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Everything posted by motavated

  1. Who gives a shit on who's president. I'm glad that F'n Bush left. Hitler organized a nation who was falling apart and used the Jews as a scapegoats. The US is just like how Germany was back then. But the only thing Obama has been constantly doing is constantly apologizing! Sorry I messed up doh!!!! He's human just like you and me... And it seems like he is using "PEACE" not gas chambers and bombs and guns to solve problems. Bush was more like Hitler if you ask me.. Terrorists are the U.S problem Bush said! Lets go kill them! There deaths will make everything better for the US already failing economy back in 2001.
  2. BTW! Most Mexicans dont even want to bother to come over here anymore... The bush administration fucked it all up... Some are even going back... They are saying that America is not America anymore. Supposedly it was a land were "dreams" come true! Now they are saying that America is were a person keeps "dreaming" of making it big and never do... Mexicans don't have the power to work in the Goverment. The US natives fucked up this great land with there own greed. I really hope this new president can take care of that and bring back respect and wealth back to this great nation. Dont blame the immigrant people. Blame the greedy crocked MF who were raised here and ran for president and high Gov positions... We need change!!!
  3. This is how it see it. Illegals take jobs that no "American" wants to do. Go pick grapes from the fields for less than minimum at 100+ deg temperatures. Most immigrants do the hard dirty jobs like refineries/tire shops/ dumps/ construction/ janitorial/ etc. Most Illegals don't have the proper language to work at a fast food restaurant or the proper education to be a teacher or a doctor etc. They come just for this simple reason of either working or stealing. Let me explain. Over there in Mexico there is nothing but hunger! You have to be a crook to make a living over there in Mexico. You just cant open up an innocent little shop over there and sell stuff. NO! The government will tax and narcs will ask for money and kill innocent people! Drugs are king over there! Honest people just give up of always working and not making a living to support their family. These honest people come to America the land of opportunity were they can work safely and support there family. They rather work in the fields in 100+ deg temps all f'n day than to be doing the same job over there in Mexico but with no money to own a home or to buy a car or food. Fuck that! I rather work my ass of here In America and at least support myself and my family with a good education and a roof on there heads. Of course those fucken crooked mother fuckers, who fuck over the Honest hard working Mexican over there will come over here too. They don't give a shit who you are. Money is all they care for. That and the easy money of selling/making drugs... But those types of people are everywhere. No mater what race you are. Crooked fuckers are crooked. No mater were you are from. My mom/dad who were illegals can honestly say they never abused uncle sam... They worked hard and now own many homes around LA... My parents were thinking of going back to Mexico but why? Why send money there? Everything you need is right here! Schools/hospitals/healthcare/jobs/etc. So there money now stays here. Most people who send money to Mexico is so they can bring the whole family over. Or to support a love one like a father/mother. Once the family member dies or jumps over... They stop and the money stays here and circulates... U.S currency is being used everywhere! The American dollar is all powerful compared to other currencies. American money/currency is being sent to Asia by the billions and especially the middle east. So think about that before you say that A Mexican is send away 500 a month to support a family... Not some fucked up shit over there in the middle east... I'm tired. I would love to hear some opinions.... Peace!
  4. Man that sucks! I did the same thing a while back, but I totaled a 66 mustang when racing a BMW. Took me like.... 4 years to get me out of that hole. Good luck man! And thanks for everything!!
  5. The real Weird Al was from Lynwood Cali were I'm from. HEEEE!!!!!! Straight from the hood!
  6. How much for the mph bezel? The plastic that covers the Odo? Cracks???? How much for the whole plastic thing that has the radio and heater stuff. You know the brown thing that has chrome around the sides...
  7. Is that car still drive able? I wonder if some one can rebuild it and upgrade it to fuel injection and tune it. That is one cool car. I wouldn't mind driving it. Really!
