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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. There is 5 411 sedan owners in Olympia area that i personally know of and as of 9:45am today all but one have at least 2 each.. Ain't none of them named Randy or Lawrence . There may be a more, but Oly is quite spread out area so it would be easy to never meet them. Since Oly is the Capitol and county seat, any unincorporated areas anywhere near there are Olympia addresses even if 15-20 miles from there. ......... Case in point me.
  2. Nah,, i don't have any pictures of finish unit but,,, the body is going to be stripped off and the frame and running gear is going to be used as a high floatation farm machine out on the coast.,.. Run fully on hydraulics I will see if my brother-in-law will pull it's sister ship outta the shed for a couple pics. FYI,, although brakes would be beyond sketchy from sitting, It is a running driving vehicle right now .
  3. 1600 to L20b using OG trans,, the flexplates and spacers i gave him were different in many ways ,, not just the amount of holes. :confused: I'm sure it was quite the skull scratcher,, but it is driving around so i assume something was figured out.
  4. You got yours ALL worked out?? Don't wanna get rid of anything you might need later ,you know. I think the flex plate and flywheel bolts are different lengths so you might snag those too... I compared them once but i forgot what the results were.
  5. i would rather have the memories of spending money on fun than even the coolest car.
  6. http://www.avclub.com/article/a-forensic-scientist-gave-the-skull-of-dan-aykroyd-201277
  7. I gotta a whole lot to learn about those engines. Since i had to learn the Lmotor in the 80s ( that's before the internet for you younger guys) i can bullshit my way through almost every conversation about them,,, but with A series I'm like the neighbor that just noticed you got a new tractor.
  8. Title says 77 it was a 5speed , i am the 4th owner(?) in as many months. First buyer wanted 5speed, carburetor and front fenders. Then he gave it to Bill,, who took water pump, doors, windshield, under dash trim, rear end,, i guess i just took,,, it in the shorts. :lol: Tdaaj found a huge stash in a neighboring city that includes a 2door and since it has been in that back yard for who knows how long ,, i figured a running engine even if on it's last legs is better than locked up one. A series 5speed known running A14 front struts with working calipers working heater and heater coil manual pedal unit matching key set Probably all i have left to source to make a driving car is clean gas tank rear brakes rubber brake hoses
  9. These came in today I'm using string to get a extra .0004 sec in the 1/8 v Another harvest special This is what i was after but had to take whole thing to get it. Car was on the road less than 6 months ago. Dude was daily driving it even after tree fell on hatch ,, for YEARS!
  10. I know the feeling I have an aunt that kept saying i owed her money hanging in the hall closet.. On second thought i guess it's not really the same thing.
  11. Just a thought ,,, but maybe you elderly fellows can't hear your clocks don't tic anymore because they are all digital now.
  12. And Mark Mark let a fart and blew it all apart.
  13. I see someone didn't read all the posts that thoroughly ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or someone show alert the Southwest Washington FBI ,, missing persons division. :unsure:
  14. Just do like fellow Spokane local Robert Yates,, just kill them if they don't wanna second date
  15. Means twenty ,, kinda like bacon toast, or aksed not used much, where people talk normally.
  16. Absolutely nothing,, if i had a daughter in high school that couldn't build or keep a vintage Datsun on the road,,, that is the exact car i would buy for her to drive. :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
  17. Lapse of judgement ,,,,,,,,,,,, it won't happen again i can assure you.
  18. Keep your heads in the sand as deep as you can my ostrich friends,,, the future will pass you by,,, , no mattter how scared of it you are..
  19. Jesus son,, put down the sock full of paint fer crying out loud.
  20. Re-post but i think the thread i posted them in is now gone ]
  21. Fuck it the only people that really matter on this site come here to check out what's up, even if it's not every day,, so a build thread fits right in... I have noticed that this thread is a good way to hash out stupid ideas ,,cuz unlike a build thread you don't get the sugar coated version. (trollolz, shenanigans, build threads and general fuckery goes here)
  22. When you say,,,,,,,,, her,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,, girlfreind ? ?
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