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my new truck


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tiny rims? those are 16's buddy.. go put your eye glasses on.. oxidation? where? compared to your truck mines mint.. atleast i havent had anyone diss my truck like yours has.. theres so many threads an so many forums where people have dissed your pos its not even funny.. i sure wouldnt fess up to owning that thing.. an if i did own it, it would just be so i could crush it an put it out of its misery.. :lol::fu:

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was that last comment suppose to be a diss to me if so let me know cus i dont get it

i think im gonna paint a sun on my hood and be like everyone else .. and the only chicks i see are the two fat ones in the bed of the truck:lol:

Edited by caddyhack
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come buy it then :D.. the only reason noone has dissed your truck is they prob. felt sorry for you





in that pic i was between paint jobs.. u can see the fenders an hood are sanded.. the door back isnt..

an the parts in front i was giving away, cause i had just upgraded to custom front disk brakes..


i think im gonna paint a sun on my hood and be like everyone else .. and the only chicks i see are the two fat ones in the bed of the truck:lol:


dont diss the rising sun, thats a big no no here.. if u dont like it fine.. we do..

an i'd like to see ya say that to those guys face.. heh.. hell i'd like to record that an stick it on you tube.. :lol:

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the only reason this shits still open is because mods are asleep.


lol keep editing skib i saved it hahaha


i dont care who i piss off there have only been a few cool people on here anyways :D i didnt pop off to anyone unless they said some kind of stupid remark to me such as yourself


well alright lady, good luck with that hot mess.. i'll unsubscribe so im not tempted by the little email pop up to reply lol :lol::fu:

Edited by lynchfourtwenty
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looks the same to me but if its not faded then it looks like a krylon paint job... YOU HATE THE TRUCK SO MUCH BUT CANT STOP TALKING ABOUT IT ... just admit it you love my truck:D


I do find it very interesting that for all the crap everyone is flipping about this truck,,it still gets alot of attention. If you dont like it then stop talkig about it and let it go....Like I have said before to each there own...it may not be your cup of tea, but damn alot of time and effort went into it...Would love to see it in person, pics never do anything justice....

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thanks when i got the truck i showed friends pics of it but you can never tell all the work and see all the work that went into this truck...

seriously stop and think how long it takes a normal person in there garage to make firewall tubs or to bob a bed. It took me and my buddy about two nights to fab both firewall tubs and i helped another friend turn his longbed 69 chevy into a shortbed and it had to be cut in front of and behing the wheel well, 4 cuts it took us about 4 nights to get it all measured and remeasured and then cut and fit and welded back together and not everyone has everynight to spend at a buddys house working on there truck while you own project falls further behind. but i appriciate the sceen and do what i can to help a frind out

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here is a crappy visual of how it works : bag fills (YELLOW) and pushes bag straight out then pivots on canilever(RED) and pushes a rod under the dash(BLUE) and that connects to another rod with almost like shock tabs (GREEN) that goes through the firewall (GREEN) and bushes bown on another rod that acts as a strut (NOT SHOWN) " like i said its hard to explain




Edited by caddyhack
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Personally I do not like rising sun hoods as it was the Japanese battle flag, and at that time they were aligned with the NAZIS. Don't like Nazis. Just saying. I love Datsuns, but not the rising sun. Sorry lynch.


And I would say more but I've poked enough fun at the truck we all can't stop talking about. :D

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