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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. What's sad for the guys that need parts is that the hard to find parts type cars are treated the same as a 90s mini van,, instead of separated out and let be picked over more thoroughly like in the olden days.. :no:
  2. You already told us,,, no demanded,, that we were not to talk to your receptionest earlier in this thread, and since i don't make you money you won't be there when i show up.. So that puts me in quite the conundrum now doesn't it? I think it's my BUTT that be chafing ,, ya knobgobbler
  3. Well now i thought he wrote that his was drum earlier.. Anyways .,, here's a sad turn of events http://row52.com/Vehicle/Index/KHLA10060960
  4. I should correct you and say ,,,,,,, WE are used to letting US down ,,, your texty Mctexty friends, , probably not so much. And if i'm wrong ,, why does no one but your "buddies" know why you would need a "roller" 18 days from now??? ... hmmmmm????? :sneaky:
  5. He said ,, ftw I feel like my wife tonight,, aka , The Department Of Corrections.
  6. Yes that's it ,, i couldn't for the life of me remember why there was an S at the end ... I am sorry but i never e-mail pictures of my cars to strangers in order to gain their acceptance .
  7. I think you guys have Mhubs replys and mine intertwined together.. The car he bought for $300 is a 80 the one me and FATboy510 were looking at was $700 and it was a 82 or 83 i don't remember with disc brakes .. I believe when he said " an 80 with disc brakes" he was asking a question about the one i was refering to, (as i never gave a build year for it ) , not stating his was. I think :)
  8. The only other one i have heard of is the DROP guys outta the Tacoma-ish area but i don't think they have any kinda website.. I think they mostly hang out and organize runs over at 311.org I think it stands for,, Datsun Roadsters Of Pierce county We have a number of Datsun people in the South Sound Olympia area. I am thinking of organizing a club,, i am going to name it WEAK.
  9. Captaingames thinks Nixon was the greatest president ever,, , that is surprising .. Said no one ever.
  10. But yes, I sleep in my own room... now. I wasnt when I first moved in. Owned by an older dude; didnt look well taken care of :( Maybe it's a warning to you about what happens when you marry a chick that makes you sleep in your own room. Or did you mean the car? I passed a primer black early 80s 200sx with banged up tail lights coming outta Centralia yesterday, in the lizard mobile, but he didn't really look over.
  11. I never said my heater didn't work just fine ,, it just doesn't work quite as good as my newer cars, most of them have much larger heater coils in them. The one in my wifes 88 Supra turbo is almost a quarter the size of my 510 radiator. The newer cars are also packing some serious insulation and carpeting that my Datsun doesn't have. When it was 19 degrees that little heater coil and lack of any insulation at all was the why i think it took forever to heat up. So to make a long story short ,, went to bomb to store in 510, too impatient to wait for it to warm up, took car that has every modern convenience short of a Kotex dispenser... And for the record my goofy German Shepherd would have went in either.
  12. I drive a solid axle old truck with drum brakes very similar to a 54 3100 on a fairly regular basis and i only see 3 real problems with "just" putting a high rpm power type engine in an old truck.. Problem 1: brakes Problem 2: steering Problem 3: telephone poles A Mustang or Camaro would be a much easier/safer build we have been wanting to install the L28 turbo and 5speed that is currently in a 280zx into a 60s Ford Falcon Futura but we have never found one nice enough and cheeeep too.
  13. bananahamuck

    The Mechanic

    If you can leave it like it is i would cuz like Lee R said,, the narrator describes that sound perfectly.. :thumbup: :thumbup:
  14. You will probably find that there is a certain amount of "extra" things that are allowed to be in food by law.. They may refund you a can of soup but since the packing company is a different company they aren't actually on the hook for anything, and if you notice the packing company most likely isn't identified on the label. Confucius say: They fuck you at the drive through.
  15. This happened to me and my brother Doug only it was a mouse in a beer .. We took it back and got a whole twofour for free don't you know.
  16. That wasn't on the race track it was in the 3 mile backup on the off ramp to get into the show, I posted because someone said we all took off in separate directions from the superduper mall and seemed to be laying it in 1lo620.. Although if i had known he was going to go all Mel Gibson about the pictures maybe i should have went with a more "tough love" approach. .. :P
  17. Came over here from A10s when i saw you replied here, and i will have to say ,, i'm pretty god damn disapointed at the amount of pictures you posted..
  18. Now that's what a Lada concept car should look like.
  19. Cool the one in Renton was Maroon and at $700. kinda high to pay for a disc rear end for us.
  20. We (Jdork) live at the very southern tip of Puget Sound so it doesn't effect our weather at all, so we are in a serious deep freeze. Blocking some of radiator off carefully would definitely help keep the temps up when warming up for sure.
  21. My 510 is the same way, only with a bigger cab, i went to drive it around the this weekend but i warmed it for a half an hour and said ,the hell with it.. Mine works on all speeds just like it should but i think the problem lies in the shape of squirrel cage housing and efficiency of blades. That and being 15 degrees at night since last Wednesday probably isn't helping. But that's just like ,,, my opinion man
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