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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Huh that's weird , seems like if there was a perfect time of year to sell those crossmembers it would be right now. His website is down right now too. T3 sounds like they have pretty good customer service so it will all work out in the end. The 1 inch spacer oblong holes trick with stock cross member works on some not all ,, i only know as it worked perfect on my brothers but on mine it was way the hell off.
  2. Oh dear mother of god , i tried giving one of these to a local guy on here just to get his 620 back on the road,,, and he passed. :rofl: :rofl: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-510-Manual-Standard-Shift-Transmission-/131148942289?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item1e89160bd1&vxp=mtr :rofl:
  3. Does it not line up even with trans out of car ,, cuz that is pretty bad quality control if it is. Way to late for you but the VG30.com ones fit very nicely. And man it is getting down to the wire
  4. I was thinking gorilla fur covered bean bag chairs for that "vintage" look.
  5. Forgot where the ECU was,, it turns out,, it wasn't under either seat . :rofl:
  6. Kinda missed the good gas mileage and quiet of the ole zx so i thought i'll just go put the stupid alternator on it and just drive it around for awhile..... About 3 1/2 long days and 15 seconds from this being filled with gas through the T-tops and lit on fire as a lesson to the other vehicles in my yard,,,,,, it finally runs again. jumper wires_R_us We ride again my worthy adversary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we ride again.
  7. TED!! are you going to centalia meet?

  8. And start at $63,000 for anything not embarassingly base model-ish.. Don't get me wrong the caddys are some of my flavorite car style right now. But yeah for the price they should be covered in baby seal skin, softened by virgins using black rhino tusks coated in spotted owl brains.
  9. Yes but he did read some of it and that is good. Truth is he probably got distracted by all the pictures you posted.. nudge-nudge wink-wink, know what i mean?
  10. Right on !! Finally there's a website us family guys that drive Dodge minivans to the coast can join!!! :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: Hidden content is just a weasely form of censorship..
  11. I think 1 of those riot vans is pretty much the tipping point for hitting the road man,, 4 ? Now that's just ridiculous. You young guys are so caught up in your tiny worlds,, dude,, there is a huge fucking world outside of that terror zone.. The least you will get is an adventure ,, at best a way more fullfilling life.
  12. I got alotta junk but no hood On another note there should be a late summer get together in Ellensburg/Vantage/George or Moses lake/Euphrate ( for the swim areas if it's baking hot) sometime.. If it was on the 90 we all could travel a bit but nobody has to do 6 hours each way. Probably have to work with people quite a bit on dates as we all would be traveling ..
  13. I will bring a head of cabbage, frozen chicken nuggets and,,,,,,,,the snacks
  14. If your talking about truck the price is in the title. $5000.
  15. Speaking of fowl Dude,,,, i was at the insurance place in Tumwater re-upping my broad form, and the Schwan's ice cream guy came in and he looked just like you man.. No picture as that would be weird as fuck.
  16. If it hits plasic reservoir go to a junkyard and find a car or van with remote reservior and adapt it to your master cylinder.. MGB i think use them to fit huge carbs . here is a example of what i think is a Nissan quest van unit , but there are other newer cars that have them. https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSttbYZ69i9j06lhUkWt-J7hLSb6OwGN7F1U2mWdCsIpomvj2g9 Home made adapters in hoses http://www.locostbuilders.co.uk/gallery/New%20brake%20fluid%20reservoir.JPG Willwood brakes sells a kit but it probably take awhile in shipping..
  17. Will it work if you remove power brake unit and mount brake master cylinder to fiewall? I hate when Z cars win awards.
  18. We only have cars so no grills maybe a campstove hot cocoa/cider packets and water in case it gets cold . What kinda food do you want us to bring?? we can buy now at the Costco and throw in freezer
  19. It wouldn't be skin-to-skin contact per-se ,, as for some reason i always seem to cover myself in bacon grease before running off. What are you guys doing for food?? I hear potluck but is anybody bringing a grill or are we cooking dogs on the exhaust manifold? Out in front of the Quesadilla factory would be easier location but no-one seems to care what the locals think . http://goo.gl/maps/c47tc
  20. Cool have you seen the one DAtWifey had made for Brodster?? http://community.ratsun.net/topic/29648-my-wife-is-the-shit/ Musical interlood
  21. I'm not so sure Tyson would have unified all the belts had he not been fighting 34-35 year old fighters.. Foreman In his prime?? Ali beat him in Africa match Rumble in the jungle when Ali was old and Forman was like 24.. But if they fought today as 24 year olds i would bet on Foreman by a knockout.
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