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Everything posted by Jennifer

  1. morning everyone!! :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bananahamuck


      It`s morning already?

    3. Siempreloco


      I woke up at 1 and stumbled to my computer...but according to this, its morning, so im fine.


    4. Jennifer


      :) hope everyone had a good day so far... kim.. i don't know what you mean.. i look at it 2 different ways..

  2. Welcome!! nice car mann!! :thumbup:
  3. morning kim! are you a lady?

  4. Morning Kim!! Have a wonderful day!! :)

  5. yeah!! checking him out now.. very nice . thanks !! :D
  6. thanks for the reminderr flat! :lol: :lol:
  7. pretty sure people got or is getting some or will be getting some..... they were handing out condoms at school today.. :lol:
  8. +1... (i owe ya) didn't want to be the first one to say it.. :lol: its all good tho... moarr meat.. :lol:
  9. when you said mating call... i thought of chewbacca. :lol:
  10. thats his girl man!! :lol: :lol: .. oics of jewosh wearing... :lol: jk
  11. i like!! :thumbup: your tattoo is pretty awesome too!!
  12. thatss awesome!!! congrats!!.... oicss hahaha jk
  13. whats plasma cutter day?

    1. metalmonkey47


      A new trend we started. lol Called.... copy Radio

    2. datrat77


      it's on the calendar. Therefor it's official

    3. I'm BLUE
  14. cool seatss yo!! they do look comfy... cotton.. mm
  15. good going buddy :D why haven't i seen this before! you sure have lots of cars! :lol:
  16. this is a little bit of history... same picture of that car in this website... "raced in the 30's or so...... came with a 747 cc engine" http://www.datsunhistory.com/Racehistory1.html
  17. that would be super cool!! :thumbup: either way is goood!!
  18. hahahha awesome!! :lol: nice bed! nice wheel shot with your legs open :lol: :lol:
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