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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. I was gonna go out and work today, but 97 degrees? FUCK THAT!

  2. Well, I've seen old sets around $20 all over the place on here. Weren't the best ever and pretty gummy, but they were mirrors. If I had $200 for mirrors I would have been all over them. JCWhitney has some I was looking at for about 40 total, but I'm not sujre its the quality I want.
  3. Jesus, where's the internet high five at? It's a good time for that. BTW, nice Datsun. Welcome again, enjoy your stay (cause I know you will), the beds are made and the toilets are clean. And we have an in-ground pool. But to use the pool, you have to become a Premium member. You know how you have regular gas? We have V-Power. Some Premium shit. $5 for six months. Come one in (Do I dare to say it?) the water is fine.
  4. metalmonkey47

    240z Question

    Looks good. Did you take any pictures of your own? Higher res maybe? Can't see many little details with those tiny pics.
  5. Thanks for the pics guys! Glad to see lots of Ratsun in there
  6. Nice ride!!!! The thing looks purely WICKED!! Where is this beast located?
  7. Nice paint!! What are your plans under the hood?
  8. Bump! I did some light soda blasting, so it looks good. Pictures with the next bump maybe?
  9. Nice ride man Love your choice in datto.
  10. Cossie *shudders* One of my dream cars.
  11. This is a vid of a local performance shop that hosted NOPI last year. The car is a nice old beemer with a turbo SR20 in it. It's crazy awesome seeing people drop these crazy motors in the most un-likely of places!
  12. Nice man! Didn't realize we had more GA members.
  13. Those would look great with white walls
  14. I'm looking for some mirrors for my Sunny to throw on my fender. Anybody got a set for cheap? Say around $20 or so? Condition doesn't matter too much.
  15. Thats cool dude! Did you build that thing?
  16. I got nationwide on my dad's policy on my 210. Came up to about 900 for 6 months for just liability. eck
  17. Touche. lol Guess that applies to most Datsuns too.
  18. You get rear ended? The bumper looks jacked up.
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