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Everything posted by IZRL

  1. "4 million is nothing"πŸ˜†...if you would've lost your mom, a brother, and your brother's wife, to covid like a friend of mine did. Three deaths would've sounded like a lot to you. I lost one uncle and that was more than enough for me. And where did you get this number from anyway? Who was counting, how did they keep count, and how accurate is that number? You don't believe anything anybody says on here, but you believe somebody kept an accurate count of "world wide" covid deaths? On top of that we still don't know how many people have died and will die from vaccine related injuries. They are finding abnormalities in newborns due to the parents getting the jab. I'm guestimating that we won't know the full impact of the jab until 10-15 years from now. You're joking right? You know better than most of the people in the younger generations and you're still hook line and sinker with what the gov tells you is the truth. Again you keep overestimating people's ability to learn from past deceptions. Covid is only one of a few ways that they're using to thin out the herd. 1. Covid. 2. Force a reduction in global food production. 3. Cut impoverished people off from their only heat source- fossil fuels. 4. Indoctrinate children into thinking they're in the wrong body and then castrating them. Those who don't fall into the castration conveyor belt are taught that being gay is better than being straight.
  2. To start 4 million deaths is nothing to sneeze at. Secondly there was no way to predict how many deaths there would be. So how would you know if it would be a "waste of time" or not ahead of time. Thirdly, the jab is finishing what the virus started. You seriously believe that Fauci was working aloneπŸ˜†? Have you not asked yourself why he was allowed to gleefully ride off into the sunset? I knew from day one that If he didn't get prosecuted, he had the backing of the gov to do what he did.
  3. I was just being kind when I said "they weren't looking out for our best interest". I stand by what I've said in previous posts on this thread and on destruction. I believe they did this on purpose to thin out the herd and to test how far they could push the population into submission (population control). See how many freedoms/rights they could take from us before we resisted. Giving the government the out of "incompetence" is a slap in the face to those who lost loved ones to covid and to those who have been injured by the jab. The US Gov knew exactly what they were doing. From the funding of the lab that tweaked and leaked the virus. To forcing an experimental vaccine on people. To refusing to acknowledge the decades of research data showing that natural immunity is the most effective vaccine. To silencing all experts who contradicted what they were doing and that have since been proven to be right. To allowing hundreds of "BLM" and "defund the police" loons to protest in the streets shoulder to shoulder. While at the same time prohibiting religious groups from having services outdoors while sitting 6 ft apart. To inflating the number of deaths and infections caused by the virus in order to scare more people into getting the jab. >>>To continuing to push the vaccine/boosters even after it was proven that they were not only ineffective, but that they were also injuring and killing people.πŸ‘€<<< If this still looks like "incompetence" to you, I don't know what to tell you.
  4. You would think that with all the evidence that has come out showing that the gov wasn't looking out for our best interest during covid. That you would've moved this from the conspiracy pile to the plausible pile by now. But no, sounds like it's gonna take the gov smacking you over the head with a written and signed confession for this to happen πŸ˜ƒ.
  5. The fact that the FBI is hiding the evidence against the Bidens. Should answer your question. They had to squeeze the hell out of the FBI for them to finally give something up. They're still withholding shit so does it even count? I don't care, i grew up saying things like "that's gay" or "don't be a queer/sissy". I say what I say and if someone gets insulted that's their problem. I'm not gonna walk on egg shells for anyone. Fuckem'.
  6. Bashing? There's an open conversation going on here between people with differing views. Which is more than you can say for the rest of the country. It gets a bit touchy in here sometimes but that's to be expected with these topics. It's not about trying to change things, It's mostly about staying informed at least for me. Not everyone. Even though people might be sticking to their guns in the moment. Once they step away, and they chew on it a bit more, sometimes they realize the other person might have had a point, whether they publically admit it or not. Problem is, right now, the left has nothing to offer which is why everything is so one sided in here. Speak for yourself. This is a mandatory part of growing up. People who refuse or don't have the ability to do this, usually have a ruff go in life. It's not about "wanting" to change your opinion. It's about "being open" to changing it if you realize you're wrong.
  7. Very few have the balls to go against the grain. They'd rather fall in line and swallow the consequences of staying quiet and allowing the patients in their party run the insane asylum. "Blue no matter who".
  8. I was thinking this song sounds vintage to me and like something I've heard before. Turns out she samples from Stevie nicks edge of seventeen. It also sounds like this song by "CHIC". "I Want Your Love"(1978) by "CHIC". What i want is to learn that bass line hahaha.
  9. Speaking of Binges.. Reminded me of Manson. "Third Day Of My Seven Day Binge", by Marilyn Manson.
  10. Carolla was on the show Loveline with Dr. Drew from 1995-2005. Man!! It's the most entertaining, funniest radio show I've ever listened to. I worked graveyard shift in a booth at the exit gate of a rental car agency at the Denver Airport for a few months back in those days. This show is what kept me going.
