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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Not knocking just suggesting as i love the oldschool ruff surface look ( kinda reminds me of those oldschool model A race parts) but Since this sits sideways on engine ,, maybe the letters turned to read right when installed might look better. I might be in the market to buy one either way though,, cuz it's pretty cool. Oh and a Washington badge or two if you ever decide to make those.
  2. Well first off i see by your use of YOLO in a sentence you really see no difference between hillbillies and innercity gangster rappers ,,so that pretty much invalidates any or all of your statement BUT. First ,, the Datsun truck in video has completely stock suspension ,, not even torsion bars have been touched,, so that kinda rules out your "redneck logic" statement. Second i have mine on videea as going through mud,,,,,,,, 1800 Lbs in a 4" lowered truck ??? i call BS without pictures. And finally,, it being Saturday night and from NC,, weren't you suppose to be attending a anti gay marrage meeting or planning a abortion clinic fire,,,, or something. :rofl:
  3. You keep using term SAS ,, do you mean Solid axle swap ?
  4. This is why i signed the petition to nuke Canada the other day in front of the supermarket.
  5. I seen that Courtney Cox on the tube the other night,,,,,,,had so much numbed up in the face she looked like zombie ,, eek sad really
  6. I went out into the internet and typed in great 510s of Vancouver isle
  7. Yeah,, even one pallet would make the chevy squat way more than yours is ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, two was just ridiculous.
  8. No, because if you had a low truck you would have never been able to put that many bags in.. Plus if i say yes ,, you might hit me over the head with all those bags. . :D Are those wood pellets? My dad used to send me 2 hours one way to get 2 full pallets of those things in his old 79 Chevy 1/2 ton and that thing would almost be pulling a wheelie going down the road .
  9. This guy ,, he eventually went solid front axle ,, but there is some good reading if you wanna see a tall truck http://community.ratsun.net/topic/37709-82-720-kc-build-thread/ .
  10. Maybe in Southern Cali (where apparently 1 inch of rain is frightening) ,, but up here we call it a discussion
  11. You know though ,,,,,,, i can say this for a fact .. Canby solves everything
  12. You are the one saying there is to much porn (or however you worded it) and meanness NOW ,,, but you were all up in it in the past........ It's great you think you are above the fray,,,,, but maybe ,,,,,,,,, just maybe,,,,,,,,, current members look at old threads and see how guys like you treated new guys and are emulating YOU ....
  13. Or how YOU acted toward new guys in the past Forgetting the past does not change it.
  14. Yes you did,, at Canby ,,but we are talking aboot how new members are treated back then as well as now,,,,,, as apposed to your self righteous opinion on how new guys are run off by current members. You are my freind and nothing will change that ,,, but not looking at what you did to others is kinda goofy arguement at best.
  15. I would have just been another "guy" that couldn't take the heat.
  16. Nope it was 2010 ( which makes it 2.0 ) when i was a new guy that hadn't started a build thread yet,,,,,, so you weren't concerned aboot running me off.
  17. Hey ,, it's great you think you need to now "protect" your girls from the bad men on the internets now BUT Lou how many negative reps did you give me when i gave you guys shit in insomniacs 2.0 for posting scantily clad females?? Huh? ,,, i think i was at negative 60-75 because of you and a couple others Self righteous much?
  18. Yeah cuz telling newbs to use the search only started since Ratsun started going downhill. :rofl: Some things just make you go hmmmm.
  19. It was mean and uncalled for,,,, things like that are exactly why i don't spend much time on here anymore... In fact i want to delete my build threads to punish everyone on the internet for you guys not ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wait ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that would just be childish.
  20. Nope,,, YOU drive 521 she drives the pathfinder out, to tow you in. ,, pussy The pathfinder would have a helluva time making some of those turns,, as the trees are very close together in spots and that makes the corners very treacherous,, for non dented vehicles.
  21. I think he ment in about two weeks it will be next year. :lol: If i had to ask for time off 6 months in advance, i would make a point of it for sure. I can assure you,, you won't be disappointed.. Meeting and taking Cars all weekend in person with all those asshats from Cali and Idaho, that you never could any other time ,, huuuuuuge amount of ideas and help just for the asking, right in one spot.
  22. I hit that neg button a couple times ( by accident) and there was no way to change it,,,, once the dude freaked all out about it... whoops :blush: (disclaimer) i did hit it a shit load of times for the lulz ,, or on someone that was already freaking out,,, to get them even more crazier.
  23. You know where i live you bastard. :devil: It was just behind those tall trees behind garage. Swamp goes back about 600 feet and water is standing about 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 feet year almost round back there,,, but that 2wd sumbitch could never make it half way through that shit. We do have two sets of those rear chewer tires................ And we will let you go first ole buddy.
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