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    '79 210 / '71 510

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  1. ANY ONE know where i can find bluebird tail lights? im looking for a set !!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. MikeRL411


      No I don't.  This is one of the later version of so called 510, so including the model year in the request will steer the right responses.  Early "original" 510 parts seldim fit later versions/

    3. 80datson


      what do you mean "this is the later version of so called 510" ?

      im confused on what your refering to

    4. carterb


      I'm guessing your user name and car photo are at odds with the car you are looking at parts for.

      Tokyo-2U, yahoo japan, occasional classified ads in the US.  Put a parts wanted add on this site, craigslist, offerup, facebook, etc.

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