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Everything posted by motavated

  1. what year is your truck? I might have the rad shrow you need? It changes from year...
  2. 57k with a blown engine? :rolleyes: That is a toyota for yah...
  3. My new one says 89k my old one broke... So a billion.
  4. Not hatting on that 2x2. Just would suck getting rid of a running VW. Find a vw bus and install your engine if you need room. Some are just as ugly and you can hug those tooo. The kombi bus need love too.
  5. Reminds me of a king of the hill episode when hank has not butt. Propane POWERED LAWNMOWER!!
  6. Try the Chev luv ones. They might work. Just some advice if you do hit the yards...
  7. It looks like this... dang that is one blurry ass picture. But its small and cylindrical.
  8. What happens is this... The head has two shims... And if they are missing or bent, it could end up like that. My gasket would sit crooked. But two new shims from the dealer and its all good. I use the same gasket, felpro. It sits flush with the chain cover bolts holes.
  9. I see your busted thumb. Must of hurt bad! But worth it at the end. :) NICE!
  10. We all live but we experience life differently. We all have a story and sometimes we have to talk to let it air out. I love me your stories man. So much wisdom and experience! I have read all of your postings and they are true words of a wise man.
  11. motavated

    My Yello620

    yyyyyyyayayayayyayaayyay! CANT WAIT TO HEAR HER RUN WITH A VG!
  12. Thanks guys. Nah she don't kick it under cars. She doesn't go outside. If she does, she kicks it at the front door. But our front door is not by the curb. We live in the back house in a 2 unit lot. So it way in the back. It's like you know if your dog is stupid or not. She might of gotten hurt in an accident. But I don't think she is stupid to hurt herself that bad. She really cant lick it so we didn't buy her that "thing". If she starts biting, I will have to buy one. I will post updates. Thanks for your concerns and ideas.
  13. i also found this one on ebay. Cant afford shipping. Its a nissan sticker from factory saying that your car has a winter package...
  14. Nismo nissan sticker with part number OS giken foxy datsun and Datsun made in CANADA have other but not as rare...
  15. I googled it. It's from a mini truck forum. BUT! The member is on Ratsun from Cali. It was a craigslist posting in Huston Texas is seems. http://datsunminitruckin.com/tx-foxy-datsun-sign_topic917.html Did 74datsun620 get it? He drove all the way from San Fran to LA to buy some of my parts. He might have bought it...
  16. I cleaned that one up. The original sticker does not have a white tail or chest. I also fixed it to have a smile. That is how it is supposed to look! http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSy4fOxH6Yz547VLD9MQNflw0KYRpWAm0g7_tXdgnluTey_iqJX4Q I have this groovy ass datsun sticker from the 70's... I need to scan that one in.
  17. I looked around and there is metal. But it's nothing that could cause that big of a damage. I am going to clean up back there and organize. all the nails on the wood are bent down. I don't know..... But I am going to clean that up and throw away a lot of crap...
  18. Thanks! sexy? JCCS WINNER?
  19. Bump with new prices. Look at first post. Bumperetts 185$ shipped lower 45 states
  20. The more I look at it. It's straight down cut. I don't know... I am still pretty upset and angry...
  21. My back yard is a small but its all green. There are two small spots were she could of gotten hurt. But I dont see her getting lots of top speed and hitting herself that hard... Well this is how she is now... All drugged up and hurt.
  22. Ok man... Thanks for the advice. I will look around tomorrow for some clues. Thanks!!!!
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