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Everything posted by metalmonkey47

  1. That'a great and all, but what good is reporting spammers when there's no one to review the reports? We're just back to page 1 all over again.
  2. http://community.ratsun.net/index.php?app=forums&module=extras&section=stats&do=leaders only half the mods are active.
  3. Half of them to be honest. We've been on this since it started.
  4. I think we need a member with a high post count, well known, with good intentions to look over the forum. Perhaps someone with a smart phone that can access the forum on the go. This shit is frustrating
  5. Holy spam attack batman!

    1. metalmonkey47


      28 threads and counting

  6. Why insist on giving in so easily? Have you even tried to fix the problem yourself? Datsun's are easy.. If you actually put in an attempt to fix it, you might find your issue is simple.
  7. Snow here is DANGEROUS! The issue is the poor response from GDOT on putting down ice melt. They've fixed it now and the roads are slush, but drivable. I just got home from hooning at walmart. Still stranded people, cars abandoned, wrecked. http://www.businessinsider.com/atlanta-traffic-jam-pictures-2014-1 Speaking of bad drivers. The IDIOT neighbors about killed us. We pulled my brothers K1500 into the yard to put tow hooks on it and the jackasses down the street came flying into the 'hood, sliding down the hill on the ice straight towards up. I had to pull my brother out from under the truck. Got into a yelling match with them while they fucking called my truck a POS and that they didn't care if they hit us, yadda yadda yadda, then tried to go up hill into their driveway, slid down on the ice twice. Second time, into their BMW. Fail. I feel good. All on GoPro. Hoon video's soon :)
  8. Nice! Looks like you guys got a bit of snow there. Update: Governor declared a state of emergency! All roads are iced, traffic at a standstill. National Guard is out rescuing kids off of school busses that are stuck in the ice all nice. If you call 911 they direct you to the closest Fire DEPT or Home Depot. It's nasty down here.
  9. WOW I always thought that was overheating. Holy crap my truck stays ice cold. I need to go to Nissan and buy a 'stat STAT!
  10. So we've gotten a sudden downpour of very rare-in-georgia- snow! Not sleet but snow. My mom spent 6 hours trying to get home 20 miles down the road. Friends sleeping in cars on the side of the road because the roads have iced over (typical georgia problems.) But I did manage to successfully get the truck out in the ice/snow about a mile before I turned around and headed back. Barely making it LOL Anyways, thought I'd bitch for a second and share some cool pics. We don't get snow like this except for every 3 years, so I had fun. wutwut by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr HEYHEYHEY2 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0305 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0303 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0299 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0298 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0295 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0291 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0286 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0274 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr GOPR0280 by Yatesphoto47, on Flickr
  11. Any chance he might have gotten into any chemicals or food that wouldn't be 'doggy' ideal? Hope he improves Mike. I'll ask my sis if I get a chance. She works with the big cats and otters at the ATL zoo and graduated college with a degree in some kind of animal care..don't remember. She's a freaking genius.
  12. Offer him a couple hundred bucks. more then scrap. Chances are if he's planning on moving he's also waiting until the last second to get rid of it.
  13. Also, regarding a leak down test, does this need to be done on a warm motor?
  14. So i didn't see anything in the cap after that. Whew I was getting nervous... Anyways, I think for the time being I'm going to run to Summit Racing after work tomorrow and pick up a compression tester to find out where the compression leak is. Meanwhile, i'm gonna run to Nissan and get a new t-stat, since the crappy autozone one decided it no longer wants to warm up my motor. Doesn't get past the second notch, or 130 degrees after a drive. Shit. New radiator is coming on Wednesday, and I need to figure out something for the leaking heater valve.
  15. Hadn't gotten a chance to do a wipe test since I beat my knuckle wide open when I was adjusting the valves (nice sized gash that probably needs stitches whatever though.) I noticed something that might clue me in though, I'm starting to see oil seeping in places I only last saw leak after the head gasket started leaking last time. I also have a radiator that appeared to be leaking and 'steaming' with a motor that's not quite even up to temp. I know the radiator's been leaking for some time, so i ordered my replacement today. I have a safety release cap on it, so I can bleed the pressure out the side when it's hot (long story, don't ask) and lifted the 'lever' to see how much pressure I had in the radiator, and it was FAR too much. In fact I had only seen that much once before when it overheated a long time ago (PRE-these issues. Thermostat stuck...) Pulled the oil cap and inside was a TINY little bit of foam. I'm kinda concerned based off of this, the rad pressure, and the oil seeping that I might have a head gasket issue again which is beyond insane, considering the head and block were checked with a straight edge and I'm using a Nismo head gasket with ARP bolts torqued to about 70lb-ft (ARP's suggestion). I was going to do a leak down test today but lost track of time. ---I know the thermostat is shit. I'm making a run to Nissan for a new one probably in the AM, so perhaps that would explain the pressure in the radiator? It's not overheating though..in fact the motor was cold enough I could hold the radiator core without an issue after 15 minutes of driving in 25 degree weather. ---Would the foam in the cap be explained by moisture in the air/condensation? It's be very cold lately and we've been seeing rain/snow flurries. I do have the valve cover vented to the intake, and I'm getting a little moisture spitting from the vent when the motors warm. I'd like to try and narrow this all down before even thinking about having a head gasket issue again. Everything was triple checked before I re-assembled and I was very careful about doing it all by the book. Any feedback? Should I re-torque the head a few lb-ft tighter??
  16. Damn, rads leaking. Just ordered my 3 core.

  17. Nothing wrong with them. That's who sells our reman carbs at work, and I've sold a hell of a lot in the last 3 years. Never had one come back except when some old fuck messed one up putting it on his Yota.
  18. Wow LD28 is rarely a motor found on these forums running. That thing has a golden sought after crankshaft.
  19. Ahhhhhh easy, what we're looking for is an uneven or worn rocker by following the oil wipe pattern? I'll do this tomorrow.
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