  8. Awww.... I bought a stereo like that one the other day for like 60 buxs. Seriously, I just payed 20 buxs more for a good used one. Its was made in 1994 and it still plays very good! I just wonder how long those new chepo 40 dollars ones will last. Well what about this? http://cgi.ebay.com/Bluetooth-Cassette-Adaptor-for-Cars_W0QQitemZ370154130219QQcmdZViewItemQQptZAU_Car_Parts_Accessories?hash=item370154130219&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 Its a bluetooth cassette! I guess you just play the tape and it receives bluetooth signals.... If you really want to save some cash just buy this.
  9. Cant you buy an old stereo like this one. http://cgi.ebay.com/Kenwood-AM-FM-Cassette-stereo-shaft-style-radioKRC-2006_W0QQitemZ260355381037QQcmdZViewItemQQptZCar_Audio_In_Dash_Receivers?hash=item260355381037&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50 and connect this thing in the back. http://cgi.ebay.com/12-ft-3-5mm-mini-plug-to-2-RCA-male-stereo-audio-cable_W0QQitemZ260352928222QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item260352928222&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1|293%3A1|294%3A50#ebayphotohosting Would it work?
  10. Thank you, good luck and be safe. When you are over there is there a way to send something that you might need? Man... Just take care over there....
  11. Hell yeah man! I been waiting. Is he going to give it back to him? Gets very interesting!!!
  12. From what I remembered. The subs ended around ep 12/13. Now they are up to 24!!!! Shows almost over. :( http://www.wanganmidnightanime.blogspot.com/
  13. I member this car from the craiglist. Nice car!!! Did you buy it?
  14. That shotgun looks like my favorite Jackhammer shotgun... http://world.guns.ru/shotgun/sh10-e.htm
  15. I think opening the F'n hood to swap or remove an spark plug wire is stupid. WHY DO IT!!!! Your just drawing attention to your car. Hmmm... It seems like that man removed just one spark plug wire so no one can steal it. It must be valuable or have some thing I can sell. Let me open the hood and use wire #2 to power the coil. I can still drive it anyways....:rolleyes:
  16. No prob man! My grandmother taught him that tech. Then he taught me... beautiful! I just want to cry...
  17. I have seen lots of Datos here. I seen a truck just like mine 1974 parked on Vermont and 140? I also have seen many roadsters and 510 like every other day. Just today I saw a 510 wagon. There is this also a very sweet 810 4/2 door on Vermont and 122? wouldn't mind getting that 810 and slamming it and slapping on a turbo on that car. Would make a great DD. On my block there is also a blue kind of messed up mango that needs some loving. I wouldn't mind that. I been driving around and looking around for cars. There is this Mean Toms Toyota Starlet for sale! Lots of great cars in this city...
  18. How cracked is it? You know what I did? Man I need a camera to show some people....
  19. Tight!!! We should go terrorize the streets.
  20. Hey man! I just moved too Gardena. Is it ok if I can take a look at that beast!
  21. Dang... That is watercolor? Dang.... THAT IS TIGHT!!!! *High five*
  22. I did not say that. Some guy in a shop did. He said go buy Volks/ssr/etc and get the real deal and not that fake crap. He pretty much said he liked JDM products and not Rotas cus they crack. That just what I heard... I like Jap products. Thats why I drive a Datsun... Just saw the video. Pretty clean.
  23. I heard that they crack too. They told me at a shop pretty much like this, buy japan and get out u cheap bastard. They will never drive a car with those type of wheels...
  24. Man I hate doing that hole punching thing. I was doing that for hours till my father taught me this old Mexican trick in making gaskets. Get an uncut paper gasket and a screw driver. Place the uncut paper gasket on top of the part that needs the gasket. Then tap the "plastic" part of the screw driver around the base of the part that needs the gasket with the uncut gasket on top. When you hit the gasket with the screw driver, the gasket will hit the base and rip little by little. Hit it all the way around and you will get a gasket that fits like its oem. Kind of get it?
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