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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. In case anyone has a early mustang or early camaro and was going for a Can-Am look ,, Tdaaj brought these unilug Westerns by today .. He wants $700. and they are probably going to sell pretty fast., I'm not selling them or anything but i am in love with them :wub: Rare 15" most are 14" width is best described as whoa!
  2. So let me get this straight. I come over and help you with your truck,,, then you punch me in the face. Let me think on it for a bit.
  3. Key to safe country living is heavily armed neighbors that are kinda "twitchy" and old enough to be poor sleepers.
  4. Ahhhh ,, that would definitely cause that, as i have on many occasions seen my wife about to explode ,,yelling " MAKE A PAYMENT" into her cell phone. Computers better seriously get their shit together if they are going to use us to power their grid in the near future.
  5. I used to have 5 sons, apparently one of them and his little high school friend ( i can't remember his name) died from what they call the ,,,,,,, ,,, purification process.
  6. So never watched show,, are these supposedly strangers or like boyfriend/girlfriend type match-ups. I heard the alternate working title was "How come camera 2 only has shakey shots of the girls vagina? "
  7. Yeah but your reenachtments in the potato chip isle down at the Plaid pantry is getting,,,, well,, annoying.
  8. I think it has to be, cuz you see car/trucks they finished years ago still on lifts in background.. They are having fun fixing cars and being ass hats and that for me is fun to watch. The duck show is worse but i enjoy vegging out to that garbage just as much.
  9. As i know no one on this forum ever watches reality TV,, so i will explain a little. This reality show is about these guys that fix up and flips cars to make money. Have you guys ever watched tv with CC turned on?? Now i am far from a good speller but sometimes it's like the person typing is not even watching the screen.
  10. Don't kid yourself that shit is up here too, just last week a couple of thugs parked in front of an AM-PM blocking most through traffic and when the manager told them to move the car,,, one of them walked back over to his caddy ,, got his gun,, and blasted him.
  11. I can't tell if it is your first time or just your childs,,, but being from WA i only know touristy places.. My sons were about your kids age when we went to Cali. We did the walk around and down Hollywood Blvd , and that was pretty dang entertaining.. The beach down by UCLA ( Santa Monica?) on a hot day is pretty good place to watch the people show also. I know you said car stuff but ,, we went to those posted by Tanker, and they were very ,very cool, but i like to emerse myself in stuff.. and cruise back alleys as we stopped and talked to a guy with a hearse over by the Hollywood post office, and a weird old dude with the craziest european car ever.. Boys even jumped out and stood next to the guy as with all the high dollar stuff there,, he probably gets overlooked quite a bit. ( i remember the old dudes huge smile)
  12. Good to see you haven't been shot up into space in one of those contraptions they have you building,, like one of those space monkeys.. Some day man,,,,,,,,,,,, we shall ride again.
  13. What's with all the negative waves man,,,, always with the negative waves,,,,,,,,, Why don't you say something righteous and hopeful for a change?"
  14. It doesn't matter Jacob, he has obviously made himself a martyr by some.
  15. yep like they said ,, break in is mostly for the rings,,, mostly. it might go through oil for a bit even after the 500 oil change,, don't be too alarmed just keep an eye on it. Unless it's a huuuuge amount of course.
  16. So we pulled an engine Saturday night and we still can't get motor mounts on ,, oh wait ,, that wasn't me. never mind to soon?
  17. Was very busy weekend ,, on Saturday we replaced knocking L20b with smaller but quieter 1600 ,, used 210 head with the L20b cam on engine as we knew it had no problems. So we effectively removed a quarter of the engine to gain not falling apart screaming down freeway.. To Izzo,,,,,,, pictures or it did happen muther fuq Clanky Mcclankerson tiny 1600 we had laying around after quicky head swap installed,,, this was about 2:30 when we quit The spacers have been leaking for awhile but we were putting it off till truck was down for a bit. This truck has to make a couple pretty long trips in the next coming weeks so it needed to be crank bang free Then we did a buncha other shit to other shit but that is kinda secret shit all up in here. lastly a shout out to a young dude named Danny ,, dude you gotta hang with us.
  18. No i don't think you see.. I do not really give a fuck about any joke about where i live or the local asshats i am surrounded by in real life.. What i do give a shit about is this thread was started to show how he has learned from past mistakes and should be humbled we still except him,, and you encouraging his bad behavior is kinda a slap in the face to all those that have in the past had to fight to get what they paid for.. And the statement "and will think it was humorous in private" is exactly what i'm talking about.. You as the head patriarch of this " tight kit comunity" as the phrase you have use on many occasions, should realize if we don't change his behavor once and for all ,,, we ( cuz i ain't going nowhere,, EVER) will see 6-7-8 threads about the same god damn thing. To go back to the dogshit analogy ,, You are the apartment manager ,, and he goes and shits on everyones porches but yours,, and even though voices have been raised in anger to get him to stop.. You find it privately humorous that he is defiantly shitting on others. and being ( not humbled as this thread would suggest ) condescending about it. You think i'm pissed at Tristin is laughable,, I want as much as anyone on this forum to see Tyler and him succeed in their venture as T-shirt sticker magnets that park their Hakosukas (they bought with the windfall from selling stupidass stickers) away from us at local meets because they don't want us getting to close . BUT that can't happen if the current trend in not delivering shit stays like it has in the past.. As deputy Barney Fife so eloquintly put it . " We need to nip it in the bud Andy,,,,,, nip it in the bud." Now you see?
  19. Ok you got me , he was masturbating whilst LOCKING them . . And while i'm glad your pretentious self-righteousness is back ,, i was talking to Mike ,, .. and are you saying he should check his e-mail ?? Maybe he's ignoring them like you did ,,,,,,,,,,, for months.
  20. So Mike i see you like this statement ,, probably as much as you will like the thread Fat510 opens in a couple days titled APOLOGY MY ASS, WHERE ARE THE FUCKING STICKERS!! I figure you would enjoy beating off whilst you delete that thread ,, as you are obviously are inviting it with your "like" .. Now either your really ignorant , lazy,, or just plain to stupid to understand,,, this is the 5th thread on the subject of the OP taking money for stuff and having to be publicly outted to do anything about it. In this post he is saying exactly what he is apologizing for , IN THE VERY FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD!! . I enjoy as much self deprecating humor as the next guy .......... but fuck that
  21. What a buncha dicks,,,,, that's why i never come on here much any more.
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