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Everything posted by motavated

  1. Tried looking but I'm a little confused about a installing stock tach. Its for my 1974 datsun 620. Little help?
  2. When I got mines installed. It looks like it has one inch clearance from fan to radiator. Of course I don't have the water pump with the fan clutch. Just the regular 4 blade one... It even seems that I could install the fan shroud...
  3. I'll help you find one when I go to the junkers....
  4. Cop pulled me over when I was already parked like an hour ago. WTF? What I did is that I pulled hard too pass an intersection were there was no light. I parked and was about to get off the car when that fool just blinded me... I really thought it was my friend trying to pull a fast one on me. But when he pulled up next to me I was still laughing "remembered this post". He told me what I did wrong and I told him that I was already parked and denied what he was accusing me off. He immediately asked for my ID. But just when I was going to hand him my card. He refused it and just questioned my age, my brother, and the reason I was in this area, then they just let me go... They guy I talked too was pretty pissed too.... No JOKE!
  5. Any one have a good 5 speed in the L.A area for sale. I'll be needing one soon.... Thanks... motavatedhate@yahoo.com
  6. I just installed the 75 620 rad in my 74. Its bigger, but it fits with little modification. Probably took me like 2 hours.... Around 150$ at the autozone....
  7. Idea 1.) For those drive by smog emissions test in Cali. Why not turn of your motor off and place it in neutral? I did it a couple time and I heard that they pull you over only when it doesn't pass when you go by. Idea 2.) I have seen the L.A fire department practice how to use there firetrucks on the L.A river. They been burning out and practicing there slides etc for emergencies. My idea is why not use the L.A river *when dry* for drag racing or etc. Idea 3.) I wont be surprised that the cops go to a car show and ticket everyone just cus they can...
  8. Just yesterday I started working on my 620 and installed the bigger rad. I had to test fit it and made some "brakets" for it. On Saturday I will be tearing out the engine and start striping and cleaning the engine bay. So before I even rebuild the engine.Ii have been looking for a good 5 speed. Does any one have one for my l20? Why rebuild and engine just to stick back the stock 4 speed back in.... Any who... Not yet...
  9. Well its what the title says. Want to figure out paint schemes or ideas like rims but don't have photoshop? No fear!!! Try it out! Its fun!!!! http://s125.photobucket.com/albums/p54/motav8td/?action=view&current=620truck.jpg Example... :down:
  10. I'm a library aide at the Norwalk regional library. I make less than 10,000 a year and currently a student in Cerritos college. Currently lost with no idea of a career. So does anyone know any good job opening's with good pay? I'm highly motivated when money is waved in front of me.... Also draw arts and work on old cars....
  11. I was expecting him to be driving the slow 22r 4wd 86 4runner. But he was way to excited if he was beaten with that... He was actually driving a Suzuki Aero with a cold air system and a little exhaust. Maybe around 150 hp. He told me that when the 620 doing around 60mph and he floored it that it actually burned out!!!! I'm drawing a sketch of the culprit... I'M REALLY INTERESTED IN THIS TRUCK!!!!
  12. At the 105 fwy like 30 minutes ago in the Norwalk Lynwood area in so cal I saw a 620 that was primered black with white pinstripes that were shaped like flames. My friend challenged that car since it looked exactly like mine. He was expecting an easy win but was taken down badly... LOL! I would like to know who the owner is and ask what does the have under the hood. Thank you!!!
  13. Part number is CA-8824 cost's 27.99. With tax 30.30 special order for a 1970 521 truck... The 620's version is around 20$....
  14. I bought one from dealer. Not cheap! I paid over 50$ for one.... Edit! You know what. I do have the part # and price. I have to look for it after work....
  15. Bought a 620 cable for around 20 dollars at autozone. I can look tomorrow for your model....
  16. Well I'm having this radiator problem right this instant! My 620 originally came with a 2 core radiator and a l18. So I went to the pick and pull and found what looked like a good 3 row rad from a newer 620. I went to get it cleaned and left my old 2 row one in the pick and pull as a core. When I arrived to receive my new clean radiator, I was showed that the radiator was useless and completely rotted. The owner told me that if I wanted to re core it, It would cost me 150 for the new lines. Fuck that! luckily I bought warranty and returned it to the pick and pull but now I have no radiator!!!! I Bought a 1976 Datsun 620 Rad from Autozone for 140 new, but I know it wont fit my 74. Autozone don't sell Rads for 620's 1974 and below. So I guess I will have to cut my firewall and make this 3 row fit.
  17. I would just like the rat with the wrenches but with no extra stuff. Maybe with the ratsun.net at the bottom, just like the sticker in REDeyEs welding mask... A nice!!!! Red eyes the one you did with the flag would look really nice in the gas door....
  18. I'm also interested in some! But if no one is selling them, then I don't mind if some one gives me the file so I can make some.... :sneaky:
  19. Here is another vw site!!!! http://www.thesamba.com/vw/
  20. This is how I got my Datsun... After I destroyed a Mustang for being young and stupid. I wanted to look for a car that has some nice curbs, was easy to fix and fast. The only thing I could think of was Datsun. 3 years have passed trying to look for a good 510 and well.... It just never came cus the Datsun was either sold, rotten, or way over priced. I then decided that I would have a better chance in fixing the car I totaled and call it quits. One day as I was going home, I saw a really sad Mustang for sale. When I went to go see it, not only was it overpriced but badly rotten and salvaged as well. As I lift the hood up I was praying to see a nice massaged v8 for the price he was asking. But I was greeted with an almost dead inline 6 and a rats nest. The owner then said that he will include a nice v8 engine to transplant that he had inside the garage. I didn't really care anymore, but he was persistent and showed me inside. As he opened the door I was in shock. It was the most abused truck I have ever seen! It smelled awful, the brakes didn't worked, and the engine was bad. But for 300$ she was mine! An ugly 1974 620 pick-up that would never have had a future with out me. She needed me, and I'm here to help her....
  21. O sh!^ I see it!!!! Who is going to save it? I wouldn't mind saving the split windows either...
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