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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. It was good to see you Datslife guys again ,, i only took one picture all day though.
  2. We were seriously considering moving to Proctor Oklahoma ... Maybe call PnP and ask them to hold it for a few years.. 😃 . .
  3. problem was,, they’re a Buncha fuckin Narcs .
  4. we should do Arlington area ,, mid July Maybe pick a weekend “they” aren’t racing at Shelton . I know we got ran out of parking lot last time but fuck it,,, you don’t know us,, we do what we want. instead of a BBQ could meet for awhile then go over and get cheap hotdogs at the Costco ,, haha editededex ,, I see Costco is in Marysville…. Soooo it’s a cruise!!!! . .
  5. I have driven to Portland and back with my middle son and probably had 4 minutes worth of actual conversation,, his grandpa was exactly the same .. I may talk to much most times, but I can also sit in near silence right next to someone,, if that’s what they dig. I’m glad you came .
  6. I can’t log out of main Imgur account to put the couple pics I have in separate car events account on phone. anyone? Bueller?
  7. Bill out in Elma ,, you may know him as the dude that always drives a B210 im thinking Wildbill on here ?? Or something close to that . picture of engine,, notice the distinct lean of a real engine.
  8. In 2003 we found out that the county cannot use pictures taken from helicopter without getting a warrant first.. and any pictures taken from anywhere but a public roadway/public easement can also be thrown out . If they were on neighbors property even a foot you could ( and did) bring those neighbors in and tell the court the county didn’t have permission to take those. now if you invite them on as seller of cars or parts ( or drugs, in the statement above) and allow them to take pictures they can use those. Or proof of selling drugs from property “”It’s my understanding”” to get warrant they would have to have proof of cause and without that first cause ,, (for me it was fence hiding reason they couldn't easily get warrants) they couldn’t get one . Thus their case couldn’t use overhead pictures and a few taken off neighbors driveway . But I wouldn’t take legal advise from me though,, because like Forest said ,,,, am not a smart man .
  9. Saw a dark green 620 out in Aberville but didn’t take pics since it looked like it was parked at its house and seems intrusive.. but it’s pretty nice old rig
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