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Everything posted by bananahamuck

  1. Do those wheels take a really odd shaped lugnut or something? ,, the lugbolts are the same as a 71 chevelle ( 7/16 x 20 ) so not sure how they wouldn't be super easy to get at any strip mall parts store or strong enough .. Seen many 70s full sizes rolling for years with a missing bolt.
  2. Weird how many 410/411 cars were there this year,, seems like there were 5-7 wagons,, usually there is 1 or 2 ,,, maybe. You think your other datsuns attract the nuts,,,,,,,,,,,,, you are going to find 411s bring out the true weirdos. Was going to post your new seat but ,, "you know who" ,,, wouldn't front me a pic off his mowbeel device and what-not.
  3. Oh aaaaaaand everyones favorite asshole Fucking Ted talked me into it. :thumbup:
  4. And if HE is to much of a fucking pussy to tell a fat OLD MAN that has had a stroke to stop giving him dirty looks IN PERSON ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, maybe he's toooo much of a pussy to keyboard warrior in here.
  5. MY comment was joking about Drakers 50 car comment lol ............... Jorges was commenting about someone that fucking died ,,, and you are really so fucking stupid YOU can't see the difference,,,,,,,,, that is some serious fucking punk ass shit I will take Drakers shit if / when it comes cuz he gives me shit online quite a bit
  6. If this is a 510 ,, what's the weird box in the upper left of picture?
  7. And by "eugene" math that takes us up to 500 vehicles.
  8. Jorge ,,,,,,,bringin on the drama.............. I knew Datdoug and the fucking guy was dying of fuckin brain cancer for 2 FUCKING YEARS and Rick rat was thanking people for the thoughts and you bring your datslocos poisonous facebook bullshit ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, fuck you man......... Give us ALL a fucking break already.
  9. every time i use photobucket it makes me want to send an envelope full of anthrax to every one ,,, in every persons family,, that "upgraded" photobucket a few years ago.
  10. It's crazy how quiet it is..
  11. Whom ever drove this white B210 hatch ,,,,,,,,,, dude!! that thing is dope. .. i saw the Canadian guys a couple rows over and i really needed to talk to them aboot their show,,, i spaced off and only got this one picture.
  12. We are leaving here at 7:30 am ,, we might stop at Vancouver Walmart to see if anyone was grouping up there for the lulz. See ya'll at the sausage fest
  13. Yep, only making this trip on this alignment since my man with a plan couldn't get me in before Saturday. I was actually stressing putting stock 13s for drive ( running taller tires in rear for better RPM) but i found i am far to lazy to change out all 4 :lol:
  14. Yeah but if i do move them outward i will have to roll the fenders and that steel is way thick and will probably crack the hell out of that cheap-ass paint they used... I have the lug bolts already but just didn't firure i needed to put them in yet. I am going to order some 1 or 1 1/8 inch spacers so i can run my taller winter tires without it looking so weird,,, like a roadster going down the road............................
  15. My son is graduating today and 3 years ago my oldest graduated the Friday of Canby weekend,, and shit ,, HE even went,,,,,,,,,,, buck it up pussies.
  16. Are you sure that wasn't Jrocks business,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, or were the people you talked to ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, dead?
  17. These are Daytons i have had forever ,, but when they give up the ghost i am going to buy a pair of hard pavement treaded Hoosier racing tires that are the same size-ish. Hoosiers aren't cheap though,,, and they have a softer tread so they will wear out waaaaay faster.
  18. We are driving down Saturday morning,,,, when did you think you might be leaving from there?
  19. You're just a really long way away :rofl:
  20. Tires are 215/60/13 in rear. cut the front 1 1/2 coils since nose was waaaaaaaaay up there and looked awkward as fuck.......... This is where it sits now ,,, not going any lower as i go up really bumpy gravel roads on a regular basis
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