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Everything posted by Rustbucket

  1. I don't want want any crazy camber, either. I'm pretty confident I could stand my wheel up to almost .5 of a degree without any rubbing issues that I could foresee. I won't know until I get it on a rack and adjust everything, but I hope to not have more than a couple degree's. A half-decent contact patch would be nice with the power figure I'm sort of shooting for. I think I have about $15K in the initial purchase, wheels, and parts so far. Give or take another couple for consumables around the shop, and odds and ends. I'd guesstimate at about $20K totally finished at where I'd be very content with the finished product.
  2. Thanks for the kind words. This thing and I have a love hate relationship. Right now it's nothing but love.
  3. I would have preferred to not have a halo because I'll have to get some of that tacky spongy shit that they wrap it in because I don't need girls smashing their heads off the thing. I seriously doubt this car will ever see a track - I just don't need it flexing to pieces when I'm driving like an ass hole. A friend had referred me to the TechnoToy products, and I honestly didn't look much further than that. Their control arms did everything I needed them to do, and looked beefy as hell. The rear arms do allow you to adjust camber quite dramatically actually, in the same way as most of the other rear A-arms on the market. Let's not talk about the money, haha! :crying: Let's just say this car gives me a reason to go to work most days.
  4. Thanks, man! It's all been trial and error, and learning as I go. When people ask - I just pretend to know what I'm doing.
  5. Haha, this gave me a good laugh!
  6. This is where math came in handy. Started jacking it up... ... Success! Have to grab a hole saw big enough for the cap before I drill the center out, then I can weld flat stock under the floors back there to mount the cell from, and to keep the floor stiff.
  7. We began putting a cage in the Skyline yesterday. Got me awful excited to cage the Z - also got me motivated to work on this 'car'. The fact that my downpipe arrived today certainly helped things. This is an 80mm downpipe intended for an A31 Cefiro of all things. Just need to clock the bend 180 and it'll fit great. Finally bought a filter for the turbo inlet. And, just to make sure they know what size they're making this driveshaft.
  8. The Z is hot shit. Makes me wish I had kept mine stock body.
  9. Here's my royal piece of dog shit. Maybe I'll get to drive it this year?
  10. Just took a friends R32 for a quick jaunt up and down the service road near by. I can't wait to crash my car, haha.
  11. Those Enkei's look good, man - I bet it's a fun little car to rip around in.
  12. I feel like the girls you would meet driving this car on the street would be far superior to the ones hanging around at a drag strip. This alone should be compelling enough to convince you to keep it a street car. Do it for the babes, man.
  13. Skip to 30 seconds in, and your decision will be made.
  14. This is why I love this forum - probably the kindest people in the history of car forums. Wheels look good, Tristin!
  15. This came out of a drag cell meant for leaded fuels - this black stuff has a bad tendency to break down and clog filters really well. A friend's running the same cell in a similar application with no adverse effects. I trust Venice enough to take his word for this cell - I can't speak for other ones, though!
  16. Had to pull all this shitty foam out of the cell, through a holy just big enough to squeeze your hand through. Also, one part of my Techno Toy order arrived, and these things are too fucking awesome. I put them in to test fit and they couldn't be better - for $200 you seriously can't beat how easy and awesome these make your caster adjustments.
  17. Haha, I thought that was funny - 3,600 'Likes' for a car that doesn't run. Picked up my cell this afternoon, and gathered the fittings I'd need to make this box of aluminum work for me.
  18. It had to happen. I've got to make a skid plate for my oil pan, as the drain plug might be a little exposed without one. I should have really had somebody modify the oil pan for me before I put it on, but it's whatever at this point. They're certainly not cheap. I could do without the A-pillar bars, or halo - but having door bars tied to the front floor was essential. I don't want this car flexing itself to pieces, ahha.
  19. I'm waiting on the Z-Store to email some photos of how their cage looks compared to the Cusco item I posted. I believe that's just a generic item - but, based on some pictures, the S30 specific 6-points fit super awesome. I want a bolt-in so that I can keep all my interior panels and vinyls intact. It'll just be coming from an online vendor.
  20. And, one of these lovely little things.
  21. I'm currently waiting on a few items from Techno Toy, and a couple others that I need to order.
  22. Also did this... Then this... To accommodate this... It's a little 17"x17"x9", 10 gallon cell. Will work 100% better than the other tank I had restored.
  23. Finally felt inspired enough to work on my car. Verdict? I'm an idiot, and it goes low now. Got around to putting the bung in the hot side for my blow-off valve.
  24. I think they'll work great with what I need 'em to do. I can get crazy camber right now, but it sinks my front wheel in rather far. I bought them for the sake of pushing the wheel out and adding the camber that I desire. I will also be buying their rear arms in a month or two to fix all the toe that lowering these stupid cars creates.
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