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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. TMZ announced Will Smiths wife was so turned on by his chivalry she went home and fucked her boyfriend .
  2. just a young dude, that woke up one day and is tired of being told what he can/how he should think ,,,, sticking his hat in the ring . ex gang member by the way .
  3. I know no one reads this but me but,,, does anyone remember a thread .. a guy with blue 720 saying he was looking for replacement fenders?? Or his were beat to shit and was going to fix .. I’m thinking he was Washington resident . I can see it in my head but the housekeeping in there isn’t what it used to be . want to send a message .signed excess of blue fenders in wa .
  4. We live just after a blind corner and box is across road and use headlights to judge cars coming , so I usually only go out to mailbox way after dark.. Most times ,, like 10:30-11 so if something is lurking I’ll most likely be shoving gun into its mouth to scare it away . These pictures were taken 3 houses south of us. Maybe 1/8th mile of brush connecting properties. I can’t access photobucket but there’s a picture with bear print in mud that ( if I remember correctly) measures over 8 inches across its like a god damn zoo out back. Haha
  5. Would be way easier if you take a picture of your fan and post it. We have had a few 80 720s here but just to make sure we are looking around for same unit.. ... I could also ask Tdaaj but having a picture to flash at him is way easier than guessing . ..
  6. Wait , what? oh snap. Although the older guy kinda owns this picture ,, haha ,
  7. I sometimes carry a old colt .32 ACP out to get the mail if facebook chatter puts a bear or cougar in the neighborhood.. i don't care if it does any good,,, i'm still here, so those scary bastards must know that i'm a god damn killing machine. ..
  8. It’s funny Other than finding it “ fancy” I would have probably thrown it away assuming it was virtually worthless myself . . weird it’s worth anything .
  9. Jesus Christ I had to search in the internal bowels of our old retired computer for those since photobucket shut my shit down . .
  10. They were playing guitars and singing most of the night . Now I wouldn’t say it was bad,, necessarily,, but I heard Yoko Ono was seen wearing their concert tshirt . Might I suggest brushing up on your Hotel California . .
  11. At least I won’t have to put up “no hippy parking” signs now Now that it’s not such a travel hassle,, again I’m thinking Far north meet/cruise in middle of summer but not to hot yet like middle July .. But as usual … probably just be me , Donovan And JJ ,, lol
  12. i know buts the only way we can get Jon to show up.. He has already said,, “ is anyone thinking of skipping Powerland because of fuel prices?” We’re like…. Are you serious you rich fucker. .
  13. @mhub91 ^^^ this buttlicker might be able to send you on hunt for the correct parts. 😆 .
  14. i watched some documentary about him and he actually thought and acted like he was an Indian till he died . was weird but whatever .
  15. The damn things multiply like hobgoblins .
  16. also it’s seems to be slowly turning you into a pirate .
  17. I use IMGUR , works on both iPhone and PC I only used PC till lockdowns put my wife in my internet chair till we made her an office space.
  18. Twas south bounding On the eye of five at Boeing field yesterday
  19. Problem with a place like Mt Shasta if no one lives there , all coordinating would have to be long distance ,, not including BBQs and shit like that which is hard for anyone with an actual life and shit. Maybe we have grown old .
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