  11. Guess I don't pay attention to people's profiles other than to see what part of the country they're from. I don't make fun of anyone's misspellings. We're on the interweb talking shit in a car forum not writing a paper in hopes of getting published in a scientific journal. Nobody cares. Only time you see someone turn into grammar police is when they get their feelings hurt and they don't have a better comeback.
  12. I'll tell you why I posted that clip but then you have to tell my why you posted the clip of the pair of deranged flee infested feminists. Who's entire video was nothing but childish insults directed at trump. Were you trying to show that they really knew their stuff? Your reply is an assumption. You assume I'm posting Maher clips to show that he really knows his stuff. That is incorrect. The reason I post his clips is to show the humor in the fact that you have one of the most left leaning TV personalities talking shit about the left. He hasn't said anything non leftist don't already know or think. It's good to hear some liberals still have their feet somewhat on planet earth.
  13. You missed my point entirely. Who knows what his play is. Neither me or you can say one way or the other. Also you give most viewers way to much credit. Most don't bother with looking for truth or trying to analyze data. They're there to be told how things are from someone who's on their team. Doesn't matter why he's saying, what matters is that he's saying it. There's a difference between someone that's on your team calling you out on dumb shit over someone who you despise telling you the same thing. To be Honest, I'm not even sure what you're argument with this is?
  14. It's not about converting everyone into a conservative. We need there to be more than one party option. Sure these TV personalities aren't experts and are reading from a teleprompter part of the time but they have a crap load of influence whether people like it or not. What I see is a liberal trying to pull the reins on this woke madness. What we need is for the left to get back on the gameboard and I believe Maher is helping with this.
  15. "We're not running these test do to current world events". Suuuuurrrreeee.. https://www.defensenews.com/training-sim/2024/06/06/us-test-fires-two-unarmed-minuteman-iii-ballistic-missiles/
  16. The movie "The Great Gatsby" was my first introduction to this music. I thought it was badass but couldn't figure out what this style of music was called. Electroswing, I'll have to remember that.
  17. Stay paranoid folks! You'll be way better off living by the "I need to see it to believe it" motto when it comes to trusting people you don't know. Than to flip a coin in trying to decipher if you can trust a stranger to tell you the truth. The thing I trust least on this planet is the gov. As soon as I found out that this virus had been modified and had been leaked from a lab. I knew the US gov was involved in one way or another. This was before they had made it public that the US gov was funding wuhan. I mentioned this to people and everyone looked at me sideways. This paranoia is what led me to question everything they told us about the virus from day one. Which is why I immediately started doing research on the amount of time it normally takes to produce and test a vaccine. How long it takes for it to be given the green light that it is effective and safe. Hint... It's not 2 years.
  18. Did you personally see the elites take the Jab? And I'm not talking about mid level politicians either cause those jackasses are expendable like the rest of us, they just don't know it yet IMO. I've mentioned what I believe the end game is on here & on destruction before and part of it is thinning the herd. By way of virus, starvation, and freezing to death due to taking fossil fuels from the poorest countries. It can't be carelessness or stupidity in my eyes. The U.S was funding wuhan and their gain of function research knowing a leak could happen. What good could come from making viruses stronger, more contagious, and deadlier? Ask yourself, how come lesser countries than the U.S handled the situation better. With less resources? Even average folk like myself with minimal knowledge of how vaccines and medications are made could figure out that their was nothing they could whip up in even 4 years, nevermind 1 or 2 years, with minimal testing. That would be safe for human use or know that it would even work. All the information was out their if you were willing to look. They shut the experts up that had done all that research (NOT AN ACCIDENT)!!!!
  19. Jesus.... I knew this experimental vaccine was gonna be dangerous. I tried to talk some of my young relatives who wanted the jab out of getting it but some of them got it anyway. The true tragedy of this is that those SOB's in this Administration forced this on many including my sister and brother & law. They put the lying piece of shit weasel (Fauci "Mr. Science") who helped fund the virus, in charge of deciding what we could and couldn't do. Then they silenced everyone who apposed the vaccine, including experts in the field. They were releasing false/inflated data on number of deaths & infected people. And they refused to acknowledge the time tested fact that if you got covid, acquired immunity would do the trick and it was better than any jab. Some countries did the research on immunity and decided it was good enough. They left it up to the people to decide immunity vs the jab. I know this is all just a recap of what I've already said on this thread. But I'm telling you guys these pieces of shit knew exactly what they were doing to us and they did it intentionally. Turns out we the anti vaxxers, weren't just crazy conspiracy theorist after all ey?
  20. I see you like songs that are covered by different bands. I'm not sure if you've heard this version of Simple Man. I actually like it better than the original. You also post 80s New wave music sometimes. So I'll post some of that see if you hear something you haven't heard. "Simple Man" Covered by the Band "Shinedown". I'm 100% sure you've alread heard a short snippet of this 80s new wave song. They play it in every tik-tok shuffle dance video. Turns out the full song is really good. "Touch In The Night" by the Band "Silent CIrcle".
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