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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. Passenger has filler :P Just a shitty job sanding it. It looked straight before, but once the paint went on it was HORRIBLY obvious it wasn't. haha It's only been driven like... twice I think since that incident. lol
  2. Just not good enough for me. Too many bumps and shittttt. It's okay though, because it's all just test painted anyways.
  3. Dude, is this your car? Read the comments from the guy.. It's an 84 with an L28 in it now.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmIY_A1aXt4&NR=1
  4. Ehh, I'd prefer a VG, but I'd take an L28 Who's to say he's retarded when most of us here have dome some pretty odd swaps. Remember that Maxima with the L28 that just joined? Not my prime choice, but I applaud the guy that did the work for his creativity!
  5. Looks like ass IMO. The thought was cool, but the paint came out shitty. The whole hood is just fucked at this point. I sanded down the whole hood before I sprayed on the black and wet sanded after. It's just crappy. I'm gonna strip the whole hood down to the metal in a few days and start from scratch the right way.
  6. Cowl it is I don't wanna be like anyone else, which is why I had the thought originally. I'll be back with pictures later
  7. Candy apple red Rising sun would love dead sexy on the car. Perhaps jet black BRE stripes as well?
  8. I'm about to go back to work painting my car, but I need help making a tough decision. I have some jet black for my hood. The question is, should I make the whole hood black, or should I do the raised cowl in the center??
  9. Cars list says a 510, so I'm gonna guess an L 210 cast head. : But if anyone has the same answer for an A 210 head, I'd love you forever:) My engines louder up front then at the rear.
  10. I posted it and it changed damn web embedding
  11. I saw blanks for a 1200 of some kind on there. Friend bough them and they seemed to be accurate reproductions that were sturdy. Didn't bend even if he tried (and believe me, we tried!) and they seemed pretty close to the original that he had.
  12. oh shitttt really?? Never heard that Glad I'm on Ratsun. lol
  13. Is it 8 inch? If so, I think I may have a bezel that you could use Only headlight I got is 12 volt :(
  14. Lets see those wheels!!! Hopefully you find the old ones as well.
  15. Cool! Does it use a round headlight? If so what size? I may have one for ya!
  16. I got 50LBs of blast grit for $8 at Harbor Freight.
  17. EVERYONE IN GA www.downandoutatlanta.com Join and help us out :) THX!!
  18. Thanks for the update! Glad to hear he's doing better, The fact that he is responsive is very promising. Hopefully one day, he'll sit up in his bed and ask for his car keys. lol
  19. When you get inside a Z, a Z gets inside of you.
  20. I was watching some vids, and it was like POW! I had to go back and pause because I wasn't sure if I really saw it.
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