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Everything posted by Rustbucket

  1. This car is motivation to finish mine. I thank you for that.
  2. Strangely enough, it was my old man that talked me in to keeping it. I'm glad you guys like it - hopefully I'll get to enjoy it after my hiatus.
  3. I ordered some front lower arms from Techno Toy Tuning, as well as their tension rods to get my front suspension a little more dialed in. The car is staying with me.
  4. I am so on the fence about this car. God damn it!
  5. Feels pretty crazy, haha. Now to finish the fucker. Haha, here's to hoping! Cheers! Thanks, pal. I cut the chassis harness up myself, but a friend of mine is an electrical engineer, and he'll be helping me with the engine loom. He's incredibly familiar with Datsuns, as well as Skylines and S13's. Thank-you. Haha, I'll do my best not to. Thanks, brother. I'd be worried about the weight of the Sunny not compressing the struts at all. I can't make the coils compress in the S30 by jumping up and down on it - it just doesn't weigh enough. This definitely attributes to missing out on that extra inch of drop. Just make the overall length of the assembly the very shortest you possibly can, and hope for the best!
  6. After much deliberation, I'll probably end up leaving it how it is. I might just be making excuses here; but I can actually drive the car at the height it's at right now. I won't lie, though - I was really hoping to gain another inch and a half out of this coil set-up. It's a lot of headaches to cut it up any further, though. For once, I think I might have to just settle with this aspect of this car.
  7. Yeah, I used Nissan Quest studs. Those are Ray's MXP lugs - they're really silly and stupid expensive, but they're purple. I needed them. Needs an inch or two lower, and new front lower control arms. She's getting there, though.
  8. Naw, I just have to section the tubes welded to my knuckles. Not difficult - I just didn't want to have to do it again.
  9. First time on the ground in 14 months...
  10. As if this car wasn't light enough to begin with. You've done away with floors, lawn mowers, and now the tires!?
  11. That is precisely what I did. I'm 6'2", and knew I wanted to sit really low, so getting the seat on the floor was the top priority. These cars aren't exactly conducive for tall people. It's a Mooneyes wheel.
  12. Thank-you! That means a great deal coming from you! And, you're spot on with the 'cold start' issue. I find I'll start it hotter than usual for tacks, and end up turning it down once I've laid a couple. Once it's been running for some time, the heat ratings are usually very accurtate, and 'Autoset' makes it incredibly easy. There's only been a few times with shitty metal that I've adjusted the wirespeed from where the 'Autoset' feature had put it. Mounting those seats was a a day or two full of very much swearing and frustration. To be honest - I didn't even have doors hung on the car when I mounted them, and it was simply by chance that the shoulder bolsters cleared everything. Getting the seats lined up and straight with everything was a massive pain in the ass. They're both hard-mounted to my preferred location - the passenger can deal with it, haha.
  13. Haha, hardly! I've got to buy new carpets still, but I've got all full interior to go back in. I kind of like the whole no passenger seat business, though.
  14. A friend of mine took this. You can see how well the shifter ended up lining up.
  15. My extended studs showed up at work today, so I pressed those in this evening. Began putting fuel things together. The fuel rail, and regulator are going to have their anodizing stripped to keep all the crazy colours down in the engine bay.
  16. Thank-you! Definitely. I was sort of at the point where I didn't care what they cost - I wanted them and would budget accordingly until I could afford them, haha. I appreciate the honesty, and the kind words. I'm doing my best to keep at it and see it through to completion. Bit by bit it's coming together as I had hoped it would.
  17. Haha, fuck it - since people are askin' anyways. They ended up at around $750 a wheel, shipped to my door in Canada. Add tires to the equation, and I've got about $4K wrapped up in wheels for this car, haha. :huh:
  18. Thank-you, man! I kind of lucked out in a sense that I'd already got myself a daily when I decided to build this thing. So, it was just a matter of putting the time in to work on the car - it could be blown apart as long as it needed to be.
  19. What colour will you be painting this car? Please tell me you're keeping it this minty colour!
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