museum, are you going to be hanging up your prisoner overalls and groove instead in a swanky blue set for the next while? Either which way, keep on truckin' Radio.

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Congratulations on all acquiring all that primo swag. I know you ain't tripping because you can finally set your funky schedule to Datsun time. If blue is now in vogue at the wax museum, are you going to be hanging up your prisoner overalls and groove instead in a swanky blue set for the next while? Either which way, keep on truckin' Radio.


Do you have a Datsun Spud?



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I used to have a 510 that I got just for the cost of the tow, but then I threw a sawzall party. On Remembrance Day, no less, but I did wait until the afternoon, I had my moment of silence and reflection, and had watched some of the CBC coverage of the events out East. The neighbours across the alley were gawking from their dining room window nonetheless. Unless I stumble across a smoking deal I will be waiting until I graduate to get another one, and a genuine daily driver or feasible project this time around, not just a parts car.


Has most of the snow melted away from your little part of the bald ass prairie?

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She got it at a Custom Shop Online She said...one of those Made to order joints




Hey! Who Died and Made you Moderator? ...Oh? You are a Mod?! Oh my God!


Evil theme: ***DUN DUN DUH DUNNN!***


Announcer: "Is this End of our Hero? Tune In Next Week for another episode of..."


Spooky Voice: "GET GAARAAGE!!!"



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Hey! Who Died and Made you Moderator? ...Oh? You are a Mod?! Oh my God!


Evil theme: ***DUN DUN DUH DUNNN!***


Announcer: "Is this End of our Hero? Tune In Next Week for another episode of..."


Spooky Voice: "GET GAARAAGE!!!"





:rofl: your a little behind there radio

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:rofl: your a little behind there radio


Yeah, as usual I Guess! Update on the grill boys: It's going to be Dark Gray with Black Headlight Surrounds. Also Curious if my 1980 720s signal indicator bits can be modified fr use on a 620? Cuase I snapped the arm off month ago, and need to fix that!



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