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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. on the same subject kinda.. is there supposed to be a exclamation point at the end of eh ? Or is the word eh the exclamation so none is needed? .
  2. I saw a video just like last Thursday with the chief of some government organization being belligerent about them wanting mandates removed.. was saying any police officer giving truckers water or fuel was going to be investigated ( to the fullest extent) by their form of CIA/FBI Can’t remember the agency as I’m not a fookin Canuck eh .
  3. Funny , you’ve got the government moving in your direction so go home. lol took what,, A walk in front of TV cameras to install mask mandates .. Will work for 6 months on truckers behalf to start discussion on them in parliament.
  4. ELH Episode 8 season 7 I Should Have Killed Him Myself Poor dude will live the rest of his life regretting not doing what would normally be considered insane . I'm more into See no evil .. that show is interesting to see how if they really wanted too,, the government could watch almost every thing you do. .
  5. Skalpum has job that literally buys back land away from whites living on his peoples reservation . He hated whites before it was cool. . .
  6. For whom it may concern ,, Skalpum is up and about on his own , a little bit, again . Olympia Datsun guys were pretty worried about him.. . We all have Been missing the little guy quite a lot .
  7. Since now you now are officially a Midwesterner, aren’t you obliged to replace the word hi with howdy ?? There must be a protocol of some kind .
  8. I have had this same exact argument with one of my older sisters many times now. what happened to all you fucking hippies ( meaning her ) marching around screaming don’t trust the government, and question everything , has now become .. How dare you not do what the government says?? You are a Qunon if you question even the governors mask order You can’t grow out of being skeptical,, it would seem to be more so as you grow older. what in the Jesus cabbage farting Christ happened to this country ??
  9. I just happened across it one night.. There is quite a few really funny things in that movie. Wife was watching and laughing a lot which for a sports movie is unusual.. At first I’m thinking it’s going to rewritten Slap Shot but it did it’s own thing .. and the use of the Waterworld weirdo was perfect
  10. FAT510s first car was a 85 bronco ii ,, we got for free , even took his drivers license test in it.. Windowed it just driving around town one day .
  11. 2.8 and 2.9 are different engines . The 2.9 was built to run the fuel injection system and not that much interchanges between the two. the older 2.8 is pretty gutless but reliable the fuel injection makes it drive a bit better than carb but not going to win a drag race against a Yugo . the automatic in those is usually the part that is bad . Look up ads for broken/major cheap ones, it will usually be bad automagic.. I’ve only had 5speed Broncos ii or trucks though FYI ,, even though they look very similar. you can’t make a 2.9 carbureted by switching distributor and manifold . They are to different .
  12. I have always wondered if some of the Canadian bacon I have eaten in the past came from port Coquitlam BC .
  13. I use mostly PC cuz right clicking and pasting is way easier BUT i also use iphone 7 and now iphone 11 so here goes. you can add them directly from your photos if its small enough .... OR get IMGUR app , it's free .. after you get account make a file, in case you wanna separate pics for easier recall .. Now use the plus sign in upper right corner, that will open your photos.. click on all photos you want off your phone or PC .. it will ask if you want them public or private.. Choose private that way you don't put them on the discussion part of that website .. now when you go on IMGUR again, you will want to click on the icon that looks like little people down in lower right ,, that takes you to your pics,,, open picture by clicking on it ,, click it again and then click bent arrow lower left ,, then chose copy link . open URL box in response and paste that sum bitch in there. BOOM!! you are a got dang ruler of the internets..
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